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Posts posted by mckee
Even in a "safe" environment like this, do not believe that people are what they say they are. Standard online safety rules apply, and welcome to the board.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
We have to wash our hair.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant will bring a nice gift for your son, and will be very helpful in preparing for the other guests.
Goofus will grift your liquor cabinet and will help himself to your prescription meds.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant uses his wits and hard work to be sure he's the First To Find a cache.
Goofus uses his explosives and military demolitions background to be sure he's the last to find a cache.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant: 4 Spiritual Laws.
Goofus: 3 Card Monty.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant knows the key to retrieving a cache is to wait for passers-by to be distracted, where they will not notice him.
Goofus knows the key to retrieving a cache is to dress like a street person and beg for change from the passers-by, where he will turn invisible like all the rest of the downtrodden.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant adopts a cache when the cache owner moves out-of-town for business reasons.
Goofus takes over a cache after the cache owner is forced to move out-of-town under mysterious circumstances.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant writes his name in the log hidden in the cache.
Goofus writes his name in the snow next to the cache.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
I had a great idea for a cache container, a bowling ball-sized flat-black sphere with a string poking out of the top for easy carrying. 4 big white letters on the side would stand for Black Ovoid Multicache Bucket.
Probably going to have to back to the drawing board for this one.....
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Then I could get some help with my butt hair.
TPBM touched me inappropriately, but I was asking for it.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Perhaps something has escaped me. What is the attraction to having sex in a soggy, mildewy, nasty sleeping bag that's been left out in the weather? I can understand packing in the bedding for a Wilderness Quickie, but at least have the class to use fresh stuff and launder it afterwards. *shudder*
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
I thought you were doing a casting call for the Geocaching.com production of "Fiddler on the Roof"...
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Sometimes that happens when you install the bug deflector backwards.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Originally posted by Jeremy:This is the second story in the forums that I've read where someone found sex items hidden in the woods. What is up with that? Little S&M elves in the woods that cobble this stuff at night?
Nothing to see here, folks. Just spritely sex maniacs frolicking in the woods. Move along....
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant knows his morning starts with a fresh and healthy breakfast, because the early bird gets the FTF!
Goofus knows his morning starts at noon, with whiskey and a crack pipe. Screw the early bird, he has a key to Gallant's apartment!
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Gallant sees a choice item show up at a nearby cache and respects the fact that he has already been to that cache, therefore won't swoop in and grab the item.
Gallant's wife Goofus doesn't take NO for an answer and hounds Gallant until he goes and swaps for the choice item.
Gallant is whipped, for sure.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
*GASP!* When did this start happening??? Who knew???
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Originally posted by Webfoot:The person below me can make an authentic Tarzan bellow.
Only in mid.....never mind. My wife knows.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Originally posted by Harrald:You don't talk GeoCaching in a food forum.
You do if you enjoy sharing things with other people, talking and learning about them, even finding broader areas of appreciation for who they are.
The neat part about being stifled is that it creates a nice grey, colorless, homogenized patina that no one can rise above or sink below. One-dimensionality RULES!
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
I carry a cutlass and me trusty dagger, good fer carvin' the hearts outa the scurvy swine that try ta steal me booty! Arrrrrr!
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Originally posted by clearpath:One way to possibly take the fun out of pirate caching would be to give GC cache owners 'credit' for caches that have been pirated. We could include a category that counted pirated caches and 'imprisoned' TBs. When the pirates find out they are actually helping us achieve a number (possibly even 'status') then it might take some of the wind out of their sail. Just a thought.
That might achieve the opposite, as they could then declare they are "helping you out." The incidents may actually rise.
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Are sockMuppet accounts allowed?
Hi-ho, Kermit the Troll here.....
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
Originally posted by Jomarac5:Woodsters, the pirate that is in our neighbourhood is not operating the same as the one recently plundering caches in Washington. The pirate that plundered our caches is called Captain Urchin.
One of my caches was plundered by the pirate, along with another local cache.
This pirate is removing the contents of the cache, hiding the contents in a Lock & Lock container close by to the original cache location (of the two caches plundered so far, the contents have not been more than 30 or so meters away).
A note is left in the original cache saying that the cache has been plundered and a map is drawn on the back of the note showing the location of the plundered contents.
After opening the pirate container (the Lock & Lock box), a second note is found, with instructions to take the contents back to the original cache, put them back in the original cache container, trade whatever you want to trade, and then take the Lock & Lock box and use it to place a cache of your own.
You can see some photos of the notes that were left on http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=3516058331&m=42760668 that is now closed.
Quite a different method compared to the Washington pirate.
Pirate? Huh? What's one of those?
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......
I saw somethin' weird, Does anyone know anything about bugs?
in General geocaching topics
Why thank you!
Searching for the lost, Geocache.......