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Posts posted by mckee
As far as I can see, he isn't doing much different than an ordinary cacher does. Relocating stuff? That's what we do. Providing a map? Also, what we do. Different way of going about it, but what he's doing is more personalized if you really consider it.
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Sounds amusing to us.
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Sally had an eating problem.
You have something on your chin.
"Hold the mayo."
Cream of the crop?
This is her "cheesecake" shot.
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We got a very nice email from Nurse Dave regarding Classy Cache. Other than that, we've never heard from a cache owner about finding it. We have heard back from cache owners when we had questions regarding a missing cache or similar things.
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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:My point on the gun and ammo was to the fact that a gun is no more harmful than a pocketknife if properly used and trained as a pocket knife. But we wouldn't put one in the cache would we? Do you not think that small pocketknife could not cause that much injury or even death? That would be like saying a .22 couldn't kill someone. If put in the right place, either one will.
No one would put a gun in there because there are federal, state and local laws that pertain to the purchase, possession and carry of a firearm. A few places even restrict ammo types. Unless you're leaving an automatic knife you might be faced with violating a specific point of law. Not quite apples-to-apples, which I believe was the point of Xitron's post.
I agree that a trained person with a lockback knife can do as much or more damage, but I do not agree with the GC rule regarding small pocket knives in caches. However, it's not my game.
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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:McKee, you a Meat Cutter?
Nope. The pin in the avatar was on Criminal's home site under the heading "What is this?" I figured out that it was probably a guild crest for a butcher, and tracked it down online. I'd saved the image and thought it would make an interesting avatar.
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Originally posted by 1911:That would be the peoples republic of KaliforniaMaybe The Governator will reverse certain trends up there!
Or not....
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Foam on the Range?
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My wife made a couple of suggestions regarding "money shots", but they were hideously inappropriate. Here are some of the more "family-friendly" ones....
Most ordinary people don't mix their hobby of body surfing with their habit of body shaving, but Gladys wasn't just any ordinary person....
She only asked for whipped topping. Her poor husband ordered the crushed nuts....
Does this dressing make me look fat?
When he saw her, he immediately realized she'd been whipped within an inch of her life.
Personal floatation devices gone horribly wrong.
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Originally posted by 1911:I haven't hunted in years due to the difficulty finding a spot to do it in this god foresaken state.I was lured to geocaching just for what it is.
I am an avid USPSA/IPSC competitor,nothing quite like run and gun shooting for me.
Which god-forsaken state? There are so many to choose from!
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Originally posted by Jeremy:I don't care a whit whether you are pro or anti gun. Answer the poll if you like but quit carping about pro or anti gun rules.
Are you a geocacher and also a hunter? Yes or no. More opinions on guns should go elsewhere.
I'm an expert marksman, and I'm neither pro or anti gun. I do think that having a gun as an avatar is a bit much, if not intentionally provocative.
Thank you for weighing in and giving direction regarding acceptable discussion. I appreciate it, and I suspect others here do, too.
The avatars are personal things, but are far more interesting when changed from time to time. Statements? Of course they are. Provocative? Sometimes, sometimes not. That would be fodder for a different thread, I think.
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Originally posted by Jomarac5:Why is it that you have a difficult time understanding that your property is your own? The intellectual property that they are being less than up-front about telling you their intentions, is being taken from you with the slippery wording of the agreement. If there is no other planned purpose for taking the rights to our property, then why the need to have unlimited use to our property? Why don't they clearly state that the information will not be used for anything other than the operation and promotion of the site?
I suspect that the issue is that no one can see how posting inane dribble on a forum equates to valuable intellectual property. As for why GC doesn't clearly state their stance and claimed rights, it's on the page where you click "I Agree" in order gain access to post on the forums. That people don't read it is the fault of the people.
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Originally posted by Jomarac5:Oh, come on, if I ask a question about pretty much anything to do with policies of a business, I can expect a reasonably direct answer.Please note that I didn't say in the post that you weren't to expect a reasonably direct answer. I only offered one possible reason you received the answer you did. I agree, it should not be difficult to get a straight answer, but unfortunately your reality may vary.
And now, I've asked questions that don't require an interpretation of the TOU -- do you really think it unreasonable to have these answered?
Not particularly.
The safest bet, for everyone, including you and me, is to _know_ what happens to your property if you upload images, etc, to share with others who participate in the activity. So far, this is not clear.
I don't tend to upload anything I will feel bad about losing, but that's a personal decision.
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[This message was edited by mckee on September 02, 2003 at 02:22 PM.]
Typically an attorney represents one side. In this case, it's geocaching.com. That may go a long way to explaining why the questions won't be answered: It is not in geocaching.com's best interests to do so. That doesn't mean there are sinister motives, only that the lawyer's advie is not to answer questions that could become problematic if those answers are changed later on.
The safest bet, if you're worried about losing your rights to something, is not to post it. Seems like a pretty easy thing to do.
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Originally posted by seneca:I always feel a little ashamed watching PBS without paying them.We were members of OPBS years ago. They were interrupting Dr. Who (the only thing we watched) with a pledge drive, and we decided, "What the heck, if it'll keep Dr. Who on."
We joined.
They cancelled Dr. Who THE VERY NEXT WEEK!
We stopped watching and never renewed.
I just know if I pay for a "membership" to geocaching.com, they'll close down the very next week!
You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching!
[This message was edited by mckee on September 02, 2003 at 12:00 PM.]
Originally posted by clearpath:Or ... This website is dedicated to Geocaching. Take the misguided gun topic somewhere else.
The issue will always be kicked around, as some people think it's valid.
Thanks for bumping the thread!
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Originally posted by clearpath:I wouldn't. This website is dedicated to Geocaching. Take the misguided gun topic somewhere else.
My suspicion is that it degenerates into playground scuffling because of responses to the trolling that magically appears....
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Originally posted by seneca:Now the reason the "Gun" discussions are frowned upon by TPTB, is that the discussion usually becomes simple, geocaching unrelated, gun talk about the best way to “cock your glock”. Then someone says how they couldn’t possibly trek without their “Kel-Tec”. And then, I, (wanting to get in on the discussion), make my personal observation that people who have an irrational desire not to ever leave their home without equipping and preparing themselves to commit homicide, have “had their brains turned to mush from sniffing too much gunpowder”. Apparently some people don’t like this observation, and things get pretty heated.
The thread then gets closed either because the discussion has nothing to do with geocaching, or it gets a little too ugly. I’m not too sure which one.
My suspicion is that it degenerates into playground scuffling because of responses to the trolling that magically appears, and Jeremy is tired of hearing about it. Just my suspicion. I'd love to see 3 or 4 pages dedicated to questions that are gun/geocache related, without it degenerating into name-calling or the best way to kill a threat.
I'm such a sad idealist...
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[This message was edited by mckee on September 02, 2003 at 08:39 PM.]
Originally posted by NattyBooshka:We have armed police here, but not walking the streets (with the exception of Nottingham and parts of London) The carrying of guns by police has coincided with an increase in firearms offences, and armed robbery, in both cities...
One of the things the pro-side cites is that this problem arose after guns in Britain became severly restrictd, thus proving that gun laws do not stop gun crimes.
so I guess the average criminal is not detered by the police being armed... so why be detered by mr average carrying one.
"The average criminal" (whatever that is) wouldn't go up to rob a cop anyway. They would go up and rob a regular guy on the street. If a portion of the amount of regular guys on the street were suddenly armed, face-to-face crime becomes more dangerous than simple property crimes like breaking & entering or car theft. "Crime" as an abstract concept doesn't go down, it shifts to crime that is less dangerous to the survival of the criminal. "Violent crime" (more specific than "crime") will go down as a result, or at least in concept.
I see the point that if I pull a gun on an attacker he is more likely to run away... but when guns are more widely available, the chances of my attcker being armed are greater and so, therefore, are the chances of me being shot.
That is if he wants to risk certainly being shot at. Of course if the ciminal has his gun out first, the victim is having to beat the nasty Reactionary Gap, a mostly-losing bet. This is why self-defense courses (not the generic "safety course" most people feel applies to tactical training) preach that Avoidance is a Fight Won. Use techniques to avoid being cornered by a potential attacker, and you will not have to pull the gun you carry. Wise words that most people who carry guns legally don't always get. If you do actually go to the extent of learning any sort of tactics, you're branded a "gun nut" by the anti-gun crowd for following their own recommendations, that "You should have to go through police-style training in order to carry."
I have been robbed at gunpoint when on business in Belgium, and I gather that the guns used by offenders there are generally legally owned.
Why? I'm not familiar with their laws regarding legally obtaining a gun, so I don't know if they can easily buy or sell without a paper trail.
Whilst on facts... I believe that guns are the number one cause of death of black youths in the United States... and that can't be good.
That is probably accurate, and I am crazy because I blame their lifestyle choice. Generally, their killer will be another black youth, and drugs/gang problems are the direct cause. If the pressure to become a part of such a sub-culture is removed, the problem is reduced (note I do not say "eliminated"). That does not mean that other problems won't exist since Human Nature is the prime motivator. The same result with removing only one tool (guns). Cain and Abel both knew this.
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Originally posted by seneca:Bull... show me your independent sources.
Fact: _Very_ often the drawing of a gun ends up with a dead person.
Is "very often" a quanitifiable scientific term of measurement?
Regarding drawing in the face of an attack by someone, human nature values survival over all else. Saying that "very often" a criminal will staop is a pretty sure bet. As for the other 2 points, you won't find any "independant source" simply because statistics do one thing well: they lie. Both sides spin them, and I ignore the numbers both sides present because I really don't care what their numbers say.
I know this is a hot button issue for many, you included. I am just surprised it's as big an issue that it is. What does it have to do with geocaching? Just as much as what you wear for shoes, what you eat or if you wear shorts while geocaching. Why do you care if people carry while they cache?
It means something to some people, nothing to others. People do not have to justify what they feel about the subject, and that applies to both sides of the issue.
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Originally posted by Zach and Shannon - Team Zen:People in this country need to learn not to fear so much. Fear is the biggest problem we have. They're too willing to pull a gun on a person because they happen to be walking to the same store as them and are of a different race... "Oh god... that *insert racial term here* is following me... I need to do something if I want to live." Guns aren't the problem, but until we learn to be less scared, maybe we shouldn't carry so many. (Scared of wild animals is different. I'm not criticizing anyone who carries for that reason of protection.)I really don't think the situation you describe above exists. If it does, it's infintesimal. The vast majority of problems exists between either people with criminal intent and their victims or people with criminal intent and their cronies or other criminal foes. I've put perhaps 500 people through the NRA handgun safety course in 10 years, and only one of them has ever pulled on a person that I've heard of. A guy attacked him with a tire iron in a parking garage in downtown Portland. My student drew his gun, the other guy changed his mind. No charges were filed. What you have described fall within the definition of Menacing. It happens sometimes, but it's quite rare.
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Originally posted by ScrubJ:OK, so I'm a noob... Gun talk is banned here????
Bingo! No good explanation that I've heard, other than the abovementioned. Peole feel it's a legitimate tool for caching, while others disagree. Therefore it is forbidden to discuss it.
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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:I can tell from vast experience in weapons training that even older people (adults) are not educated in these things. I think it all depends in your upbringing and your surroundings. We all would like to think that others are taught the way we were, but realistically they aren't.
Sadly, you're right. As am I. Somewhere between my teenage years and my thirties, I ended up on Saturn. I prefer my old home world.....
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Anything in the cache that's not the log can be considered a "trade item." However certain trade items are not to be kept, but to be moved to other caches. Broken McToys, for example...
I don't think there should be a rule on this, per se. It's an issue of what each individual feels is applicable. What is a travel bug "worth"? A McToy? A button? A handful of little rubber animals? A diamond? A (gasp!) pocket knife?
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Cachers into shooting sports
in General geocaching topics
If you think the posturing is silly, posturing back sort of undercuts your message. More importantly, why bother trolling for the reaction? If it's a personal thing, it seems that engaging in trolling is going to get you as heated up as you hope to get him/them/whomever. Seems like a lot of wasted emotional enegry you're putting out toward someone you don't care for, energy that could be better enjoyed with friends, family, etc.
A joke only 4 or 5 people here might enjoy: What wears a monacle and is covered with bloody bits of toilet paper?
Col. Cooper, shaving with his back to the mirror.
I heard that in an Ayoob class a few years ago.
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