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Posts posted by Duncan!

  1. Join the Chuy! family on a hike in the Lagunas to the Secret Swing on Memorial Day next week, the 25th. It's a 1.6 mile hike each way.


    Parking is at Cedar Slicker II, N32 51.237 W116 26.129 .


    We plan to start the hike at 9a'ish.


    I'll be there with my two girls and Wills. Ginger and Mocha will be there, yes?



  2. Sort of on this same topic, who has the fastest FTF??

    One of our first caches was found by John (J&J) 23 minutes after it went live. Sort of wished we had ordered a pizza for the FTF prize, but it might not have arrived in time. Maybe we should simply place a DQ sundae in the cache and see if it is found before it melts?


    My personal best is two minutes.

    Given there were special circumstances, four caches had partial coordinates to the the fifth. So, I found the multi-cache before publication, logged a "found it" just two minutes after publication.




  3. I've been gone a long time, and finally am getting back to the cachin' world. I used to use Google Earth to look for caches in a specific area, but I see that link no longer exists. Is there a different way to download the KML (?) file to view caches in Google Earth?


    That service has been discontinued.


    In lieu of the KML, run a PQ of the area you are looking at and open that GPX file in GE. And it will be more accurate, too.



  4. Cool video. Seems like something you would see on TV.


    Say, I haven't kept up on all the threads about the Oregon. Can anyone give a detailed case for why I might want to trade in my 60CSX and get an Oregon? I'm pretty happy with my 60CSX/Palm combination but I really haven't heard much about the Oregon.


    I love not having to pull out my palm/pocket pc to check for the clue or past logs, it's all right on the Oregon. The Oregon holds 2000 caches as compared to 1000 on the 60csx. You can upload field notes from the Oregon and log your finds when you want to. I keep my 60csx around for my bike and quick waypoint entry. Not as detailed as you might like, but those are the big pluses for me.



  5. Hmm, I wondered, how can I generate a Pocket Query that'll give me all of Ritz Crackers' new 50-states caches, without anything else, that I can load into GSAK? Probably everybody else has figured this out by now, but in case anybody hasn't, here's what I did:


    I noticed they were all placed on March 8, except for Alabama, placed earlier, and the 3 non-states (Guam, P.R., and V.I., which were placed later). And they're all members-only. So the following plan at least gets 49 of the 53 and the rest you can get on paper or individual downloads.


    Choose a cache more or less in the middle of the route; say, New Mexico. Run a PQ that gives you all active caches within 8 miles of that cache, that are members-only, and that were placed between March 8 and March 8. Bingo, exactly the 49 caches you want.


    As I said, most of you probably figured this out, or an easier way, right around the time fire or the wheel were invented, but sum ov us iz kinda slo.


    I'll see y'all out there, breathing the fumes of the 56, real soon!


    For next time, if someone has created a bookmark list (like ThePolarBear did), go to that list and hit the "Create Pocket Query" button on the bottom of the page. Fumes ain't too bad if ya pick a windy day!



  6. So, the count is in. it's official, the team of Duncan & Chuy were the big winners in FTF's yesterday with 27 FTF's in a single day - WooooHooo!!!



    Thanks for the props Ritzy!


    :blink: BZ to S&R on 4000 cacholas!! :anitongue:

    :anitongue: BZ to Lost Clan on 4000 bagged and tagged! :anibad:


    :( Another BZ to all the recent 'stoners!! :)

  7. Just a heads up to everyone out there that knows Randy Thunder-4. Randy ended up in the hospital yesterday evening, and suddenly discovered that his kidney function has dropped to 5% of normal. He has undergone one dialysis treatment already and will have another treatment tomorrow and then again on Sunday. He will be facing the need for dialysis 3-times per week from now on, so needless to say this has been a life-changing revelation for him. He will be in Room 630 at Sharp Memorial Hospital on Frost Street (near Children's Hosp. in Kearney Mesa) until late Monday, and would welcome calls and visitors just about any time. The phone number is 858-939-3400 and just ask for Room 630. Feel free to call me at 858-335-9590 if you want more information. I saw him tonight, and his spirits are good (Randy has such an awesome attitude about everything). I'm planning to go back tomorrow with some comic books or something fun like that.

    ;) Wow! Golly! :D That's a shock to the ol' system. Hang in there, buddy!



    We are with you in spirit Randy, hoping for the best outcome there can be.

    There's a huge Geocaching Family here that really cares about you, including us!


    Steve & Janie :anibad::D




    :D Ditto what all the others have said Randy. If ya need anything let us know. Heck..we'll even place caches around the dialysis center for ya if you want :D John and I wish you the the best.....


    Thanks for all your thoughts and calls. That really means a lot to me!

    I'm doing well. I did my second dialysis today and I can say that I already feel a lot better already. I have another dialysis session tomorrow and then I may go home on Monday.


    Glad to hear you're feeling better. If you need anything, let us know. Cya,



  8. I purchased a Colorado back in April from REI, used it on and off, never very happy with it. If I had my 60csx and the Colorado, I would be using the 60csx by the end of the hike. Returned the Colorado to REI and did a straight trade for a Oregon 300. Best decision I ever made. Hope that helps.

  9. Howdy y'all I am in town for a couple of weeks with my blimp Snoopy 2 masted at Brown Field. The closest cache is the Tower of Terror which I have already hit. I would love to meet some cachers maybe even Georgers who go caching!


    My off days are Thursdays and Fridays we could cache and swing by the blimp so I can show it off to you.


    I have a Colorado GPS Teva sandals and an urge to get out of my hotel.


    You could contact me through the geocaching page or





    Any chance we could go caching with the blimp? Sure would help with some of those El Cajon Mtn caches.


    Chuy! and I usually do some Thurs nite caching, usually 9p until 1a if you're interested. Happy New Year!



  10. Wow! That happened a lot faster than I thought it would. The 101 Dalmatians series has its tenth finisher!


    Congratulations to:

    Condorman and Duck432


    FlagMan and Lulu499


    Chuy! (and Ginger!)


    Triple Crown



    And bringing up the rear in 11th place (a.k.a. First Place Loser) -- The Splashes


    (P.S. The Splashes would like whoever nicked the FPL Trophy to return it, please... :D )


    Gotta thank Ginger! for not taking that 8th spot! Owe ya a Milkbone, sweetie!!



  11. To my Geocaching wife...congratulations on your 2000 cache...I can't believe you walked through muck and mire to find a cache!


    I love you,


    Matt (Ososeki)


    Wow Matt, that put tears in my eyes!! Yep, 2000 caches and going stong!! Way to go Nancy! :D


    :blink::blink::blink::D:D:D BZ!! :blink::blink::blink::D:D:D

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