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Everything posted by Duncan!

  1. one more Duscwe! Confess!
  2. and another Duscwe! Confess!
  3. I lied, here's another try Duscwe! Confess!
  4. last try Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  5. working now? Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  6. now for something completely different Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  7. seeing if it works now Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  8. title under the avatar photo not showing up...getting frustrated...
  9. Avatar text is not showing up, any ideas? Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  10. just wondering if it works...
  11. Sorry for the double post, I have the shakes from caffine withdrawl. Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  12. quote:Originally posted by Parsa:Dude! You gotta stop drinking so much coffee. I always write my coordinates down. Never trust the receiver. I do the following: 1. I write down the full coordinates as they appear on the screen at the location. 2. I then procede to write the fractions of a minute for long' and lat' every 30 seconds. This gives a regular independent variable. It would probably be enough to get six measurements like this, but I usually take a dozen or so. (Often you can tell in six measurements if the coordinates are fairly steady. If they aren't, then I take a dozen or so.) Take the average of these and use that as your set of coordinates. 3. If you come at a different time, you can do it again and average this value with your previous one. This will account better for different satellite positions. Steve Sniff...sniff...Yes, Master. Decaf for the trip, from there we'll see. BTW - I went out the next day and got the coordinates; thanks to those that offered to help. Steve - will try your method next time. BTW, BTW - the Surf's Back Up cache is gone, will not replace. I know, I know, you don't have to tell me... Duscwe!
  13. quote:Originally posted by Parsa:Dude! You gotta stop drinking so much coffee. I always write my coordinates down. Never trust the receiver. I do the following: 1. I write down the full coordinates as they appear on the screen at the location. 2. I then procede to write the fractions of a minute for long' and lat' every 30 seconds. This gives a regular independent variable. It would probably be enough to get six measurements like this, but I usually take a dozen or so. (Often you can tell in six measurements if the coordinates are fairly steady. If they aren't, then I take a dozen or so.) Take the average of these and use that as your set of coordinates. 3. If you come at a different time, you can do it again and average this value with your previous one. This will account better for different satellite positions. Steve Sniff...sniff...Yes, Master. Decaf for the trip, from there we'll see. BTW - I went out the next day and got the coordinates; thanks to those that offered to help. Steve - will try your method next time. BTW, BTW - the Surf's Back Up cache is gone, will not replace. I know, I know, you don't have to tell me... Duscwe!
  14. Help! I set a cache in Little Blair Valley, near the pictographs in ABDSP. OK? Well...I lost the coordinates! They were accidentally over-written by my friend while we were caching (really, it wasn't me!). I might not be able to get back there until the 21st and I would like it to be ready for the big event. If anyone is going out there sooner could you get the coordinates for me? I took a spoiler photo and with "other" info, it will be an easy find. (Hint - Ruscal, Nat, or T.R. Violin). If not, I'll get out there Tues. and hope it gets listed in time. Thanks, Duscwe! Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  15. me too!
  16. Hey Guys, Wanted to thank Parsa for setting this up, Thanks Parsa! I let the moths fly from my wallet and became a premium member today! Yay! If anybody wants a freebie, the San Diego Zoo is free for everybody on Mon., Oct. 6th. I asked for vacation leave that day and actually got it! I'm heading out to Blair Valley to check out the area. I've been out there before a couple of years ago, but would like to do some recon and check out the place. I will definitely be there on Saturday, not sure if I can stay for Sunday, we'll see. I'll get some pics of the suggested camping site and post them. Thanks again, Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  17. Hey Guys, If you're missing a travel bug check this out, found this website by accident. PirateCaching.com Duscwe! Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  18. OH-MY-GOD, what have I started? All I did was mention a little caching in the Desert! I hit the Smuggler's Cave Cache on the 12th, that's a must do, but a long walk if you don't have 4WD. My vote is for Blair Valley in late October. Weekends might be a problem for me, but I might be able to cut some deals with the boss Duscwe! Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  19. Hey! You guys rock! I have the last week of October off. Weather.com says average high is around 85 degrees, not too bad. I'm flogging a jeep wrangler if I didn't mention that. I was planning to do an overnighter, put the idea into my wife's head a couple of months ago and I remind her every couple of days! Added a pic of my new toy for $#!+$ and giggles. Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  20. DECAF is a four...five...four letter word! Gonna be on the lookout for yer caches D-Gang! Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  21. Hello All, I thought this was a discussion board, where's the discussin'? I wanted to show off my new avatar photo, I'm in my retro phase! I'm jonesin' for a FTF, where are all those new caches!!??!!?? Where's a spot in old SD county that needs a cache? What spots have been neglected? Have we gone overboard? Are there too many caches? Have you seen the posts in the Bay Area Disscussion boards, are those cachers bitter, or is it just me? (Many things are just me, ask my wife). Who really likes puzzle caches? I know where to buy altoids for 99 cents! I should stop drinking so much coffee! I'm going caching in the Desert in October, who wants to meet me out there? Now calling my Jeep the Cache-Wrangler. I hear voices, gotta go! Bye! Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
  22. Hey, for those interested, all but one of my Dead End caches have been approved. Number five is pending approval because it is a multi-cache and I need to send in the final coordinates. Hope you guys have fun. Setting caches is fun, but not as fun as finding them...I can't be FTF on my own caches, can I? The higher, the fewer!
  23. quote:BTW... our THE SUPER GEOCACHE has been approved, and still does not have a FTF! Happy Hunting!!! Watch out travel bugs... here we come. How about a hint for ol' Duscwe!? I was out there for a good hour the other day. Actually, I'm just testing the discussion board for myself, but still wouldn't say not to a hint Duscwe! The higher, the fewer!
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