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Everything posted by spotter/g

  1. thanks for the info! now all i need is the software and a PC!! Having a Mac is usless with a GPSr!! but i still love my Mac.
  2. I have a SporTrac Map, and would like to uplaod my track to some (any) software so that I can make a printout of the days travels. I'm having a hard time finding old Magellen software, and was wondering if anyone has any experence with another mapping software. thanks.
  3. i would be intrested in the software, would you concider just that? i don't have paypal, i would send postal money order. thank you.
  4. Is there a chart for magellen sat #'s? thanks
  5. its a good idea to put a finish of clear coat on your 'cans' after you paint them. I work in an art supply store and we sell a version of Krylons crystal clear called matt finish. It is the same thing as the glossy, but matt. Perfect for protecting from the elements and from muggles! You sould be able to find it at most art or craft supply stores. I've even seen it sometimes at Wally world.
  6. its a good idea to put a finish of clear coat on your 'cans' after you paint them. I work in an art supply store and we sell a version of Krylons crystal clear called matt finish. It is the same thing as the glossy, but matt. Perfect for protecting from the elements and from muggles! You sould be able to find it at most art or craft supply stores. I've even seen it sometimes at Wally world.
  7. Been looking around the fourms, and was wondering if there was a way to search bookmarks. Lets say I was going to travel across route 90, is there a way for me to look at any bookmark that had 'route 90' in its title. I guess it would be much like on the hide and seek a cache page. thanks.
  8. I most definetly cache alone. Most of my friends think that its a silly pastime. I have taken a couple of friends once, and they liked it, but not enough to go a second time. Anyway, I really like caching alone mostly because I talk all day long to many many people (retail) so time alone with my thoughts is most enjoyable! I do wonder if muggles think I am up to no good, or if they will find the cache and destroy it, but the joy of the find makes me forget all of that! BTW, i do wear a hat...to cover the bald spot!
  9. I am most certanly a paperfull cacher. I really enjoy having the peice of paper with me, I use it to give me clues (especially when I need to decrip the clue) record notes (like animals encountered) and to remember what I traded. But mostly why I will always be a paperful cacher is I save all those sheets, and a print out of my log at the sight, to keep them in my geocaching scrap book. I love being able to look back at it and reliving the whole experience. I've got 114 finds right now and they are all loged in 6 binders with the photos that Iv'e taken while caching. Keeping the paper is just another way to enjoy our fine sport, at least for me!
  10. I have photographed my GPSr many times for use in my Cache memory books. What I do is hold my GPSr at arms length and focus on it, with what ever else im trying to show in the back ground. I, however use a flash, so what I do to not get a glare is to tilt the screen like 5 degrees to the left or right so the flash bounces off to one side.
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