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Power guy

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Posts posted by Power guy

  1. I have 4 trackables out in the world (2 coins and 2 tags) i have noticed that all have been picked up (logged) but never placed. Is this common?

    You and I see things differently I guess.

    Two are held by folks just last month (one mid-month).

    That's not really too long to hold on, though maybe a note saying when they'd place it'd be nice.

    - The other two are placed in caches.

  2. Being new at this as well i can tell you that when i use the app i will get "close" to the cache and all of a sudden it will change direction and tell me i have 45 feet to go. So seeing as i work with a bunch if electrical engineers i reached out and ask "how is this happening"? the most common response i got back was:


    (1)A cell phone is dependant on a cell tower therefore you must be in range of a tower for your cell phone GPS to work.

    (2) the further you are away from a tower you cell phone will boost the power in order to connect to the tower and the closer you are it will reduce power.

    (3) keep in mind that anything obstructing the siginal (IE: trees, buildings and even yourself) will throw off your GPS.

    (4) the last bit of advice they gave me was "go buy a cheap GPS unit" So I did and have had no issues since.


    Power Guy

  3. I am new at this and have a question. I have placed a trackable in each of my Caches. (2 total). Have had a lot of people find the cache and sign my book but no one wants to take the trackable. Is this common?


    Power Guy

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