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Posts posted by DaffyDuck53

  1. Many times I did place animated banners on my cachepages on geocaching.com.
    There were never problems, till last week.
    I made a new banner (animated GIF) and placed it on a new cachepage, but is won’t work properly.
    It will not animate.
    The URL is https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/2be42737-1752-434f-96e7-f4b338240164_l.gif
    I changed it to https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/2be42737-1752-434f-96e7-f4b338240164.gif to let it work.

    Afther uploading to this forum it works properly, so you see.
    Afther uploading the  animated GIF to the Gallery of my cache page, the structure of the gif image changes in a jpg format. Thereby the animation no longer works.

    In previous cases, it has always gone well.
    What is the error while uploading to https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/ 
    Is it a bug? Is there a solution allowing me to upload the banner to the Gallery on my cache page?


  2. Many times I did place animated banners on my cachepages on geocaching.com.
    There were never problems, till last week.
    I made a new banner (animated GIF) and placed it on a new cachepage, but is won’t work properly.
    It will not animate.
    The URL is https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/2be42737-1752-434f-96e7-f4b338240164_l.gif
    I changed it to https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/2be42737-1752-434f-96e7-f4b338240164.gif to let it work.
    Who can tell me what is going wrong? Is there an solution for this problem?

  3. Ik probeer mijn TB pagina op Geocaching.com voor de Gemeenterace 2012 aan te passen.

    De bijbehorende banners wil ik op de pagina plaatsen.

    Als ik dan op BEWERK DEZE TRACKEBLE klik kan in gewoon aanpassingen maken.

    Echter als ik in HTML wil aanpassen klik ik eerst op SOURCE en dan zie ik de html-code.

    Ik kan dan geen aanpassingen maken.

    M.a.w. gewoon bewerken lukt wel, maar in HTML lukt niet.

    Weet iemand wat er fout gaat?

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