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HappyFrog (& gang)

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Everything posted by HappyFrog (& gang)

  1. Do you think that the Fire Dept Museum should be a virtual cache? HappyFrog
  2. The following is a Fire Dept Museum in Victorville, CA which is the Mojave Desert. I have been told to get the ideas of the public, because I was told that it did not mean the guidelines for a virtual cache posting. *************************************** The details that I posted for the cache page are as follows: This museum is dedicated to the preservation of Station No. One, as well as the collectiona and display of firefighting equipment and memorabilia. It is also a depository for historic information of the Victorville Fire Department. Many artifacts date from the 1930's and include two pieces of apparatus known to have been used in Victorville. The admission is free. This site is usually open only on the weekends and is manned by firemen who volunteer their time. ************************************** I feel that this cache is a historic interest to both firefirers and the community that I live in, which is different from everyday items that you would visit. Virtual Cache Posting Guidelines: A virtual cache must be novel, of interest to other players, and have a special historic, community or geocaching quality that sets it apart from everyday subjects. Items that would be in a coffee table book are good examples. A flagpole, manhole cover, tree, etc., are poor examples (with a possible exception: A flagpole at a memorial or a particularly novel flagpole would be ok, or an especially unique tree would count). Conversely, a scavenger hunt posted as a virtual cache would not be ok. If you don't know what is appropriate, post a question to the forums first. My question and that of the person who wishes to approve the cache is do you think that this should be a virtual cache? I stated that I would not be able to place a physical cache at this site and since it is in the "city" with miles of the Mojave Desert to place physical caches that this would be a good virtual cache site. What do you think and why? HappyFrog
  3. During the Blackout, I yelled at the TV. All the stations that I get in the backwater that I live in showed the Blackout in the NE.... like we have never had one in the west, there are more people in the NE, but the one that covered the most area was in the West in 1998. The major news networks think that if anything happens on the east coast that it is more important then what happened on the west coast. Did the west coast really have to listen to the blackout of the NE from 2 pm to 8 pm on the night of the blackout? Sorry for venting, but just because the population isn't as high doesn't mean that we don't matter. I would have rather listened to or watched something other then the blackout and how to handle it. I understand that many people partied, good choice. HappyFrog
  4. How did you develop your screen name? I like frogs and the water so I decided that it would have a frog in it. I also like to be happy. Can you said "happy" ten times without feeling a bit better? Well now they have the mascot of geocaching a frog named "smiley" Well, what can I say...... "I like geocaching too." HappyFrog
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