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HappyFrog (& gang)

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Everything posted by HappyFrog (& gang)

  1. quote:No, a benchmark is never going to get you laid. Geocaching probably won't either. I'm doomed. Thank God I'm married! You need to read this http://ubbx.Groundspeak.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=5726007311&f=4016058331&m=29060408 if you don't think that you will get something out of Geocaching. HappyFrog
  2. quote:Originally posted by Team Kaz: While our kids were at camp my hubby and I geocached some before it got to hot. I'm sure that without kids you DID make it HOT with each other. HappyFrog
  3. quote:Originally posted by DavidLNotice the top 2 are a bit "off"? It's that way on the cache page, maybe the people who logged them made a mistake or.... they did it while they were fixing the server. HappyFrog
  4. Many he or she is way from their computer and is far away, placing your bug. At least one can hope. I have gone on 6 weeks to 8 week trips away from home, before my Geocaching days. HappyFrog
  5. I am visiting my parents in Portland, Oregon in between the 29 Sept to the 11 Oct. I will be traveling from Southern CA. I will be geocaching in the area. Will there be any events in the area during this time. I will also be introducting my brother to geocaching at the same time. Also if anyone is interesting in my bringing TB south please let me know. I live near the I15 in Southern CA. HappyFrog
  6. quote:Originally posted by dasein: The above sentence says it well. The Forest Service has kept this natural wonder effectively 'hidden' for years for some reason. A few years ago my mother who has reserched a cave in Eastern Oregon. This cave was on OPS and in her research she found some animals (small, need a mircoscope to see). She requested that the place of this cave was to be quiet, becuase it is a ecologically sensitive area. The more people who went through the area the less likely that the animals would remain. Remember this is the ONLY place in the world that these animals are. You all think it has to do with safety, but sometimes that is the reason that is given to keep people out of an area. Some people would disreguard the reasons no matter what. I realize a cache is placed, but remember this is not a world for humans. HappyFrog
  7. Look at this page. As you have been there. http://www.geocaching.com/mark/nearest.asp?lat_ns=N&lat_h=40&lat_mmss=48.681&long_ew=W&long_h=112&long_mmss=46.842 If it is not here then it isn't in the log. HappyFrog
  8. quote:Originally posted by drat19:It's generally a soggy, mildewy mess to get inside those and open the container. I found a cache that was ziplocked inside a rubbermaid, then the outside had a black trash bag around it. The worst part of the whole thing was the little red ants that were crawling all over the cache. Need to be careful not to store your ziplock bags near food or put food in the caches. Makes the creeders like caches also. HappyFrog
  9. You need to make sure that the picture size is under 99mb, if it is 100 or more you will get error messages. You can resize the pictures in most picture editing programs. This was a problem I had when I first posted pictures. HappyFrog
  10. quote:Originally posted by Green Achers:Far to the south is http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=2b4408bc-6768-408e-ba60-7a09725bb5ab. There is really three caches near and outside of Calico Ghost Town. Calico is has the buildings the way they were, camping and they have shows on the weekends. You have to pay to go in. HappyFrog
  11. quote:Originally posted by Og's outfit: Good news! http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=26735 is on the move again! Yes, he saved up 8 TB's and put them in his own cache. At least they have been freed. HappyFrog
  12. quote:Originally posted by Webfoot:Happy Frog, It's a good cache to visit around January. When we were there, there were ladybugs all over the place. From what it looked like, apparently it was a wintering area for the lady bugs which live in around this area. Was a beautiful site to see all of the red bugs covering everything in sight. Webfoot Wow, it is now on my list for Jan. thanks Webfoot HappyFrog
  13. quote:Originally posted by GeoFool:
  14. It was at a new geocache. I kept losing the satellites. I was in a very deep valley with high walls on either side of me. The satellite just would not show the location of the cache. I wasn't the only person with the problem. It took about 4 tries, before someone found the cache 80 feet from where it said it was on the webpage. They also had problems with getting a good signal. HappyFrog
  15. quote:Originally posted by The Wilkens:Here's what I want to do: I'd like my laptop and GPS combination to work just like one of those nifty auto routing GPS's made specifically for driving. I have seen that there is software for the pocket PC that does this but have not found laptop software yet. Preferably, I'd like the thing to talk to me as well Does anyone here do this currently? If so, what do you use and how would you rate the software? Thanks in advance. Have you tried it with Garmin's software "MetroGuide USA" I have both a laptop and a vista. I haven't tried to hook them together other then download stuff to the computer. I would also be interested if this would work. HappyFrog
  16. quote:Originally posted by clearpath:Recently I used my Vista to navagate a series of lakes in the Boundry Waters in Northern Minn. Have you check the Garmin site. I know that on one of the software updates there as a problem with Minn. I am not sure which one, make sure your software in your GPS is up to date. HappyFrog
  17. Have you checked Garmin's website to see if they have updated their software. They have been doing that. I have Vista also and use Mapsource and Topo. I only have Mapsource on my GPS, but look at both on my computer, before heading out to the cache site. In some cases it has really helped. Others ..... well, that's geocaching for you. HappyFrog
  18. quote:Originally posted by im2smrt4u:Well, we dropped Elmo off in "The Lost Cache of Lytle Creek." Got Elmo some milage under his belt. I hope I was able to help him along on his journey! Thanks I hope that he has fun. It sure sounds like that was a good place to visit. I need to put that cache on a must visit, in the winter time. HappyFrog
  19. What is that part off to the lower left of that clip? I haven't seen a clip with It appears to be a mini flashlite. HappyFrog
  20. I wish that there was a button to search for the benchmarks that are nearest you from your geocache page, just like there are geocaches. HappyFrog
  21. Okay, I have found a manhole cover as a benchmark in Apple Valley, CA, see picture at: http://img.Groundspeak.com/benchmark/lg/50331_100.jpg And a visual benchmark on a telephone pole in the Mojave Desert in CA, see picture at: http://img.Groundspeak.com/benchmark/lg/50336_100.jpg HappyFrog
  22. As owner of the said bug, it is okay with me if you hold it until Saturday, or I would prefer that you let Elmo travel far from Apple Valley, as he seems to just be hanging around here. I live in Apple Valley and tried to place him somewhere off of the I15 so he would leave and he came back. Maybe I should change his goals, but my mind went blank on what to have him do. HappyFrog
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