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Everything posted by Team FIREBOY

  1. hai team fireboy, i`m curious why is it special may we know??? greetings Lorca.nl It is the number of Firefighters who died in the Trade Center on 9/11/01
  2. 343 A special number. Always remember! Never Forget!
  3. We got ours today too. I agree with RR they are smaller than I thought they would be. Here is a picture of our two nerds. Trades anyone?
  4. Yesterday I was bitten by G.O'Coin B.U.G. Esquire. However, my bite was given to me by a known person who had been bit by this very coin before. This very unselfish person thought I needed this coin and the luck it had brought to them. To this person I say thank you!!!!!!! I don't have the words to express how I felt when I opened the little bubble mailer and this coin came out. I cried, to be honest. Not just for the coin but for the letter that came with the coin. Thank you just does seem like enough. I continue to be awestruck by the generosity of the wonderful people here in the coin forums. What a great group of people you truly all are!!! Jodi
  5. Aha, now I get it. It does say track at GC.com. Bummer!!! I'll have to make sure those who discover it go to GEOCACHING.COM. Thanks for the info Kelly. Jodi
  6. just don't try to track the coin with the info provided on the coin.... have you ever been to http://gc.com ? I guess I do not understand what you are trying to tell me. I was able to activate my coin. I only activate my coins for my collection that goes with me to events to be discovered. I do not release coins out into the wild. Could you be a little more specific, perhaps in an email to me? Thanks!
  7. Today one coin, but what a beauty it is! Carpe Deim RED- The MOGA addition! Thank you so much CrowesFeat30 for getting this coin for me!! There was no way I could go to MOGA! Nice Coin Paula!!!!!!! Jodi
  8. Thanks PengoFamily. I was able to activate my coin with the info you provided. Jodi
  9. Hi, The little paper in the coin flip is missing. I would like to activate it, but don't know who minted it. I do know the designer. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. WOW! Between yesterday and today I have had fantastic coin days. I got the Centris coins by caching with her, Max B on the River and FSU Nole yesterday and showing them the great city of Cheyenne. Plus I traded some really great coins too.
  11. Yay! I got coinmail. I have gone at least 3 weeks without buying coins. Found it too depressing not to have coinmail. Today I got 2 Backwoods Bear Traps. WOW..fast shipping!!!! Nice coin!!!
  12. You are very welcome LORCA.NL I am glad you are happy with the coin. Have a good night Jodi of TeamFIREBOY
  13. Coin related...hmmmm I can do that. I shall run a cointest. A coin to the winner. Cache Agent - Hot Pink To the person that correctly identifies the job that Naomi was hired to do. A second coin will be given to the the best limerick written about jobs and job searching. Coexist - nickle A third coin - Bug Racer - purple to a random post. Cointest shall end tomorrow morning at 0800 Wyoming time. Congrats are encouraged in the limerick. Way to go Naomi. Edit: had to make it more fun, this is my first cointest.
  14. Geo.error, I am just happy you like the coin. There is no need to "make it right". I have been gifted coins from people here in the forums. It is a wonderful giving community. We like to send smiles in the mail. Enjoy! Jodi
  15. Morpho Butterfly Binary GCC March Blarney Pathtag Sherpa Bitten Again By Whitebear. I sure did need the cheering up. This came at a very good time. Thanks for the trades to all involved. Jodi
  16. Meow. I want some Kittahs... can't wait to have them in hand. Nice coin Paula.
  17. Congrats Steph and LeNore. I am happy you both got such a surprise. To those who haven't tried Nutella. DON'T DO IT!!!! I tried some yesterday and half the jar was gone in one sitting, today I finished it off with the help of Fireboy. Run...don't eat it. Nutella is more addicting than geocoins. Jodi
  18. Can't wait to have these in hand. Such a nice design. Way to go Paula.
  19. I was out of town for the past week. When I got home my Easter Mission package was waiting for me. Inside was a stuffed animal bunny, a nice Easter card and three coins. Coins were a GeoJellie - camolicious MRE, a Memorial Day 2006 coin and a Geowoodstock 5 coin. Thank you so much Daniel!
  20. Maybe adopt it to yourself or another account name that you have set up?
  21. oooooooOOOOO, Now I really can't wait to have mine in hand.
  22. Woot.... I won a coin....kewl. Thanks a bunch!!!
  23. 15,5,4 and 7 months.
  24. Congrats!!! What a wonderful Easter surprise. It must have been a blue egg. Little boys are fun to raise!
  25. Whoa, Kim look who you pulled out of the mothballs. Great coins will do that.
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