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Posts posted by TheAprilFools
I have noticed often that pages for new caches the map will not show, but once its been published for a while it shows up. I think that after a while the map image is cached (the computer memory kind of cache) and is then displayed properly.
I downloaded the five pages of found caches into ExpertGPS and noticed that the second page had only 19 caches listed. I would check each of the caches on that second page for one with two found logs posted.
Personally I don't think should allow you to post two or more 'found' logs to the same cache, even if the cache owner allows it.
Just to add my 2 bits, I don't' agree with the current scheme that events are 'attended' and not 'found'. When a caches is completed, the smiley face put on the log and the find count incremented, its 'found'.
But more to the point, I can see someone posting multiple notes or DNF's when they try to find a cache or just want to make a comment on it, but there should only be one found log per user per cache, a cacher could certianly try and fail to find a cache multiple times. But if a user attempts to add a second found log they should either be prevented or the older found log should be converted to a note. I think the staff at should retroactively apply this rule.
I don't understand what you have to rework, since those 3 selections are available with PQs...unless it is managing the "placed by" dates to get all caches in a large area.
Yes this is exactly what I am doing, a series of nearly identical PQ's differing by placement date. In the queries for unfound caches as older caches were disabled, archived or found the queries for the older caches would empty out and every so often I would have to shuffle the place by dates around to get them to fit. Finally I recreated all the queries so that they found all caches, and the number of caches in the queries is much more stable, all I need to do is add new queries when the PQ for the most recently placed caches fills up.
But in any case, Clyde is working on enhancing GSAK to store the additional waypoints along with the cache, so you can choose whether they get sent to your GPS (for instance) based on the cache characteristics.
This sounds like it will be the ultimate solution.
In he newest version of GSAK(6.5.2), when you load the PQ file there is a box to load or ignore the new extra waypoints.
This is fine except that it excludes all the extra waypoints, I only want to include unfound active caches and exclude the others.
That did it, thanks. Is there away to get it to do it automatically?
In the old forum software, if I went away and then came back, threads that were marked as updated, but not updated since my previous visit were marked as being read. But with the new software the updated/Read status is being preserved, is there any way to get it to work as before or to mark all threads as read?
True they are in a separate file, but there is nothing in the GPX file for the extra waypoints indicating who the owner is, if they had been found or if they are available.
Right now I have a bunch of PQ's I run that get all the caches in my local area, including those that I have found and those that are disabled, which I load into GSAK and then filter to select the specific area I intend to go caching in. Right now all of the extra waypoints are showing up, including those that for caches that have been found or disabled.
Sure I could setup separate PQ's for the unfound, the found and the disabled and I did that for a while but ended up requiring me to rework the queries every couple weeks and became too much of a hassle.
While I think the adding extra waypoints to a cache is a great idea I was wondering if it was possible to add a bit more control to when they are included in a PQ. My suggestion would be to add a three level switch to the PQ that would have as its options:
1) For all caches.
2) For all active, unfound, unowned caches.
3) For none.
I usually download PQ's for all caches in my area (I want my caches and the disabled caches so I can map out area's where caches can be placed). You can pretty easily filter the caches when generating a list of caches to find, but its harder to filter out the extra waypoints.
While having my own personal local database is very useful, I maintain a GSAK database of all cache within 60 miles of my home, it currently takes 13 PQ's to generate it, and I run them once a week. If I could create a 'super query' and run it once a week that would not be limited by number of waypoints but have a lower radius say 60-75-100 miles rather than the 500 mile radius for a normal query, that would save me a lot of time. But that does not fix the issue raised by the OP.
What the OP really needs is a PQ where you can get all the caches along a route. you could plug in a series of coordinates and get all caches with in say 10 miles of that route, up to the 500 max for a PQ. You cant really load more than that into your GPS anyways so getting the whole state is a bit wasteful.
Last time I did something similar (I took a road trip from the SF bay area to Yellowstone and back) I created a series of overlapping PQ's to cover the route I was going to take (so many I got a second premium membership for a month so I could run them all), then used a combination of Mapsource and GSAK to identify the coordinates for a route and then filter all waypoints within 5 miles of that route for what I expected to drive that day. It was a lot of work.
It looks like its working again, I just got 19 notifications.
Edit: by 12:18 pm I had received 61 notifications.
I have not gotten any notification emails since Friday although owner and watch list emails seam to be working fine.
Yes GSAK can do it if you have already downloaded all the waypoints already, but not everybody want to do it that way.
What I think would be very useful is to expand upon this idea a bit. Say you could create a PQ where you could select a cache were a certain log type had been posted (found, not found, etc...) within a user defined number of days, by themselves or by anybody.
I added the stages to a multi cache I own (GCKQYF), with 6 stages and a hidden final, and then setup a PQ for all caches that I own. When I got the PQ, all the extra waypoints were included in the GPX file, including the hidden final. Was it supposed to do this? did it know that I was the cache owner and therefore include the final point?
Looks great in IE, Firefox 1.0.7 on XP does not show the profile tabs.
How do you feel about having the "All Finds" query return all hides as well? It shouldn't be difficult to do.
Right now newly found webcam and event caches do not show up as found in the GPX file as the <type> and <sym> tags are not changed when the waypoint is loged as 'found'. If this is fixed, then I dont see a problem combining them.
The methodology used to create that list is questionable, to say the least. People who predominantly hunt caches in rural areas will be underrepresented.
Hard to make that judgement between the weight of urban vs rural caches. Now if in addition to total finds, they had a sum or average of the difficulty factors you would get a better picture.
Mopar, I belive your explanation is correct. On the second cache listed he has 198 finds. I could see how that would confuse things. I still think you should only be able to log a cache as found once, but thats a topic for a different thread.
I was looking at the profile fellow cacher who had found a lot of locationless caches. When I clicked the link in the stats page where you can see the listing of the found locationless caches, it was only 2 listings on the first page, 6 on the second, 9 on the third, 3 on the fourth, etc, rather than the standard 20 per page.
Its not that big of a deal since they are all archived anyways, but it did seam odd.
I was not having any trouble yesterday, but today the whole system seams down.
I don't have as much of a problem with events, as they are usually archived not long after they occur. But webcams are another matter. In the GPX file the values for <sym> tag and <type> tag do not change when a webcam is found while they do change for traditional caches. The only way to tell that a webcam is found from a GPX file is to interrogate the log files which most programs don't do. At a minimum the value of the <sym> tag should be <sym>Geocache Found</sym> and <type> tag should have "|photo taken" or "|Attended" added to it, but adding "|Found" to it would be much more useful as that's what the current software understands.
I usually combine GPX files of all caches in my area (found and unfound) into ExpertGPS to produce a map where I can see where I have and have not found caches, these caches show up incorrectly as unfound .
This is still a problem. I really think it should be fixed.
But "Found" is a universal value. If you create a PQ for Webcam caches that "you have found", it shows all the webcams you have recently found. They show up in your "My Finds" query. Why would anybody want to see a list of all the caches they have found and not see the webcams and events.
I feel strongly that when they show up in a gpx file they should use the "Geocache Found" symbol and should have "|Found" in the type. Now if we want to add "|Attended" or "|Photo Taken" to the type that may be ok but under no circumstances should the symbol and type be the same as those that were not found.
I was just looking at my all finds query in ExpertGPS and noticed something odd. Of the two webcam caches I have found, one that was found on 5/7/2003 has a type of "Geocache|Webcam Cache|Found" and uses the "Geocache Found" symbol, and one that I found on 10/30/2005 has type "Geocache|Webcam Cache" as the type and uses the "Geocache" symbol.
I also noticed the same thing with the events where one of the six event caches I attended were marked "found" and the other five were not.
Now I can see some arguing that you don't really find a webcam or an event but IMO, "Found" is the universal synonym for "Cache completed" and they should all act the same way.
My 2 cents on this issue is that the cache owner should be able to edit an archived cache. The scenario where this would be needed was if a cache was archived by a reviewer for some reason, and the cache owner wanted to modify it to get it re-activated. You can't just have then move it to disabled because the listing would be publically viewable and may still violate some rule.
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Just a guess, but did you convert your caches from member's only to normal caches? If so thats your answer.