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Everything posted by DHobby1

  1. Yes my First Geocoin was Moun10Bike's #200 coin. Couldn't believe it when I received all of Jon's Moun10Bikes coin on my front step. I got a hold of Jon and asked what coin would you like me to have out of the 200, he said Don you can have any coin you would like. Just get those coin on their way to me!!!!
  2. DHobby1 Version 1= 100 Dhobby1 Version 2=100 Dhobby1 Verson 3=100 Silver DHobby1 Version 3= 25 LE Gold
  3. Yes I do have a Compass Rose, I will trade to you for one of the Dragon coins.
  4. "Twisted Dragon Coin" E-mail sent for coin, I'll trade one of mine or buy one.
  5. Deals made for Dances with Moose, Oregon '04, and Son of Cyclops, thanks! Email on the way.
  6. Say if I can’t get on your list, How a bout a trade? My DHobby1 Ver.3 Silver for your Dragon coin.
  7. Please put my name in the hat for two coins. Payment sent though Paypal & Email sent. Thank you very much.
  8. On second thought, I'll take 3 Standard and the 1 Silver. Thank you very much.
  9. Okay folks, here it is......my awesome 3rd Edition DHobby1 coin. This coin has my little cachin buddy Louie on the front...or Louis VI for you fancy folk!! Louie and I are best buds and go caching together everywhere.....well actually, lately because of my.......um.....coin addicition, I haven't been out caching as much.....but that's a whole other story......back to my coin... I have been active in coin trading for awhile so I already have quite a collection of coins. I would like to trade my new Antique silver coin for coins that I don't already have......my GOLD LE....well, unless you have something very 'special' ....don't even ask - I only had 25 of these made and it's a beauty! Let the trading begin..... Oh BTW, I had my coins designed and made at www.thecachingplace.com. And you otter see the awesome milestone coins they have!
  10. It was getting way out of hand. I even had a few trades fall through the cracks... where I sent my end and didn't get the trade. So I changed my policy in August sometime. Even in doing this, I am still waiting to receive my end of a trade on a few transactions. I look at it as a liability limiting practice, and I see nothing wrong with it. Hope this eases your confusion. I guess I have been lucky in my transactions so far, knock on wood. But “S---t will happen!! I will still send my trades as soon as trade is made, regardless if coin is in hand!!
  11. Um, well why didn't you email me to let me know so I could mail the trade we set up? Last I heard you were waiting to get the order in. /shakes head I’m a bit confused, why it is some traders have to wait for their trade party to have their trade in hand, before sending their trade??? I have a hard time with way of thinking. I’ve traded several 100 of coins and have always sent my trades as soon as the deal was made. What is the problem with way of thinking???
  12. Put me in for two coins. Email sent.
  13. Please add my name to your Trading list for Two. Thank you very much. DHobby1
  14. Roy, That is way different for a coin. Seen a lot of coins, but nothing quite like this one. Best put my name down for two of these beauties.
  15. Thorny 1, What I would like to know is, what part of your anatomy did you have to give up for that Johnnie Lacy coin ??
  16. Man, please put me down for 1 of the coins. Email sent
  17. I have a couple of Federation Coins to trade for coins I don't have in my collection. See my coins at http://cointracking.com/public/DHobby1
  18. Put my name in for a trade. Two please.
  19. Add My name to your list for trades.
  20. Thanks for the heads up, I think I have it now. http://cointracking.com/public/DHobby1
  21. My trading list. http://cointracking.com/public/DHobby1
  22. The following is a photo of my DHobby1 Ver. 1 coin. These coins were made in Feb. of 2002. Moun10Bike’s coin and mine both came out 2002. Jon helped me out with the back of this coin by letting me use his die. Thought this was an exhalent idea for a signature item. I placed about 90% of these coins in caches in and around Utah.
  23. E-mail sent for trades. Put my name in the pot for them there new coins. See my list of coin for trade at www.cointracking.com
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