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Posts posted by skjacksontum

  1. Yes....me again.


    I'm learning more ever day but I've go more questions.


    I went out with my GPSMAP 60CSx at lunch. I also carried my magnetic compass with me. On the compass page the north on the 60CSx is a few degrees west of my magnetic north. Why is this and which is more accurate? My 60CSx is set to TRUE NORTH.


    Also, I have a weird problem. While walking in map mode, every once in a while my North pointer will seemingly get stuck. I can change direction 180 degrees and it will stay on the previous direction. Even weirder, I can always go to the compass page when this happens, stay still until the compass ring points north, the switch back to map mode and the north pointer is now oriented properly.




    I'm not sure I understand what's causing this. I can stand still in map mode and it won't change.


    Any ideas?


    Thanks again for your help.



  2. Purchased a Garmin GPSMapCsx mostly for Geocaching. Got it last Friday and went out twice trying to find some of the local caches within 1 mile of my house. Trying to learn how to geocache and figure out the gpx unit. My problem is that when we are “finding” the geocache, the compass always shows South at the top. I guess I figured the compass would move as I moved – when I was facing North, North would be on top, etc. Am I misinterpreting how the compass on this works? It was extremely confusing to me to be facing North and have the compass show South. The arrow always seemed to be trying to lead me in the right direction, though.


    Anyone with the same gps have any insights on using the compass during the find, geocache mode? Is there a setting we may have missed?




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