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Everything posted by Flah_and_Kids

  1. Yep....I get it. I am already caching....just virtual ones and mostly downtown TO. I am still looking for a GPS unit that would fit our needs and that would also fit the budget. Thiking of getting a used unit on ebay but then I might just go with a cheaper new unit that comes with the TOPO Canada pre-installed. I got tow caches today and without a GPS. Thank goodness for Googlemaps and the willingness to wander around looking for the right caches. I was unable to find the Milton GO station one though.......I will probably need the GPS unit for that one...... Thanks for the advice. Anything is appreciated at this point. FayeC
  2. Hi, I am new to geocaching and I have been reading the rules and regulations before I can start hiding or seeking. I would like to create geocaches with some geocoins and travel bugs for my children to hide and then follow their route around the world in their missions but I have read that Ontario parks won't allow caches in any of the provincial parks. Does anybody know if that applies to Halton Conservation area parks? I have seen some caches around Kelso lake which belongs to Halton Conservation. Who should I contact to notify of the placement in case I do hide one in any of the Halton conservation area parks? Thanks, FayeC
  3. Hi, I was looking for a geocoin with some Brazilian marker to release. The mission would be to reach Brazil (where I am from). Since geocaching is new in Brazil I am not sure if this exists but in case anyone has seen one.....I would appreciate lettingme know there's something out there FayeC
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