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Posts posted by BlondHiLites

  1. Hey look everybody!


    Jodi wrote "So I guess I will have to reach deep down in my heart

    and thank that Old Man Harmon for one of the best gifts he has

    given the local Geocachers ... the dirty dozen and the dozens more

    who will enjoy the renewed interest in this great mountain



    Thank you Harmon!!!"

    I don't like it. Nope. I don't like this one little bit.


    I come here to be entertained by whatever trouble Harmon has managed to get hisself into and what do I find but some sort of mutual admiration society.


    I'm a startin' ta' think them Mayan calendar builders may have been right, after all. dry.gif

    Not to worry James. it's just that Jodi hasn't spotted the photo

    I posted on "Harmon's Happy Hideout." Figured that I should

    build up a few sweety-points before I need 'em.


    Here, I'll share the photo with you butt for goodness sakes don't

    go telling Jodi about it.




    So how's that make y' feel ... all better?


    Poor ol' Harmon

    SD Rowdies

    :rolleyes: Mr. Harmon, I told Jodi about this, but I don't think she saw the butt in it.... Just trying to help. :unsure: I finally visited your hideaway yesterday.



    Butt??? ... who put that there?


    Hey! is that a PUD cake? This place looks great(not sure about the butt). Could be a good spot for an event!

    An event huh? Sure, you get to haul in the food and drinks.


    Here's the coordniates N32 53.378, W116 32.586; y' might

    want to look over the route with Google Earth before you

    take this on. Can y' say "tuft-grass?"


    Still an event at my Hideout is a good idea but let's

    wait until Jodi tidys up the roof, rearranges the

    furnishings, and vacuums the pond so's we can swim.

    ... bring your own chair, snake-bite kit, and insect

    repellant I should think.


    But seriously, Duncan! did a great job spotting the old

    cabin with Google Earth. Lucky break for me to be part

    of his scouting party.


    In answer to your question about the PUD cake, no, Jodi

    tried a new recipe and it was terrific. She gave it a

    name but I hesitate to post what she called it ... she

    had a failure and so had to bake a second one for me the

    same morning and in a hurry. My first clue was when she

    arrived and said "Here's you !@#$%^& cake Harmon."


    How d' y' think I felt? (Well fed, that's how.)


    Ain't she th' sweetest thang?


    Poor ol' Harmon

    Should Duncan be do'n something while standing there? how it Jodi going to get back down?

  2. Foot note ...




    So what good is a hole in a smelly old sock to a grampa?


    By chance three of nine grandchildren are staying with my

    sweet bride and I for two days and two nights. (Don't ask.)


    So I asked them "Who will wear my old worn-out sock on

    their foot all day long for a dollar?


    They scoffed at me.


    So I asked "For five dollars?"


    Two of them scoffed at me but the eleven year old asked

    "For seven fifty?"


    Well that went on for a bit and was settled at her wearing

    my smelly and holey old sock past sundown for ten bucks.

    We shook on it and so she will.


    Stop laughing, what else is a grampa for anyway? Besides,

    this all relates to the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park

    Geocaching campaign.


    So it goes,

    Sweet ol' Harmon



    I'm glad I kept reading, here I thought you painted your toenails and shaved yer legs over a lost bet with the grandkids :o .

    I also bought those same wool socks, just haven't tried them yet over the comfortable toe socks from REI.

  3. Foot note ...




    So what good is a hole in a smelly old sock to a grampa?


    By chance three of nine grandchildren are staying with my

    sweet bride and I for two days and two nights. (Don't ask.)


    So I asked them "Who will wear my old worn-out sock on

    their foot all day long for a dollar?


    They scoffed at me.


    So I asked "For five dollars?"


    Two of them scoffed at me but the eleven year old asked

    "For seven fifty?"


    Well that went on for a bit and was settled at her wearing

    my smelly and holey old sock past sundown for ten bucks.

    We shook on it and so she will.


    Stop laughing, what else is a grampa for anyway? Besides,

    this all relates to the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park

    Geocaching campaign.


    So it goes,

    Sweet ol' Harmon

  4. James,


    Thanks pal ... I like 'em. Checked online for llama saddles

    without results. No complaints though, if they can pack my

    load of Geocaching containers I'll be a happy ol' man.


    Same old challenge, name the five camels.




    The one-L lama, He's a priest.

    The two-L llama, He's a beast.

    And I would bet

    A silk pajama

    There isn't any Three-L lllama.





    However in the state of New York

    There's a conflagration known as

    A four ala'me'.


    - Ogden Nash


    Note to Self: That oughta learn 'im, animated GIF indeed.



    :D :D

  5. James,


    Thanks pal ... I like 'em. Checked online for llama saddles

    without results. No complaints though, if they can pack my

    load of Geocaching containers I'll be a happy ol' man.


    Same old challenge, name the five camels.




    The one-L lama, He's a priest.

    The two-L llama, He's a beast.

    And I would bet

    A silk pajama

    There isn't any Three-L lllama.



    :D :D


    However in the state of New York

    There's a conflagration known as

    A four ala'me'.


    - Ogden Nash


    Note to Self: That oughta learn 'im, animated GIF indeed.

  6. This just in ...




    I knew it, an Internet search found them

    as faces in the Iditarod crowd.

    Interesting photo but not half so much as what I discovered when I took a close look at the background (upper right)...I guess the Internet Search didn't pick that out due to the low resolution. Harmon, methinks you have some 'splainin' to do.


    Well done, James! :lol:

  7. This just in ...




    Photograph by BlondHiLites with colorization by ...


    Sweet ol' Harmon


    O by the way, that's John and Where's-Waldo Jodi in the shot.

    That's Chuck of the 3cd's that you did a fine colorization to. Jodi is waiting for John.

  8. eb18bc2b7d6.jpg


    But then ...




    Blame this on BlondHiLites ... please. Of course 3CDs isn't without a

    measure of blame as any right-thinking person can see from Denise's

    photo. Do keep in mind that I'm but a mere pawn in this sort of thing.


    So it goes.

    Sweet ol' Harmon

    Lois is going to kick your butt.

    For the record, Harmon kept begging for photos! I sent one or two hoping to satisfy the ol'pal, but nooo, he kept on and on, like a duck on a bug in a rug.

  9. eb18bc2b7d6.jpg


    But then ...




    Blame this on BlondHiLites ... please. Of course 3CDs isn't without a

    measure of blame as any right-thinking person can see from Denise's

    photo. Do keep in mind that I'm but a mere pawn in this sort of thing.


    So it goes.

    Sweet ol' Harmon


    Harmon kept begging for photos! I sent one or two hoping to satisfy the ol'pal, but nooo, he kept on and on, like a duck on a bug in a rug.

  10. Greetings,


    I have [yet another] question.


    What does it mean when you are looking at your statistics, and the number of caches you have found differs from the number of distinct caches you have found? This just came up for me, and I curious.







    It probably means you've logged a cache twice...


    I don't think so. I've not been in this area before...but at the same time I will admit that after a while the caches do begin to blur, and I will admit to getting confused with all the recent Fiesta Island hides. Maybe that's where it is...


    Thanks for the answer!


    Welp...I checked my logs for Fiesta Island, and there it was: two logs for the same cache. I deleted one of them, so once again there is equilibrium in The Force.


    Thanks for all your help!




    I did the same thing last year on Mission Bay. Found a cache years earlier and re-found/logged it when I was out caching with a group. Took me a bit, but I finally found out which one it was and got it fixed.


    It's good to have equilibrium... :grin:

    There's a program somewhere that will tell you which ones you've double logged. A macro in GSAK, I think. Download the My Finds PQ and load it into its own database in GSAK and then run the macro and it will tell you which ones are double logged...

    Here's a useful link: GSAK Columns


    Look for the "Find Count" heading.



    I use mygeocachingprofile.com to find my duplicate log entries and much more.

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