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Everything posted by mousekakat

  1. OHHH, those were the days! Carrots everywhere and very little in the mouth, hehehe! Great pic and beautiful smile! Naomi
  2. And I think the look on Cait's face here says it all, she loves puppies and this is Dorkfish's Rainbow Bridge coin... She carried it around all day!
  3. OOOH, here's a fun one to join in on! Here is Hanna Hunny Bunny enjoying her Christmas packet from last year!
  4. I know what you mean about the translucents, it's really tricky with them if you don't do samples anre aren't so used to working with them. I was a bit disappointed with my runestones because of that issue, I had just envisioned something quite different, but in the end it all worked out! Lara, they look fine~ I'm glad that you could be involved in something that means so much to you! Naomi
  5. Said so well, I wish I could say something better. I don't know what's in the air right now. I just know that an awful lot of us are going through a really rough time for a lot of different reasons. I got heartbreaking news yesterday that someone else I respect greatly and care for deeply is getting out of coins, too. When we feel passionately about something it's very easy for that something to set us off and make us act in a way that we wouldn't normally act, it's because we CARE so much about it. Give it a couple of days. Go out and enjoy the beautiful autumn weather, take care of you, and just know that you are loved here and that we'll be waiting for you when you get back! *hugs* Naomi
  6. Could be! We've all done this, I'm no saint. Knowing the dangers now, I have taken a good look at my habits and have changed them accordingly...I hope others will as well! geeeezzzzzzz, give us Cali people a little break here......Rollin Stops occur everywhere..........lol I always thought those were called hollywood pauses!
  7. Here is my coin, thank you, Roddy!! Todie's wild ride!
  8. I don't think Goofy likes me much But congrats to everyone else who has received one!! Naomi
  9. Spooky Halloween Mission Mini-Mousekakat 1. Participating - 8/28/2008 2. Received Name - 9/16/2008 3. Mission Complete Still not sent, waiting on Halloween stuff to hit the stores here! 4. Package Received!10/9/2008
  10. I'm on 70 in 8 days. Just used up my last getting fuel before I parked. I get some back at midnight, and I'm already where I need to be for my first delivery. HaHa, Truck Drivers are the only ones who will whine that "They won't let me work more than 70 hours a week?" OH, the problem with Little America...They jacked up the price of an Ice Cream Cone to Fifty Cents!!! Now that should be a sin, some things are sacred and those ice cream cones were amongst them! I'm just impressed that you actually do follow your HOS, there used to be so many who cheated. I don't know if it's all electronic nowadays that keeps folks from cheating as much, but boy, I remember watching my ex fighting with his log book. I used to hate thing thing as I could never quite figure it out... on duty driving, on duty not driving, sleeper bunk, off duty... it seemed so eashy, how did it end up so complex! Naomi
  11. Karin, I'm so glad you had a good coin day! You really deserve it and I hope they helped get your mind off your pregnancy aches and pains! *hugs* Naomi
  12. How about Caldwell, ID? Thanks for the giggles!! LOL I hope not, or I'll never make it to Cheyenne! Don't you remember driving there from Post Falls though? I guess then you drove to Ogden UT Drive safely!!! Yep, stops were...Willard, UT Little America, WY Laramie, WY Cheyenne, WY Made it here just as my Hours ran out. Now I have to wait until tomorrow morning to make my deliveries. OOOH, love Little America! The atmosphere there is just so neat and they used to make, and hopefully still do, one kick-a** steak sandwich! Used to drive the ex nuts there because I loved looking in their gift shop! Drive safe, sucks that you are out of service hours... have they changed that any in the last 10 years or is it still something like 7/70 or 8/80? Naomi
  13. No guesses from me at all, my friend, BUT... I wanted to tell you just how happy I am that you got to do this trip! I know how tough a time you've had it this past year and my heart has been with you every step of the way, even if we don't write as much as we used to! I'm just tickled pink that you got to go and had such a great time! *hugs* Naomi
  14. So... I'm not the only one that sees the little birdie flying in these? I thought it was just my imagination...
  15. Beach North Dakota, going west (If that's the case, what on earth are you doing up there, no one ever goes to N. Dakota, lol!!) Spent many, many an hour/day at Flying J/Petro, etc., due to weather with my ex-husband, also an OTR driver. Thank goodness for places like that that give you a little something to do besides just sitting and...well... sitting! Keep warm, keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up, and remember, no load is worth dying for! Naomi... I may be an ex-wife to a trucker, but you can't take the truckin' out of my system!
  16. You think you've got problems, lol! I'm on the other side of the pond!
  17. Lori, you ARE a darling, and you DO deserve this coin and I'm so glad that you got it and it made you so happy! *hugs* Naom President of the LoriDarlin fan club!
  18. Log in under your user name and then go to the coin's page and log it as 'grabbed from xxxxxxx' Then it will be under your name
  19. Yeah, on both counts. I found out because there was a cache published a week ago that we definitely didn't get notification on, and a couple published a little before that.
  20. Hanna got her mission yesterday! Many thanks to E&C+3 She got a spooky frankenstein mask that she just had a ball with last night, one of the great ISAF coins, a Tennessee micro coin, and the Prague astronomical clock coin, as well as, hehehe, and this one is the kicker that made the packet a blast... Hanna is a wuss when it comes to spiders... she screams... well, she screams like a girl! In the bottom of the envelope were 5 or 6 plastic spiders. Hanna was sitting on the floor and slowly emptying the envelope into her lap. Since they were small and light, the spiders were at the very bottom of the envelope... and then they slid right out on to her lap *grinning* Hanna did something between a squeak and a scream and her hind side came about 6 inches (15 cm for you metric folks) off the floor before realizing they were toy spiders. Pappa and I, evil creatures that we are... just sat here and laughed! Naomi
  21. Can the cointest be brought back with the original post revised a little bit?
  22. I actually just saw both sides of this for the first time and I would just LOVE having one! Signal Geocoins - Oct 06 He's just SOOOO cute as a viking!
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