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Everything posted by mousekakat

  1. If I haven't gotten my name yet should I be worried?
  2. Today I received a special package from a dear friend, it had some of the coins that I've minted in it (so now I've got a couple of traders of my own coins) and one of Dorset Gal's incredible Olympic coins, a no smoking pathtag, a cool digital hell coin and... NOW I understand the madness! I finally got my first tranquility coin! Thank you, Jim! You rock! Naomi
  3. I have been very, very fortunate and my heart's desire coins have been granted again and again, so I feel a bit bad asking one more time, but here goes... I don't want this coin for me. I have a good friend here in Sweden who I think highly of, and they have mentioned to me that they'd love one of the Mickey Diver coins. I know how hard to find this coin is, but if the Mickey Diver person could see fit, I'd love to be able to surprise my friend with one of them, maybe they could contact me for the address? Thanks in advance! Naomi
  4. Ahhh, Roddy, I'm so glad it got to you! I told you I'd cover ya for one of them, my friend! I hope you enjoy it, I haven't even seen it yet! Just the samples, and they are slightly different! Naomi
  5. Nejjjj... inte finska, SVENSKA, kiitos! Naomi
  6. OOOOH, most definitely another who rocks here!!! Naomi
  7. i second that emotion, me too! rsg and my heart's desire was granted by bluemotmot for my birthday. glitter laptop AND chocolate. thanks so very much valerie! lara BlueMotMot just rocks, doesn't she!!
  8. I have to say that my first impression here is "eew". My kids (dog lovers) would be totally freaked out if they found an urn of your dog's ashes in a cache. I know that I take the risk of my kids seeing things I may not want them to see, or that they may not want to see, when I take them caching, but in addition to the very real chance of the travel bug being "lost" I do think you might want to be sensitive to the reactions of people who might come across your dog's ashes and be upset by it. I think that as cool as it might sound now to send you dog's ashes "home" in this way, I think it might be more practical to send them directly to friends in Maine. Best of luck, and sorry to hear about the loss of your dog! I'm sorry, but I'm also a pet lover and I agree with GMTH here... Not to mention knowing the liklihood of it disappearing the way tb's and coins disappear!! Just not worth the risk if you ask me!
  9. A very, very truly deserving recipient! You won't find a kinder, gentler, more sharing heart here in Sweden with the exception of maybe Grodan and Solan, who I truly hope gets a bandit coin, too!
  10. Tasia wasn't able to get the 4th quarter names out due to life just getting a bit too busy, so I stepped in and offered to match names. If there's anyone out there that still wants to join the 4th mission, please send me the needed information here: geocoin.missions@gmail.com and I'll get ya matched up . You HAVE to send me the info, though, I don't know who had sent their info in to tasia before! Naomi
  11. Ok, Saab made me search under that and I found it! I could have sworn it was adopted over to me, but it appears that it was just released with the idea to travel to me.... I really thought it was adopted... http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...t&p=3309736 You can close this, Eartha, Mystery solved!
  12. Roughly a year ago or so there was someone here who adopted out a number of their coins. They adopted out to me a Fundamental and Venlis coin, and it WAS in my list of trackables for the longest time, but now I can't find it anywhere! So, if you are the person who adopted it to me, do you have ANY info on it still? I can't find any evidence of it at all. I've searched under the coin name, searched all my logs and searched here and I'm beginning to think I'm losing what's left of my mind! Naomi
  13. I dunno, Lara, he has offered to refund your money. why not just send it back, take the refund, and chalk it up to a misunderstanding? He has good feedback and a great rating.... Don't sweat the small stuff, toots. Send it back and take your money and go treat yourself something special Naomi
  14. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Ingenting. Nuffin... Just bills
  15. I gotta say, these are some sweet, sweet kitties! We got 2 of the three today and the white one especially is just gorgeous! I love it! Micke loves the grey one he got, too! Don't miss out on these cuties! Naomi
  16. I've sent the names out to the 4th quarter people. There weren't many, but if anyone else still wants to participate, just let me know and I'll get ya a match! Naomi
  17. No trader list for us, but we've activated just about everything we've got with the exception of the 4 little germs that we received recently! SO, just check my activated list and you'll see what we've got, anything else is just icing on the cake
  18. BOOP! Goodness that baby has grown!! He's coming up on 1 now, isn't he! Time sure flies when you're having fun, doesn't it! Naomi
  19. Rod, I've got you covered, dear friend!
  20. VERY nice job, you are really coming in to your own as a designer! I like how the compass rose is a little more relaxed, including the font! Love them!
  21. OOOOH, a little bird has told me that these are on Mainland USA and going to ship soon! I'm so excited...and jealous! You folks on that side of the pond are going to get to see them before me, wahhhh! Naomi
  22. If I remember right, Mike, it's the one shaped like a pint glass of Guinness
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