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Everything posted by mousekakat

  1. There are some amazing folks here! I can't properly expres my gratitude! *humbled*
  2. Received my Guardian coin today, finally Really lovely coin! Also got to do an interview with our local newspaper about geocaching, they took photos of 3 coins that I have, so with any luck they'll appear in the paper If they do, I'll be sure to post a scan of the article, even though it'll be in Swedish!
  3. Hubby says that if moth balls work for moths, baboon balls should work for scaring away baboons... at least the male ones... the female ones might actually either be attracted... or... depending on their male, tempted to add more to the cache!
  4. We printed up some flyers about Geocaching that also have the website address on them and keep them with our caching things. We haven't run into anyone yet, but if it does, I guess I should say when it does, happen, we'll at least be able to give them a little information that looks somewhat legitimate, hehehe!
  5. Those are still for sale, are they not? yeppers, me just extremely poor, that's why it's on my wish list... I'm wish sandwich type poor right now, lol!
  6. See now, that's what I mean when I say there is so much that I need to learn and so many gorgeous coins out there, that's another that would be totally cool to have! Saw this one and would love it, too... actually, MR MOUSEKAKAT would love it, he loves all things military: The Unknown Soldier Geocoin
  7. AHHHHHH!!! MY LUCKY NIGHT!!! First a Jelly from Fluttershy and now a sweet little turtle from Steph!! YESSSS!! and yes, I'm aware I'm "shouting," but trust me, that's what is in my heart right now! Thank you thank you thank you, Steph!!! Wooohoo! *happy dancin'*
  8. Mr O'Coin is racking up some serious good karma.... I really do hope and pray that he gets all the wonderful things in life he deserves back! May the bug spray stay far away, the fly swatter always miss, and the bug zapper short itself out every time it's plugged in, Mr O'Coin!
  9. Those are great, Steph! I would, personally, love the chance to win a pin, I love their petiteness and the look, they are precious!
  10. Wish Granted! I'd be happy to send my GeoJellies 2 Snozzberry your way. Just email your address to nyallieny@aol.com Seriously? Thank you!! Mail sent! *huge smile*
  11. I would really love to have this coin: As well as the Legend of the Sand Dollar coin that is coming out, too! Then there are those precious turtles of Tsun's! OHHH... want want want sooooooo much!! I've got a lot to learn about the different coins out there, there are so many beautiful ones! I certainly wouldn't be opposed to any of the GeoJellies, I am head over heels for them, so much so that we're going to try to be a part of the next series if we can swing it financially, I've even thought out what "flavor" and color scheme!
  12. We'd enjoy that, Solan! Micke och jag träffade på nätet, såååå... inget problem för oss att möta andra från nätet, jatte roligt, faktist!
  13. OH BOY OH BOY!! Not only did we NOT get any bills (for once, thank God) but I got goodies from Montana! Thank you, Steph!! What a wonderful Monday surprise! I think the best part is that the baby LOVES horses and she hugged and loved on this thing for a good 10 minutes making her horse sound, hehehe! We'll be sure to send it out travelling as soon as we find a good way to secure it to something to try to keep it from growing legs!
  14. Solan, I'll be in the "big city" on the 18th if you wanna SEE my bug.... If you're nice to me I'll even let you hold it and look into it's lovely glowing eyes! PM me if you want to meet, we're picking up the wicked witch of the east, ie my mother, at Arlanda some time that day!
  15. Mean looking little buggar! How's your little guy? Here in Sweden when kids get an owie we blow on it... so here is a long little blow hoping it feels better soon!! *blowing softly*
  16. Great contest, feels really nice to read all the good people here and why they are special to so many people! Nice one, Steph! Congrats all!
  17. Next, of course, is going to be Tsunrisebey. I've had very limited contact with her via pm and e-post here, so I don't have a lot to judge her by, except her actions that I see here on the board. I see an incredibly generous, warm hearted person, with a great sense of humor and a willingness to share of herself in so many different ways. In the "what's in your mailbox today" thread she offered to send a fellow cacher a geocoin for his b-day when he received nothing else. She has done numerous cointests, charity auctions and orchestrated things for other cachers and given soooooo very many smiles to people who expected nothing but got a piece of her heart in the mail. She seems to be a truly special person and a deserving person! OHHOHHOHHHH!!! I get to add... and today I received a Geotag from her, out of the blue, thanks again, Steph! I know that there are many others here who are giving of their hearts, but I haven't really had the chance to meet them or encounters with them yet... Karma, your name comes up again and again, though, so I'm truly looking forward to someday getting to know you, as well! I like surrounding myself with good people, they make me feel good, and encourage me to be a better person myself!
  18. I'll jump in and nominate LoriDarlin. When I fell in love with her personal coin, the one with the moon on it, I contacted her to find out if I could purchase it. She was unable to sell it and could only take trades for it and I had nothing I could trade, aside from prayers and good vibes. She then offered to send me the coin as a gift. I was so excited and so touched by the gesture! It would be my first geocoin of any sort! You can't imagine my surprise to get a big padded envelope in the mail from her! I expected one little coin! Instead, we got 2 of her beautiful coins in different finishes, 3 trackable unactivated coins, her gorgeous and sweetly funny personaly tater geocoin, poker chips and wooden nickels and a little handwritten note from her that was so nice! We've since started chatting on occasion on MSN and have found that on so many subjects we are kindred spirits and share the same thoughts and beliefs. Lori has a true heart of gold and gives without expecting anything in return. She's the first person here who I've "met" and she really has shown me what it means to be a member here!
  19. Happy Birthday Steinwalzer Send me your address and I will send you a geocoin as a belated birthday present Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.... OT: I used to live in Mannheim. ~tsun Steph, you are really a nice person Happy birthday, Steinwalzer!! How many candles were on the cake?
  20. Tjena! I can't help ya with close to port locations, BUT, I can lead you to the Swedish forum that might have a few more responses than here... Seems all the finnjävlar have taken over this forum here on Groundspeak Varsågod! klicka mig!
  21. I dunno, man..... there have been days.........
  22. In Sweden here, using a Tom Tom ONE and today when I switched it on it took over a minute to obtain a lock and I've noticed the past couple of weeks that it's been very slow to get reception and that just isn't "normal" for it! Usually it's very quick and we rarely have accuracy issues with it.
  23. Even I'd work on "squeezing" a little cash out of our tight budget for this gem!
  24. Really going to bed this time... and going with cross country/track and field along with my previous answers!
  25. I want to keep my other two answers but change my sport to field hockey and on that note... ni-nite ya'll!
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