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Everything posted by Tequila

  1. That would be me, I think. And I echo Mr. Yuck's comments. I have over 1,000 caches on my Ignore List.
  2. They probably meant to post a note and hit Found by mistake. Have you tried contacting them by email? On a more humorous note, if you delete their log, they will have a tough time proving they found it. Unless they are a member of the bomb squad.
  3. Actually the BEST that happens is they say no.
  4. I agree. I wonder if it will result in a letter from Corporate Walmart to Groundspeak to remove all caches on their property?
  5. We had another great signing event last night with the BFL gang. Congratulations to northernpenguin on accepting and completing the challenge. Looking forward to another great log relating all the adventures leading up to the signing. Who is next?????
  6. It actually quite surprising to see how far exploded material can travel. We detonated a running shoe (to replicate the shoe bomber) and we were picking up pieces of the shoe over 100 meters away. And the hounds were still able to use the pieces to trail and identify the bomber.
  7. Tequila

    Ontario Visit

    Which is a longer than it takes to drive to Florida.
  8. Tequila

    Ontario Visit

    Actually it is almost 3 times the size of California. 415,000 square miles vs 158,000 for CA.
  9. For next time: You can "reserve" a spot by creating an unpublished cache with a waypoint for a specific location. That will keep the spot for you. Of course, if someone else tries to publish close by, you will be asked to publish or relinquish. But at least you will have an option. Use this sparingly.
  10. Field training exercise. I have spent a fair bit of time working bloodhounds off exploded "items" with various government agencies in the U.S. You very quickly learn three things about bomb techs. (1) Typically, they only get to make a mistake once. (2) The are a different breed of person. And I mean that in a very positive way. I would trust my life with them. (3) They do like to blow things up. That is how they learn about explosives and how to deal with them. I have no problem in police detonating an unknown package. As for "checking to see if there is a cache published in the area, what better disguise that to publish a cache, wait for the FTF frenzy to abate and then replace it with an explosive. Bombers are pretty sick people. We are fortunate they have not focused on Canada.
  11. It was 4 years ago today, that Tony, 1701eh, one of the best cachers ever, was tragically killed in a car accident. I am sure he has long since cleared heaven of all the caches. We are thinking of you Tony.
  12. A friend did 5 caches in 5 countries in 5 hours. Here is his profile. http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=ad...bc-7606840d7264
  13. We have two more qualified signers. Congrats.
  14. There will come a day when, like Groundspeak, you won't care about FTF or FTL. It is a very liberating feeling.
  15. I can open the description in my OR but it is all gobblygook.
  16. You will have better luck if you post this in the GPS forum. My guess is there is some sort of special character in the description that is causing the CO to cack. Have you tried going to the description at home and seeing what happens? What about other caches? If it is just this one, I would suspect the description. I am gonna request this be moved to the GPS forum.
  17. They are not specifically excluded. So I see no reason why they shouldn't count. Congrats on setting up the Maritime Fizzy. Glad I could help out. T
  18. Psst .... ALR has been met! Now if only my log would stick Yes it has. LOL Try putting more glue on the log. And it was the most fun signing event yet. Congratulations on a job very well done. And even more important, you had fun doing it with your friends. This cache has brought out the absolute best in a number of cachers. And it has brought much needed attention to some really great caches that were being ignored. When I created it back in April of 2008, I had no idea it would create so much activity.
  19. Time to get ready for a log book signing.
  20. I am not aware of a way using the builder. I am sure if you know enough about lua and your GPS you might be able to do it with a self written author script. I tend to make the final zone small enough that the player can navigate to it and then easily find the cache. Hide the cache in the most obvious spot and GZ. Does that answer your question?
  21. I think Red90 provided the best advice. Learn from it and don't let it grind you up. There are ways of making sure the coordinates stay with the container, assuming they don't steal the container. And you might be feeding them by publicizing it.
  22. They could just record them in their GPS.
  23. When I have required info in a cache, I usually write it on the lid as well as in the log book. This prevents someone accidentally taking the info. Is it possible they took it by mistake?
  24. There is a cache there ..... just 0.03km away Maybe you can replace the log on it.
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