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Everything posted by Damenace

  1. I am thankful for my beautiful daughter !!
  2. Just getting home from Idaho !!! What a spectacular event, HUGE thank you to Dorkfish and Karma for such an excellant event !!! Congrats to Tyocci for winning the Magellan 500 LE GPS in the raffle and congrats to all the other attendees that won there share of the 100+ coins donated for the giveaway. I never realized that it was possible to make a maze out of the all those potatoes plants , oh wait that was corn !!!!
  3. Two rules for me are: 1) Be honest with yourself and others 2) Possess ethical business practices through out the process
  4. Boy, am I glad that I will be hitting the road in about 26 hours for the drive to Idaho, it should be fun !
  5. Female saints and social justice (a historical and contemprary view). Wanna help me? Good luck Steph with your paper .
  6. St. Joan of Arc and St. Joan de Lestonnac
  7. St. Joan of Valois and St. Joan of Arc
  8. 1 Complete Seahorse Set 1 Chat Happens 1 Cherry of a cache 1 CCL Smile it's GW5 1 Snozzberry Geojelly 1 BND Chick
  9. Just for clarification, are you doing Hologram or Lenticular? There is a difference .
  10. Would someone be so kind to share an image of this coin?? I believe I to would love to acquire this coin, any takers?
  11. In my hands I hold a complete set of all four new colors ! The translucents are a perfect match with the Black Nickel metal. Of course Blue and Red being my two favorite colors. Thank you Karma !
  12. For clarification: is it the first lenticular coin, or first lenticular geocoin? Geocoin, I hope .
  13. Absolutely I will save one for your next trip to Utah. I wish we could have bumped into each other during your last trip. I will be doing 100 coins so there will be plenty for face to face trading. I should add that I will only be doing limited quantities when I attend events(5 to 10), so it is of your best interest to find me early and bring your traders!!!
  14. Thank you Jen . Indeed there is one in the works and it has been months in the works at that!! It will indeed be a lenticular lens and it will be a face to face trade coin due to the expense of making this coin. I have two sets of samples already. I made revisions and I am currently waiting for the third set of samples before final sign off!! Stay tuned!! Those of you that know of some of my problems in the last few months, if I could of cancelled this project I probably would have it has been an expensive project ! However the flip side to that it should be the first lenticular lens coin ! Buddy... come visit me.. soon!!! Plenty of room for you and BooBoo to crash here! I always remember the foil holograms on the front of several issues of National Geographic. OOOHHHHHH, let me tell you how I wish I could take you up on this offer !!!! I would love to visit you in NZ, what does it cost to fly anyway? Just as a side note I was suppose to go to Europe this last year and didn't make it due to buying a house. So the thought of NZ just rocks!!!
  15. Well what do you know, it appears as if I am still ahead of Avroair !!! I am pretty sure this will remain true for the duration of the race !!! Maybe his bus will get stuck in a snow storm ?
  16. Thank you Jen . Indeed there is one in the works and it has been months in the works at that!! It will indeed be a lenticular lens and it will be a face to face trade coin due to the expense of making this coin. I have two sets of samples already. I made revisions and I am currently waiting for the third set of samples before final sign off!! Stay tuned!! Those of you that know of some of my problems in the last few months, if I could of cancelled this project I probably would have it has been an expensive project ! However the flip side to that it should be the first lenticular lens coin !
  17. Is it still active? Yes it is! I'll bite the biter! If you send me your address I'll send you a coin that's on your seek list (I've already taken it off my trade list, so it will be a surprise ) Pay it forward WOW, thank you!!! That was not my intent!!! Email sent.
  18. Damenace


    Yes there is, I hope ?
  19. Alright, I will bite !!! Email me your address and I will gladly send you a coin, no strings attached !!!
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