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Everything posted by tw3nty3ight

  1. I am looking for the oval GEO bumper sticker where I can use Paypal as payment. Anyone know any stores that accept paypal and carry these in stock?
  2. Looking for these coins. THX4TC Jeeps Any June 2007 Coins Ohio Coins
  3. Got my Gold Yesterday Very Nice!!
  4. Looking to finish the set of THX4TC Jeeps See my tradelist.
  5. Looking for Ohio Coins. Please look at my tradelist.
  6. Save your Google placemarks to a .kml file...convert that file in GPSBabel to .gdb or .gpx...now open the .gdb or .gpx file in Mapsource and upload it to your GPS. Awesome!! THANK YOU!!
  7. Ok my question is WITHOUT getting google pro whats the simplest way to convert googles Lat/Lon to manually enter in my 60csx? Or if there is a program that wil send it to the GPS. I have alot of cemeteries placemarked and would like to transfer them to my gps so I can place some caches. Thanks in advance!
  8. Heres my picture PLEASE NOMINATE!!!!
  9. I'm in! Hmm, guess the logical starting place would be from somewhere near where GW5 was held....how about the RBC cache, that was a large popular cache near the event. Anyone having experience in running one of these races feel like either giving advice on starting something like this, or advice to run away screaming, that's always an option! ) More info may be coming to a thread near you! Sounds fun!!
  10. Thank you all for your kind words and wishes!!
  11. Looks like mines the bronze lol Thank you!
  12. Here is a hi res of the one I have
  13. Well Looooong Story behind this one, Me+no lawyer+Her+high$$ lawyer = Me getting a raw deal. That's how it works. Well, you're very fortunate to have your kids in that case. Everything else pales in comparison. Yes I was lucky enough that I have them, and they are my world, and they are always looking forward to us geocaching EVERY weekend. What can you do, just try to take it all in stride....
  14. How can I tell wich one I have? I have three of these I recieved in a collection I bought from a former local collector and the picture I seen of the LE looks more like mine but not sure are there any EASY way to tell?
  15. Well Looooong Story behind this one, Me+no lawyer+Her+high$$ lawyer = Me getting a raw deal.
  16. Yes, I will be listing some new ones this evening. I will give an update when they are listed.
  17. Never even thought about that... Hope this isnt any harm to Karma
  18. Well long story short with the drama I recieved froma previous coin auction I figured I'd explain myself a little.
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