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Firth of Forth

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Everything posted by Firth of Forth

  1. I don't know of a Web Cam Cache on a traffic island in London but there's certainly one on a Zebra Crossing Done that one! It's literally around the corner from my Dad's house. And I'll be taking Jack to do it again at the end of November. I have advised him that he needs to wear flared jeans and take his shoes off.
  2. If anyone wants to stand on a traffic island with me and phone Scotland for a photo opportunity, I'd be glad to have them join me!
  3. Well, I shall keep my fingers crossed. I'm coming down for a training event and that night is free. When I did the the last level of this training in Manchester, an event was conveniently organised for the night that I was there. I seem to remember a rather drunk crowd standing on a traffic island phoning Scotland for a webcam photo to be taken. And Mongoose and Powerbookfanatic kindly took me out caching too.
  4. I think that the next London event should be on Friday January 26th.
  5. I agree entirely, and with Haggis Hunter. You cannot tell, or expect, others to do what you would like them to do. It's a game, people play it differently and people are different. If one or two folk write brief logs, surely the disappointment is more than made up for by the longer ones which are, in my expereince, much more common? And while it may not feel good to get the odd negative log, these shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you offer something to the general public, you cannot expect everyone to like it. And waffle drivel better than nothing....NO!
  6. There are loads. There are caches on many of the bridges over the Liffey in Dublin. There are several on bridges in Prague (one which if you drop will land in the river!). Now, the Forth Road bridge.......hmmm...I ought to do something about that!
  7. *Mr Chizu coughs and splutters* that'll be Ms, not Mrs Chizu Oops! I do apologise!
  8. I'm not up for the paintballing itself - don' t fancy all the bruising! But if it's possible I will come along and help out in whatever way I can. Between Mrs Chizu and me, we should have enough qualifications to run a children's event!
  9. The latest news about Ewan's progress from his wife: Ewan has improved quite a bit since the last report. He's breathing on his own more and more each day and his renal function is also improving. There is hope that he will transfer to a spinal injuries unit, which can provide very good care and rehabilitation.
  10. Two green jeeps were left in one of my caches in Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago by some very nice American cachers, but the jeeps didn't stay there long! I nabbed one and placed it on Cramond Island in the Firth of Forth in Go Forth - where it has now been for nearly two weeks! I'm amazed that the icons hunters haven't been out to get it! The other jeep is here, if you want to watch it.
  11. I might stray south of the border for a NE event. I have no problem in being required to do a bit of work to find the event (as long as there is a helpline). There's no way I would do a 'turn' though, so would you seriously not let me log the event if I came and didn't perform? Perhaps the 'acts' could be thought of as added entertainment, just like raffles etc at other events.
  12. Nope. I don't think I'll be wearing that. Must definitely be too old. Edit to say: And there's no way that my 15 year old daughter would let me wear it. it's embarrassing enough that I go geocaching.
  13. Geobabe? I'm female and I go caching...a little old to be a babe though.
  14. Hmm...I think the list might be very long... Marmal Klicknik and Dape teams (Prague) Dazadude Yob Kulcha Pooter Edinburgh Walker Team Bostik Billy Twigger Tupperware Party Swift (Northern Ireland) Deputy Dawg The Stubbornly Oaks (London) mdf flyer (twice) There are probably more! If you want to bump into other cachers, thechances are much higher if you visit new caches in the first few days after they're published.
  15. If all of those 10 friends have seen it, then I don't think it's a problem. Jack Aubrey and I usually go caching together, but occasionally one of us might pick up a geocoin when out on our own. We show them to each other and discover the coins that the other one has retrieved. This seems legitimate to me, but others might disagree.
  16. Maybe it's just me...but I thought that it was a tongue-in-cheek remark, made perhaps by someone who has been reading event logs and wished that they had been able to attend. Am I completely wrong?
  17. Email sent to you.
  18. A bit more of an update: In the last few days Ewan has started to breath by himself for some of the time and his kidneys have also started to work again. They are hoping that he may be able to transfer from ICU to a spinal injuries unit soon. His family are visiting him 2 or 3 times a day and this must be taking its toll. His wife knows that a lot of people are thinking about them and she wanted me to let you know how Ewan is getting on.
  19. You're bound to have a lot of offers for that! If you'd like it to come to Scotland, let me know.
  20. Here are a couple of nice photos of BT As part of Team Tongue (Billy Twigger, Pooter, Highland Nick and Firth of Forth) at the 3rd annual Scottish Cache Bash on the far North coast at Talmine. It was a very wet soggy, but highly enjoyable day. Here he (and Nick) are pointng out a geological feature. And later at the pub:
  21. Sorry - I haven't heard anything further.
  22. You didn't read the cache pages carefully enough. As far as the one placed by Jack Aubrey and myself is concerned, the cache page makes it entirely clear that the stone has been moved and now sits on a public path. The cache is beside the stone and not attached to it or to anything which is associated with the stone. If you visit a cache site and have concerns about a cache's placement, fair enough to raise those with the approvers. To object, in a rather abrupt tone, without discrimination is really not helpful.
  23. Wow!! Thanks a lot Rutson! Is it very boring in China??
  24. Brilliant! Wonder how you did that??! As for the rate of increase, just a rough estimate will do I think. Any idea how many cachers there are in Scotland?? I reckon there's no way of finding that out!
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