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Firth of Forth

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Everything posted by Firth of Forth

  1. As Perth Pathfinders said, there are some locations where a hint just won't help. An example is Centre of Scotland on the top of a Munro called Schiehallion. The top - well a mile ridge in fact - is a sea of massive boulders, and finding the cache, especially in adverse weather conditions, would be impossible without the spoiler photo. I would have been extremely p****d off if I had walked 800 metres up a mountain and not found the cache!
  2. Thanks. I think I've done them all! Done Sherlock 6, Criss-cross bridge, York bridge, Blow up bridge and Cara's College cache. A very Secret Spot is disabled, as is Jehangir. That leaves the Letterbox and TB exchange. I'll have a closer look at the ones near City airport. Thanks a lot.
  3. I'm travelling down for the day in a couple of weeks. I've downloaded caches onto Memory Map, but it doesn't look like there are any caches easily accessible from City airport. Or am I mistaken? Then I'm off to a place near Regent's Park, and it looks like there's one cache that I might be able to nab next to the lake if I have time. Jehangir is disabled, and Ive done the rest along the canal. So, a possible tally of one for the day!
  4. Always work in feet/miles (and I'm your age). But get confused when I go out caching with Haggis Hunter (who's a lot younger than me), who works in metric. Maybe something to do with the fact that he was in the army, where I expect metric is standard practice. But then maybe I can't reply to this thread....as I am neither English nor French.
  5. Wow!!!! Congratulations!!
  6. Fairy tale: Once upon a time a man asked a girl to marry him... She sais no, and he lived happilly ever after I'd like to point out that these sexist jokes aren't very funny.
  7. A lady by the name of Tina Brisco (?sp) with what sounded like a germanic accent was reported to be the person who found the dead swan. Noone has logged Anstruther Amble. How do you know she was a geocacher? Update: "Tina Briscoe, 68, who works at St Andrew's University, spotted the dead bird at Cellardyke harbour in Fife." BBC News The question is bizarre! Nobody has suggested that she is a geocacher or that the authorities promptly attended the scene or that the Cellardyke swan was found near a cache. Ok, I've misread your post. So Tina Briscoe isn't a geocacher. So what you are saying is that someone else who is a geocacher found another swan and reported it "to the authorities who promptly attended the scene and were shown the locus by the geocacher who found it." There's no need for such a derogatory reponse to something that I am simply trying to clarify.
  8. A lady by the name of Tina Brisco (?sp) with what sounded like a germanic accent was reported to be the person who found the dead swan. Noone has logged Anstruther Amble. How do you know she was a geocacher? Update: "Tina Briscoe, 68, who works at St Andrew's University, spotted the dead bird at Cellardyke harbour in Fife." BBC News
  9. Was never sent the survey; clicked on HH's link to it and it told me that "our records show that you have already taken this survery"! Something wrong with their database, as I certainly have not!
  10. I'm just wondering whether the fact that the Bow Street Runners became active geocaching members on April 1st is relevant.
  11. I have since discovered that they did, in fact, contact my son by email, but of course he didn't tell me! Anyway, I've learned something new: that a cache owner can mark a TB as missing.
  12. OK! Mystery solved. I should have read more of the logs. I can only presume that the cache owner marked the TB as missing. Thanks.
  13. A cacher called aarken put a TB belonging to my son (called Deep Purple) in a cache in South Africa at the end of last year. It was not showing as being logged into the cache called PA-Tieties in South Africa. When I looked on aarken's profile it showed this for the TB: Name Last Log Owner Location Traveled Deep Purple 12/27/2005 seiken Unknown 31329 mi I noticed that aarken put the tracking number for the TB in his log. Could that explain how someone has messed with it? And how would they do that? PS I have since 'retrieved' the Tb and placed it back in the cache.
  14. Those of you who do not frequent GeoX, the Celtic geocaching/walking/nature forum... Billy Twigger, the creator of many fine geocaches in the West of Scotland, and owner of all of the caches on the Isle of Bute, reached 800 a few days ago, after 3.5 years of caching. Congratulations BT!!
  15. Happy Birthday from me too! May it be a very happy one. Enjoy the bubbles.
  16. Or.....if the weather isn't promising...you could try some lower level gorges, such as: Built for Burns? and Urlar Road, though I realise that these aren't quite in the Highlands. Lovely walks though....I could go on at length about the wonderful gorge walks in Scotland that I have discovered through geocaching.
  17. Or indeed, you could try Ben Vrackie, which also has two other caches on the way up to the top.....and if you go on Wednesday, I'll see you there!
  18. Scotland's First is definitely a good one for a milestone (did my 300th there) but I can also recommend 10th and 3rd at the top of Ben Lawers and also Centre of Scotland at the top of Schiehallion. Both of these also have a low level cache to nab nearby - The Old Village of Lawers on the North shore of Loch Tay, for example, is a wonderful place.
  19. This cache might interest some.
  20. next time I'll get a few wrong to make you feel better It wasn't the score I was commenting on, rather the 900 secs. Sorry if you were offended.
  21. Marinor must have been googling the answers today!
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