Firth of Forth
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Posts posted by Firth of Forth
Me too. This is a real pain. I have many earthcaches etc and am not getting any email notifications.
I have never had emails for replies to replies either, which is another problem. A reply could be sitting there for days without being noticed.
Please fix both asap.
Please do something about the way Message Centre works. I request that people use the email option to contact me, but almost no one does so.
Problem 1. Recently I haven't been getting an email to let me know that someone has sent me something through the message centre. It may be something to do with using the app. This causes enormous problems in dealing with the numerous logs I get for my earthcaches.
Problem 2. If I do labourously log into the message centre to reply to someone, I have never had another email to let me know that they have replied to my reply. So unless I go to the g.com website and login in AND notice the notification symbol, I am unaware. This isn't efficient, and I have plenty of other things to do than keep track g.com website.
Please rectify these issues.
Firth of Forth
As ever, lots of helpful information. Two other questions:
Would using Wherigo Kit to begin with to get the basic structure of a cartridge sorted , then export it to another builder for enhanced features be a good idea, or is it better to start with the other builder?
Secondly, I use an iMac and wonder if there are any limitations to using any of the builders on it.
I built two wherigos a long time ago. The first in 2009 involved a very complex storyline and had sound effects and even some intro music created especially for the game by my son. Luckily the Wherigo is still going strong and has a lot of very positive reviews (GC1KPTV). However, I found the builder very clunky and it pretty much put me off trying again (apart from a much easier one I created for the first Scottish Mega - now sadly archived). In those days we were playing the wherigos on PDAs. Now things seem to have moved on, and I am tempted to try again. However, I have found updating my knowledge of what is available confusing and hope I can get a few pointers.
Firstly, there seems to be a confusing array of builders now - from wherikit to earwig - but I haven't been able to find a summary anywhere of how these differ eg whether they are more suited to different kinds of Wherigo constructions. Any advice about the various options or a place where this information is available?
Secondly, there are many more different kinds of devices that wherigos can be played on now - do all or any of these builders ensure that the game can be played on GPSr as well as smartphones both android and apple?
Thirdly what is the view about sound effects/music? If most people are playing these on a smartphone rather than a GPS, then is it worth the effort of adding in this extra layer of complexity, and do all the builders allow it?
Thanks in anticipation for comments.
I don't have a book mark list for you but thanks for the story of how you 2 met thru geocaching.
Very cool
Thanks. There is even a short bit on a You Tube video of the 2010 Edinburgh celebration of 10 years of geocaching with the story (about 7.24m in).
Hello, and greetings from Scotland.
My husband and I (we met through geocaching 10 years ago!) are planning a trip to New England in September 2016. For him, it will be important to visit some places (eg Cooperstown) connected with James Fenimore Cooper as he did his PhD on the man. For me, it will be a bit of a trip down memory lane since I spent the first 8 years of my life in New York state, and also have some relatives to visit. But we would also like to go geocaching. We will fly to Boston and tour the New England states over two weeks. I would particularly like to visit caches that a part of a challenging series or that will take us to scenic/historical locations. We also like hiking.
I would be very grateful if anyone can point out bookmark lists that might be relevant or particular not-to-be-missed caches, or other webpages that might help me in my research.
Many thanks indeed.
Firth of Forth
Sorry -realised this was a very old thread.
I think that marker came from this 2005/2009 project:
I don't think so since the markers are dated 2005.
Presumably they are government placed.
We have just returned from Peru and we found 4 of these around Machu Pic'chu.
Two were on the path to the Inca bridge, one up at the Sun Gate and one within the archeological site itself,
It's a pity that only US benchmarks can be logged.
I have photos of them all.
The password I have been using for 9 years does not work! I presume the recent 'fix' for the website is to blame. How frustrating. There is no way I can login and use the usual features.
I've changed password twice in the last couple of months because my pasword no longer worked. I thought I might have been hacked but I'm really not at all sure.
I think that the problem is at Groundspeak's end. I contacted them and received a reply saying that they had pinpointed the problem and fixed it. However I can still not access my account, though I am no longer getting an error message saying that my password is incorrect.
Finally got it sorted. Necessitated an upgrade to Firefox and a clearing of temporary 'cache' in computer.
The password I have been using for 9 years does not work! I presume the recent 'fix' for the website is to blame. How frustrating. There is no way I can login and use the usual features.
I've changed password twice in the last couple of months because my pasword no longer worked. I thought I might have been hacked but I'm really not at all sure.
I think that the problem is at Groundspeak's end. I contacted them and received a reply saying that they had pinpointed the problem and fixed it. However I can still not access my account, though I am no longer getting an error message saying that my password is incorrect.
The password I have been using for 9 years does not work! I presume the recent 'fix' for the website is to blame. How frustrating. There is no way I can login and use the usual features.
That's helpful, thanks. I had thought it was around the 8,000 mark.
Does anyone know a way to find out how many Uk geocachers (roughly) there are. I realise that this may only be registered accounts rather than active cachers. I see from the UK league tables that there are roughly 8,000 cachers with over 200 finds. is this the best guesstimate?
I have tried a search on the g.com forums but didn't find anything.
It seems that older caches (eg locationless/travelling caches etc) are causing problems with some of the new features. I have souvenirs for places that I have never been to as a result. I have 74 locationless caches plus a number of others that will similarly distort where I have been. I see that there is supposed to be a 'list' somewhere to highlight such caches but apart from odd mentions in this thread I cannot easily see how it's possible to identify which others have spotted. Surely all locationless could just be excluded from any analysis?
Please add these virtual but loggable from elsewhere caches:
to the 'list'.
Locationless caches are already being excluded as a class from souvenirs and statistics. Unfortunately, some of the earliest of the souvenirs failed to properly account for LCs, so you may have some from these batches. If that's the case, please email contact@geocaching.com and ask to have them removed.
Of the caches you list above, all have been added to the list except the last two, although the latest version of the list has not yet been applied to the live site.
The last two caches in your list will not be added to the master list because, as I've indicated before, we will not be taking any special steps to account for caches that have encouraged "alternative" logging practices.
My apologies if this has been suggested/requested elsewhere in this thread, but would it make sense to implement a check-box/drop-down option in the statistics page which will exclude finds (or include finds, should that be your preference) cache types without physical logs (ie. LC, Webcam, Virtual)?
This, in combination with Moun10Bike's growing "traveller" list, may work best for all sides.
That's a good idea Dr House. I will try emailing re the early souvenirs, if I can work out which caches resulted in me getting them! The time invovled may not be worth it however.
It seems that older caches (eg locationless/travelling caches etc) are causing problems with some of the new features. I have souvenirs for places that I have never been to as a result. I have 74 locationless caches plus a number of others that will similarly distort where I have been. I see that there is supposed to be a 'list' somewhere to highlight such caches but apart from odd mentions in this thread I cannot easily see how it's possible to identify which others have spotted. Surely all locationless could just be excluded from any analysis?
Please add these virtual but loggable from elsewhere caches:
to the 'list'.
I didn't know about webupdater so was pleased to find out about it from this thread. Downloaded it and took the plunge to update my Garmin Oregon 550. A screen came up before the upload stating that the batteries needed to be completely charged otherwise there is a risk of damage to the unit. Does this explain why some people have had problems, I wonder?
Anyway mine worked absolutely fine.
I'm single, and while I'm not LOOKING for "another half" if it happens, it'd be nice... my only stipulation is that they have to either be a cacher, or be very open to the idea of caching...
I'd hate to be like some of my geo-friends who have found another half, but they just don't get caching, and so my friends have ended up ditching caching.. never never never!!!!
Keep your fingers crossed. It could happen any day...
I started geocaching in 2003. I went to Scotland's first CITO in May 2005 and met Jack Aubrey. Five years of fun together (and lots of caching!) and we are getting married next month.
You can even see the announcement on Haggis Hunter's video of 10 Years! Edinburgh
We recently completed a couple of Wherigo's and we were impressed with them and would like to do one ourself, has any one ever listed one, we need advice thanks
I have written two now.
The first was much too ambitious and I will need to strip out all of the sound effects which seem to cause problems on some devices. It was an enormous amount of work and the software is very very clunky. However it is also very satisfying to create something like this. Given that I have no programming expertise at all, it is possible for anyone with a lot of patience and a knack for logic to create a Wherigo. It's very useful to have someone who knows what they are doing to refer to for help, though.
You can see the cache page for it here.
The second will be published soon, in time for Scotland's Mega event in Perth, and will be a historical Wherigo based on the history of the Stone of Destiny. This one was made deliberately simple but was still quite a bit of work.
I suggest you try something very simple to begin with and get to grips with the builder by looking at the demo.
Woohoo! Thanks!
Ironically, it's a photo I took at a not very scenic cache site - and that was the only thing worth taking a picture of!
Some of you will remember that 'Billy Twigger', aka Ewan, suffered serious injuries after falling from a cliff on the Isle of Bute in September 2006. He has been in hospital more or less constantly since then. I am sorry to report that he died today around noon. Those of you who were lucky enough to meet him will remember what a fantastic person he was, as well as what a fantastic cache placer he was too!
His father asked that I pass on this sad news to the geocaching community.
More ideas! Great! Thanks so much. We will be spoilt for choice I think. Looking forward to it immensely. Watch out for our logs.
in General geocaching topics
I have been a pretty active cacher since 2003. However I am losing interest fast and on the point of archiving a number of earthcaches around the world because too many people are clearly sharing answers on local FB pages or other forums, and either not bothering to go to location to find answers or even visit the country. I had thought that the days of armchair caching were over but clearly some cachers think that’s an appropriate way to find caches.
My two virtuals in Edinburgh are also at risk from this. I know that answers for Holyrood Horror GCM021, a longlived virtual in existence since 2004 have been shared on a German FB virtual caching website, for example. Those who do this run the risk that these caches will be archived, and spoil the fun for the majority who do play the game fairly.