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Everything posted by lulu499

  1. OMG! this means that Jahoadi and John will be out of cache containers after May 14th. Do I need to re-post that picture of my wheel barrow Harmon? We never run out of cache containers.....I haven't forgotten that I need to whip you into shape again... ... OH NOOOO! I can just imagine what Harmon's next photo is going to look like by Jodi's last comment! Whipped into shape! I love that picture of you in the wheelbarrow! Why Nancy, you are as the May flowers to me. Bless you my child. Coming back to the image just now I realize that I failed to feature my jaunty bag-hat and donut glasses. Ah well, who's perfect after all? I suppose the 'barrow shot will haunt me as time goes on. I've come to realize that a few local Geocaching rascals, not to name any names, often preserve my Photoshop work as a sort of social artillery for later deployment against me. By the way, I've been given to understand that you have taken on a regular task of seeing after Janie while out and about in quest of Geocaching finds. Best of luck in that endeavor ... youth should work in your favor as that ol' gal's a handful while out along the trails. Here's a tip in that regard, be especially careful about the sort of hiking boot you wear when looking after Splashette as she can be a bit harpy about boots that don't measure up to her firm expectations. In my own case I had to retire a perfectly fit pair of boots that she addressed as "clodhoppers" each and every time she saw them. That's why I took of the practice of hiking to the rear of march so's she couldn't appraise my every footfall so sharply. Those boots seemed fine to me if only they had been a pair, which they weren't. (Can y' tell that I've been Kindeling Dickens of late?) Your pal, Harmon Do we get to see a picture of the "clodhoppers?"
  2. OMG! this means that Jahoadi and John will be out of cache containers after May 14th. Do I need to re-post that picture of my wheel barrow Harmon? We never run out of cache containers.....I haven't forgotten that I need to whip you into shape again... ... OH NOOOO! I can just imagine what Harmon's next photo is going to look like by Jodi's last comment! Whipped into shape! I love that picture of you in the wheelbarrow!
  3. Wow!! VERY cool!! Looking forward to it! Thanks for all your hard work and effort!!
  4. Our community is diminished. Rest in Peace, cegrube. We never had the pleasure of meeting cegrube. Our condolences to his family. May he rest in peace. I, too, never had the pleasure of meeting cegrube. Very sad news - so sorry to hear.
  5. Congrats to The Fat Cats for their milestone 10,000 and for completing the Dalmatian Series!!
  6. way to go! Moving on up! Congrats! Nancy is truly one of a kind ... Lulu499 with poor Yorick One upon a time I was out on a remote trail with the Thirsty Ladies whereupon we spotted a person approaching from afar, that person keeping at an extreme pace, that person emitting a cloud of trail-dust from her tiny little feet, and that person causing me to smile my smile and remark "That has to be Nancy." Indeed it was. Lulu499 ... pollywog angel, Yrium-card guardian, tee-shirt police, and all-round Geocaching champion. Yes indeed, one of a kind. Well done little girl, Sweet ol' Harmon SD Rowdies Harmon, I was already having an amazingly wonderful day when you come along and top it off with this nice post. Thanks for making my day better than it already was, and thanks for being Sweet ol' Harmon. Your pal, lulu Thanks to everyone else for the congrats, too! !!
  7. Holy Smoke!! The kwvers! just hit 20,000!!! Wow!! Congrats!!
  8. What the.....????
  9. Yes, I received an email from Lulu499 because she noticed my log entry in the Flikr photos, entry of 5-29-07. See my response below. "Nancy, No, wait, now I’ve got it ... GC1380Y, “M&M’s Make ... (#2)” by rscaensd. See link following. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=117902b2-c866-4d68-ab30-c2a26e88450d&log=y&decrypt= Scored that find with the Geobabes on 5/29/07 after all ... first one of our day and we were STF. Harmon SD Rowdies From: Nancy Nilsen Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 5:43 AM To: 'Jane Moretz' ; 'Harmon Harris' Subject: Have you seen this article? · http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/cafe-san-diego/article_9a558592-12b8-11e0-9dd5-001cc4c03286.html If you check out the photos on Flickr you can clearly read Harmon and the GeoBabes on the log." Hey! My husband enjoyed showing me the following link. Scroll down to "Snap, Crackle and Pop." http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=kf5u9cdab&v=001SbPU0nO9dPDOyKw72VaQPmkHe6hzZiuvMj2vKhb-wxC65t2tPiSAnnwsQdL7k3Y37Q_dNK87S_l7cFyGHZSo18gPcbKWLVJL3pqoumPhvj2t21fXJegIBfkLdGEibG_t_xhCpx6HbxSLHq2RvdW3B-456QCkHyBkf8pxZpxqrK94Pd0rrd77RR14s4APSeTNetwR5DHZBdD_3HYaUF5Rxk8j1HyvovizqhK3z-3CUGuEpqvLYxpX82XnsDJ_PXfIQWMrFoWUvp4%3D
  10. Is that you waving the fabric behind her, Harmon? Kind of cool!
  11. I can't stop laughing! Great Job!
  12. This just in ... Good Witch of the North KWVERS! ... Denice as Glinda. I love it.......how about my flying monkey JOhn? This just in ... Flying Monkey Boy Remember Jodi, you asked for it. Oh I'm so glad Jodi requested monkeys. I was avoiding them lest someone get offended. Now I have no worries. Too funny! Not to worry Doug...didn't you see the caches placed by the Wicked Witch and her sidekick the flying Monkey?. I figured if I was the wicked witch John must be a monkey. It's gonna take Harmon a LONG time to heal from this transgression. That's really funny, Harmon!! Good call, Jodi!!
  13. Nope!! Pretty sure its the 13th... Not sure why that date sticks in my head... On the other hand, it is FlagSon Andrew's 18th birthday today!! Our work is done!!! See this is why you are on FACEBOOK it tells you when it's your friends birthdays. Congrats on raising a fine son there Tom I know the feeling. Happy Birthday Andrew. Happy Birthday to Andrew!! 18!! No more "kids" at home for Tom.
  14. Happy Birthday, Harmon!!! 76 year old, huh? Amazing!! Smart funny energetic spunky and definitely inspirational! Have a great day!!
  15. Anj dear, You need to tighten up a few notches on Doug. Any guy that hangs around crazed women such as The Fat Cats while clutching a first-aid kit is bound t' be headed for trouble. To me that's a giant leap beyond an ambulance chaser. On the flip side of this issue I've discovered an advantage that comes with my poor ol' flayed fanger; for the first time in my life I can count to eleven without taking a shoe and sock off. (Please don't tell Sue that I admitted this.) Ain't life weird? Poor ol' Harmon Th' Slashee Finally ... See what I'm sayin'? Somebody that appreciates what I've been through.
  16. PTKS? Partial Thumb Kleavage Syndrome? James, You've got an exceptional mind my friend. Yesterday I found time to cobble up an image of my hand with six fangers. Sue-icide! Harmon Yikes! Ouch!!
  17. WoooooHooooooooo!!!! $kimmer, I'm really proud of you. Well done. $weet! Congtrats Great job $kimmers 10K! Congrats to $kimmer on 10,000!!!
  18. Wow!! The Splashes hit 17,000!! Congrats!!
  19. Dang! I've been so wrapped up in my own brand of misery (which not only involved knives, but also saws) that I forgot all about the SD Geocachers Revival T-shirt. I have this vague thought that I might have committed to buying one...(it seems so long ago now...) Any leftovers (hopefully in an XL)? Wow! I've been out of the loop for awhile myself. I didn't know anything about these shirts ... and I LOVE THEM!!! Who do I talk to about ordering a couple? One for me, and one for halftrack guy? Please oh please oh please? I hope I haven't missed the boat. Jodi is the "go to" person on this.
  20. WHEW! for a minute there I thought you thought I was this one of a kind. No, No, No! The only thing I recognize is the t-shirt and tags...why I otta. oh, and love the Sleepless in Seattle t-shirt, I'm wearing mine tomorrow. Good t' hear that s-o-m-e-b-o-d-y liked the Sleepless tee. After workin' my poor ol' fangers to th' bones on that design what do I have t' show for it? A sliced fanger and the sad fact that I haven't seen a single gal wearin' that tee; pictures sure, but not in th' flesh. Note to Self: Truth is I was delighted by being asked to do that design. Puh-lease, every gal that wears a Sleepless in Seattle t-shirt this week please post your t-photo on this thread. Thank y' very much, Harmon I wore mine at the campout..just look at the pics in facebook Harmon!..Oh wait..you dumped that other site didn't you? Hey Harmon, I'm wearing my white Sleepless tee at Groundspeak in my avatar photo that shows every time I post on the forums. Too bad you can't see the awesome artwork on the back. I wear that shirt a lot! Nancy, Thanks pal, I appreciate your thoughtful offer. Avatar huh? Maybe we should start an avatar album on th' photo gallery so's to be up to date in a social-networking sort of way. Yes, that's it, lot's of wee little images of friends; excuse me, ... of Friends that I Like. Here's a copy of my photo to start things off. You and Jodi are always such good sports about my silly ravings. 1 Likes it, Harmon Can I Like your Like?
  21. WHEW! for a minute there I thought you thought I was this one of a kind. No, No, No! The only thing I recognize is the t-shirt and tags...why I otta. oh, and love the Sleepless in Seattle t-shirt, I'm wearing mine tomorrow. Good t' hear that s-o-m-e-b-o-d-y liked the Sleepless tee. After workin' my poor ol' fangers to th' bones on that design what do I have t' show for it? A sliced fanger and the sad fact that I haven't seen a single gal wearin' that tee; pictures sure, but not in th' flesh. Note to Self: Truth is I was delighted by being asked to do that design. Puh-lease, every gal that wears a Sleepless in Seattle t-shirt this week please post your t-photo on this thread. Thank y' very much, Harmon I wore mine at the campout..just look at the pics in facebook Harmon!..Oh wait..you dumped that other site didn't you? Hey Harmon, I'm wearing my white Sleepless tee at Groundspeak in my avatar photo that shows every time I post on the forums. Too bad you can't see the awesome artwork on the back. I wear that shirt a lot!
  22. Yeah, and he has a mojo first-responder's first-aid kit too. RRS Express Well done Doug, I salute you with my sliced and diced fanger. CONGRATULATIONS DOUG AKA RRS!!! As all Jeep owners know, a whole new world opens up for you! Ain't it FUN!!! WOOHOO!!! The Splashes Congrats on 1000, RRS!!! Congrats also to kawikaturn on 11,000!!!
  23. Hey! That looks really good on there!!
  24. Congrats Nancy. .....I can still remember when you found 500 and John thought you should change your name to Lulu500...LOL.. MAN, your up there with the big dog cachers, great job. Thanks, everyone!! Still loving every minute of it!!
  25. Congrats, J & J!! 16,000!!! Wish I were clever enough to add the leap frogs, but we'll have to leave that to Harmon.
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