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Posts posted by Millsboy

  1. I was hoping to find out how to get back to the original formatting page available when you first choose to hide a cache.


    I was told by my local reviewer, that the proper way to submit a cache is to create a blank cache page as a coordinate check, but once you submit the cache there is no obvious way to get back to the original page, which is much easier to utilize and also you do not need to know countless html tags.


    I was hoping someone here knows how to get back to that original formatting screen. If not perhaps knows how to submit ideas to "the powers that be" because editing pages would be much easier.


    Thanks for your consideration.

  2. With the new tech of smart phones and the ever shrinking size of nanos. I would recommend a QR Code reader attribute.


    I will be adding a QR code to all my future caches.


    It could also be used as a "stash note" for the outside of bison tubes, as coordinate clues for multi's and anything else you can probably think of.


    I am not sure if this was suggested already since you are unable to search for two character strings in this forum.


    Until the powers that be decide it is worthy I guess I will just be adding the use of a QR code reader in the description.

  3. I have just started getting into this and am trying to combine two hobbies, off-roading and geocaching. Tonight I was doing a little research saving geocaches to my offline list since I will not have cell service on the trail. I noticed that one of the caches had "off-road vehicle" as an attribute which is really helpful to separate the ones I can drive to and the ones requiring a substantial hike to (since the offroad trails do not show up as roads on the map)


    Guess my question is ... if I can narrow my search results by these attributes.


    Thanks for your time and consideration.

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