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Everything posted by lee737

  1. Before it is hidden? Again..... hunting at the zoo!
  2. We just had two photos deleted as we had inadvertently posted geotagged pics from around GZ, pics didn't spoil the hide themselves, but the geotag would have. No problem to us, I've edited the geotag and re-uploaded them - I had actually thought the geotags were being stripped, as in the past I've tried looking at photos in logs around GZ, hoping for a 'hint', but never found any..... Maybe those finders had been more careful than we were... Anyway, the makers of 'EXIF editor' just sold a piece of software..... Maybe Groundspeak/GC could make it more interesting and allow COs to edit the geotags of log photos, drop in some red herrings for the unscrupulous??
  3. +2 When I think about the number of hours I spent watching DVDs on weekends back in those days (before kids consumed my spare time) it makes me sad.....
  4. It isn't the temporary replacement of a log that is the problem - it is the continual addition of scraps of paper to do so, over years, when it is clear the CO is not going to maintain the cache. This is mainly the problem of micros, where after a while it gets hard to get the log pile back into the container (and then back out), so after a short time the logs tear and end up like pulp....
  5. Maybe you should have delayed the actual adoption until after you found them?? Great work though, they sound like the sort of caches I like....
  6. Problem there is that it leaves an unfound 'pimple' on the map forever otherwise. For those whose habit is to keep certain portions of their map totally clear, that's an issue since the cache will keep reappearing. I just can't but think of logging a find on a cache whilst it was being placed, irrespective of whether your back was turned or not, is a bit going big game hunting in a zoo.....
  7. My ethics would imply that if you accompany the CO on the hide you are in-effect a co-CO, and shouldn't be logging a find at all.....
  8. I wouldn't be replacing stages or caches, time for NM/NA logs in those situations.... I wouldn't completely assume the CO is inactive on those criteria (although usually you would be right) - I've seen a few around here like that which will still maintain a cache, but don't find many. Too many junk caches around with inactive CO's - we should be aiming to have them archived to make way for fresh caches, rather than propping them up with ad-hoc maintenance....
  9. The term 'event' in this context implies you'll have some sort of interaction with others there I guess? Are logging requirements up to the CO/EO? If this chap had just written 'nice to drop by and say hello' his log probably would have stood, as nobody would have been 100% sure whether he was there or not.... Did we look that uninviting??
  10. Nice try this one..... an Attended = Didn't Attend?? Happy to see the log deleted this morning though.....
  11. I had one hidden in a small cave that was stolen.. but the thief was kind enough to transfer the contents to a plastic Folgers coffee can for me so the cache stayed in tact. Nice, heh? Has to be a thieving cacher surely? Almost need to punch serial numbers into the things, try and see where they turn up....
  12. No doubt abusing caches won't satisfy him long, he'll be torturing small animals and lighting fires soon enough, all the while his mummy changing his wet bed sheets every morning.....
  13. Set up an email rule to delete them or file them elsewhere when they are received....
  14. Would be convenient to be able to do it right there on the live GC map though.....
  15. Quite often when planning a trip, mainly in rural/forested areas, I'd like to be able to mark a point on the GC map, basically just a flag or something, maybe a label?? Just enter a coord, like you can in the Google Earth App.... Sometimes a CO will give some coords for various roads/POI in the description, would be good to view them on the main map. I'm unsure if it has been requested before, couldn't find anything on a search though...
  16. It's a trade-off between actually moving in a timely fashion, and being safe.... We did an excellent cache recently, low muggle area, low find numbers too - would be very safe for a TB, but it may sit there for a year or more before someone moves it.....
  17. Yes officer, I was there at 1430 hours, I had my face buried in my GPS the whole time... didn't see anything else.....
  18. I'd be inclined to support this, where I live anyway - there are more, what I would call good caches within a mornings drive of me than I possibly have time to do. Long walks, climbs, boating/kayaking etc, the only thing that gets in our way is the hiking ability of my 6 year old, and how far I'm keen to carry the 3 year old! There are oodles of urban micros too, the kids don't mind these..... but the good caches are certainly there too....
  19. I find these sort of caches useful for harvesting favourite points to give to the good ones.....
  20. I'm beginning to wonder if it is a particular cache that crashes mine..... I have a 100km radius database in GSAK - if I export all of these, the GPSr reliably hangs if I try and search for a waypoint.... If I do the same, but limit the caches to those in an 85km radius, it works ok.
  21. Agree - water will get in when people don't close it properly, drop it in the water, cross the threads of the container or tighten it so hard that the seals extrudes out the side like every second bison tube around.....
  22. Sounds like my kit, almost exactly, although as I cache with kids down to age 3, I have tissues/wet wipes and truckloads of food.....
  23. lee737

    First TB rant

    I'd give them at least a month/6 weeks or so.... How big is the TB? We found one not long ago, the bug itself was a tin, about 300mL volume, we had to wait until we found an ammo tin to drop it off.....
  24. They want people to click on sensationalist headlines to earn advertising dollars.....
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