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Everything posted by Rattlingcrew

  1. Cashew Nuts CO coin and you have mail, hopefully I was fast enough on the trigger! CO would be Colorado, unless you have a Cashew Nuts Coin factory sprouting up out there. In which case, shoot me some prices so we can stop sending our funds to China.... Glen
  2. You ought to try standing in line with 100 or so packed up ready to ship! I was happy to get to the counter! If you want me to pick it up, be sure to send me the TB number so I can watch it. I love the country up there and would be glad to go get a spare hubcap for my Dodge. Glen
  3. Three of each sounds great for us. Thanks, Glen
  4. I've activated one for release. I need to attach a mission card to it before I find a cache big enough to hold it. Its mission? To be photographed at the initial point. There is a microcache nearby, less than 100 feeet from the Initial Point. That will make a nice goal for you coin. They can look it up and grab the nearby cluster of benchmarks. Glen
  5. Texas Spring Taxas geocacher's association The Texas amilers smelled like they assembled them in a bar, loads of cigarette smoke smell...... the Texas coins are on the floor in the bed of my pickup airing out. 4 Fs, very nice, Thanks, Glen
  6. You go Jim! I know I will turn a few loose. Glen
  7. We would like a couple at least, maybe Buddy will wear one on his collar when we go caching! Glen
  8. Nice design, we would need a couple at least. Glen
  9. It is a free market, maybe I can trade for one or buy one someplace. I had a busy night and training this morning, not a chance at this coin at all. Life sure has some strange bumps in the road. Glen
  10. Put a little blue ocean around the Hawaii Islands, then butt it up to California, somebody else jump in with Alaska..... Maybe some ocean and some snow, so it sits on topof the US
  11. I am in, there goes the PayPal account again....
  12. I would have to have two or three sets, my son is saying cool and my brother does not cruise the forums. Great idea! Glen
  13. I came home yesterday and my wife was using a pair of them for coasters! How funny is that? Glen
  14. That will teach him for sending your Meades coins back! Glad to hear about the long distance shipping getting there so quickly. I have a few sets left to sell, if anybody missed their chance earlier. Glen
  15. The historical marker there lists the rock as a red sandstone .... all one word. If you ever visit the central Kansas area, you will find the red sandstone is plentiful here, it makes for beautiful buildings and is quite soft. The red sandstone is also quite fragile and you seldom see it being quarried in blocks like limestone. You can rub two of them together and get red sand falling almost immediately, neat stuff. Some area bluffs are red sandstone and they really stand out when the sun lights them at angles. Just tell them it is a red rock that is not native to that part of the world. Glen
  16. Glad they did not sink the ship, oops, aircraft! Thanks for letting me know they made it, Glen
  17. OK, I am ready to take a few more orders. The copper finishes are both in pretty short supply. Thanks all, Glen
  18. Cool! In that case I have purchased several, now anxiously awaiting their arrival! Glen
  19. Thanks again! The numbers are available now at the GeoCoinClub! Glen
  20. I thought this was a duplicate of the coin being offered at the geocoinstore. I was assuming that Groundspeak would not approve the exact same coin for two manufacturers. Are these two coins the same coin? This one is confusing, Glen
  21. I doubt this artwork will get approved... I guess I can cancel my order safely. Glen
  22. That is exactly what I had been telling everybody, you can measure them out, compare them to a 2 inch coin, but until you drop that manhole cover in your hand.... they are cool, Rusty did an excellent job for me. Thanks for the compliments. Glen
  23. You ought to get the classic soaring of the thermals that these birds are so known for, widespread wings and blue skies, what a sight! Maybe an idea for the back of the coin. They are a super sight in the Kansas skies! Whatever you decide to do, I would like a couple at least. Glen
  24. geo-paraphernalia and my collection of it is ever expanding... Glen
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