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Posts posted by microphonemark

  1. I have a nano cache. It's seriously tiny.

    Recently a cacher visited my cache but did not sign the log or open the cache, and claimed the find. I'm allowing it for two reasons.

    1. It was blowing a gale at the time.
    2. He described the cache in his log well enough to satisfy me that he'd at least seen it

    I live nearby-ish enough to know that it was blowing a gale and he probably would have lost the log in that weather!


    Posting "couldn't find it. not here. Here's a photo of the area though" as a found log would get deleted from any of my caches. Posting a DNF is not giving yourself an 'F'!

  2. I've got a whole load of silver bees that can be used as beads. I put one of those out in every cache I visit. They're great because they fit in micros, don't take up much room at all and are quite pretty. They've got no marking on to say they're a sig item, they're just something I drop off.

    Maybe there's more sig items out there that aren't marked?

  3. I'm considering buying a custom OS map for this event so the hunt'n'munch doesn't overlap two maps and to cut down on cost a little (I don't have any Scottish maps). I'm putting this here instead of private email in case anyone else has the same question:


    Can you give me a rough location to centre the map on please?


    OS Select webpage


    Thanks, and see you there!

  4. Smallest size usable log sheet that I've come across or heard about is about 5mm wide by the length of a A4 piece of paper [strip from a A4 piece of paper run through a shredder :D ]


    I own one slightly smaller than that, but along the same lines. I advise cachers bring their own, sharp, pencil for it!


    Regarding log-less caches: I don't believe it detracts from the overall experience, but if there were to be a log 'book', it should be big enough to write on. People don't seem to have trouble writing on mine, but if the log was thumbnail size, it would require a lot of maintenance to ensure it didn't fill up.


    Of course, the best log books are the large ones in sunny corners (see the New Forest) that I can ramble in!

  5. Revealing an encrypted clue now refreshes the page. I don't think it used to! (Did it used to just be a bit of JS?)


    This is quite annoying because I now have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page again to read the clue.

    I can understand why this change has been made, but I preferred it the old way.


    As a quick workaround, why not have the decrypt link point to itself on a page using the anchor tag? It still won't be as good as the old way, but it will save folk having to scroll all the way down the page a second time.



  6. As reviewer emails sent through GC's contact a player facility have a topic title, if you email or PM me with her user name and contact email address. I'll see if a quiet approach to obtain a description of where the cache was left will work.


    If this approach fails I must ask that no further attempt is to contact the lady in question as it will be obvious that the cache has been trashed <_<


    Thank you, that's exactly what we needed. I'll send the info.

    I'd agree with Deceangi on the last point too, nothing more to be gained through further contact if this doesn't work.

  7. I don't know. I'd love for you to be right, but I just don't think so.

    The problem is that I don't think any thought has been put into it's relocation at all.


    There's the fact that the laminated sheet in the cache has been ignored and the instructions on the travelbug followed. The fact that she logged the bug as discovered before moving it and didn't read it's instructions to not leave Yorkshire. The fact that I know at least two people sent her a friendly 'first contact' email to welcome her when she signed up and got no reply.


    My guess is that it's either in that shop and re-muggled or it's never been anywhere near that shop, is still in Yorkshire, and I've been told it's there so that I'll hit this dead end and give up. I don't think it's *hidden* in the coffee shop, but that's certainly an option.


    Her email said "Fleet services in Costa Coffee" (my emphasis).


    I don't think she's talking to me anymore though, so I might ask Deceangi to have a quiet word?


    edit: Jerryo got there just before I did, but that's two votes for involving a reviewer and a note of support from Deceangi further up the thread. I don't know if she even gets the emails sent from the website's contact form or just doesn't reply to them, but I suggest emailing her in the usual way.

  8. Tell him just the purses will do then. Ask if they're waterproof.


    I did think last night that it's way more likely she got the name of the coffee shop wrong rather than the name of the services. I'm just picturing the coffee shop in Fleet - there'll be a potted plant or something in the corner with a box stuffed behind it!


    Because it hasn't shown up in the services I don't think our muggle is going to be of any further help to us. The trail seems to have grown cold at the services and because it's been a good three weeks since it was dropped there I don't think it's going to show up now. I'm sorry it's ended this way, you've all been fantastic.


    I now open this thread to crazy ideas and wild gesturing.

  9. Thanks Nobby! I saw your name a few times last week when I was in the new forest. When it wasn't on the cache listing I was visiting it was your stamp in the log books :P I had a great visit, thanks for making it all the better with some caching to be done.


    Well, I finally have a location for anyone who feels up for a rescue mission. I will copy and paste the email I received this morning in it's entirety.

    Fleet services in Costa Coffee

    So that means it's either been re-muggled, is currently sitting in lost property (best hope) or has been blown up by the bomb squad!


    Anyone able to call/visit the Fleet services and ask about lost property? It was lost on the 29th August or thereabouts, and I have a description. It's a 1 - 1.5 litre white plastic sandwich box and does have a geocaching sticker on the top (can't confirm that it is the official green one). I don't need to say this, but it contains a notebook, kiddies toys and a disposable camera. (let's not bombard them with people trying to claim it though, one person only please!)


    This is way more exciting than a normal trad hunt! :P


    Thanks a lot everyone. You've all been ace.

  10. We spotted gordon ramsey while out caching in Titchfield. We were introducing the in-laws to caching at the time and trying to stay stealthy while dodging cameras / boom mikes.


    Mrs microphonemark can't tell the difference between him and Jamie Oliver, and wanted to leap up to him while he's filming and ask if "he's the nice one, or the one that swears and is mean to everyone?"


    I told her she should just bound up and ask him that (While filming) and she'll soon find out if he's nice or mean.

  11. Hey Deceangi, thanks for the offer :laughing: I'll probably get back to you about this in a week's time.


    Well, it seems that saying I'm not going to publish her details here was a bit pointless because you've all done the detective work on your own!


    I do hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes over this, I mean it's not even my cache. I only know as much as I do because my bug was in it at the time.


    I've also been informed by Mrs. microphonemark that the Fleet services are normal services near Fleet. For some reason I discounted them as services and thought they were just for lorries etc. Oops! I really should listen to her more when it comes to matters of the south of England.


    I'm annoyed that I drove down the M3 a week ago and could have picked this up if I'd known back then. Oh well, all fun and games!

  12. I'm just going to throw all the info I have here for people to read.


    The cache that's missing is Moxby Walk (GCRQ27)

    The log left states that the finder "Will drop off somewhere tomorrow", so I'm going to guess that it was dropped on the southbound side.


    Would a normal driver use the fleet services? I don't think she would have been in a commercial vehicle.


    I appreciate it's a large area though. More reports to follow.

  13. Wow, thanks for the speedy replies!


    As I said, she's fairly quiet about the whole thing. From her email I actually have her work address and telephone number, it's in Southampton. I'm fairly reluctant to call though, as her emails have been sharp and to the point. Not rude exactly, but hinting at something similar. I quoted everything that she sent me regarding this cache's new location.


    I have sent an email back to her requesting more information and apologising for any inconvenience, so hopefully she'll reply to that. I'll give it a few days.


    I think a quiet word from a reviewer may go down well, and I'll look into this if her next email doesn't appear or isn't helpful. I don't want to scare her off by having a horde of geocachers email her at once, so I'll not publish her details here.


    I love the thought of sending it back north via geocacher special delivery!

    Thanks for the help, I'll see what info I can dig up.

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