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Posts posted by DonderVogel

  1. It looks that today the problem is back.

    No chance uploading or downloading any cartridge.


    [b]Error During Upload[/b]
    [size=2]System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)   at Wherigo.GSPCartridgeService.CartridgeService.GetCompiledCartridgeWithMetaData(GWZMetaData gwzMetaData, String CartridgeFileName, String CartridgeId, Int64 PlayerId, String PlayerName, DeviceType deviceType, String CompletionCode)   at cartridge_download.btnDownload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)[/size]


  2. Hi,


    I've made a Wherigo cartridge with Urwigo which runs fine on all devices, except sometimes on the Garmin Orgeon.

    What I see is that mostly it runs fine, but sometimes (mostly on a second run) when I go from the first zone (start) to the second (De Gouw) all of a sudden every item in the main screen dissapears, so locations, tasks, items all go to zero. Power cycling the Oregon and or even only restarting the cartridge solves the problem. This only happens sometimes, only on the Oregon and only in the beginning of the cartridge.


    I've attached a link to a limited version of the Urwigo file (only 3 first zones) here for you to look in to.



    Thanks for any help!


    No one?

    Problem is on several Orgeons, but I can not pinpoint it.

  3. Hi,


    I've made a Wherigo cartridge with Urwigo which runs fine on all devices, except sometimes on the Garmin Orgeon.

    What I see is that mostly it runs fine, but sometimes (mostly on a second run) when I go from the first zone (start) to the second (De Gouw) all of a sudden every item in the main screen dissapears, so locations, tasks, items all go to zero. Power cycling the Oregon and or even only restarting the cartridge solves the problem. This only happens sometimes, only on the Oregon and only in the beginning of the cartridge.


    I've attached a link to a limited version of the Urwigo file (only 3 first zones) here for you to look in to.



    Thanks for any help!


  4. I'm an enthousiastic user of Urwigo.

    It works great. The only problem is that, after completing the cache, users apparently cannot log the cache by uploading the save file to Wherigo.com.

    Is there something to configure to make this work? Is this a known issue?

  5. Hey,

    I completed my first Wherigo cartridge using Urwigo, and the reactions are very positive. http://www.Wherigo.c...5c-e1bfb7628401


    I would like to finetune the cartridge a bit, I would like to give the users the possibility to display a screener if they push a button on the final screen.

    How do I do that?


    What is a "screener"? It's not an expression I have come across before.


    oops, must be my autocorrector, I ment a "spoiler" so just an image to show at the end by pressing a button.

  6. A useful tip if you are yousing GSAK on several PC's:


    Since a couple of weeks I'm using Dropbox to put my GSAK data on it.

    This way all GSAK data (config, databases, backups) is synced automatically on all the computers I use, no additional manual actions needed.


    Dropbox installs a local folder on your PC. Everything you place in this folder is uploaded automatically to Dropbox. (or if offline the next time you connect to the internet) The next time you start your other PC, all updated data is downloaded to the dropbox folder on that PC.


    Here's what you need to do with GSAK (change paths depending on your setup)

    Copy everything in your GSAK data folder to a subdir in your Dropbox folder.

    Open GSAK and change datadirectory in GSAK to your dropbox folder:

    Tools --> Options

    Application data is in my case C:\Dropbox\GSAK data

    Database folder is in my case C:\Dropbox\GSAK data\data

    Automatic backup is in my case C:\Dropbox\GSAK data\Backup


    I recommend to move your Dropbox folder to a non default location you secify yourselve (C:\dropbox for example) because the default location may be different depending on the OS you use (XP, Vista, Win7). This might cause problems with certain GSAK macro's if they use absolute paths. Putting your Dropbox folder in the same location on every PC solves the problem.

    This can be easily done from within the Dropbox gui.


    what you should know:

    Verify that Dropbox has synced files before opening GSAK (takes just a few seconds)

    When closing GSAK verify that Dropbox has synced files before shutting down the PC

    Never use GSAK on two PC's on the same time


    The free account of Dropbox gives you 2Gig of free space.

    By using the Dropbox links in this post you and I get 256Mbytes extra.

  7. Slightly off-topic, but can you use the Groundspeak app on more than one Android phone? My wife already has an Android phone, so I wondered if I were also to get one, could we buy the app once and use it on both?

    I think so, as long as you're using the same google account to access the Android Market.

    So better setup a seperate shared google account just for buying apps.


    But you should also consider GeoCaching Buddy (at first only for Iphoen but now also for Android).

    It allows you to enter formulas for waypoints and values for A, B, C, D ... Ideal for multi's.

    You cannot navigate with this app, but it's a nice addon.

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