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Everything posted by NimravusHSSR

  1. Hi, I have a used but in mint condition Gameboy Advance SP FS or FT. This is the blue one, about 3 months old, absolutely flawless condition with charger. I'm looking for: -$70 shipped OBO Trade for: -Etrex Yellow/Camo -Brunton Nomad -HighGear TraipDrop,Techtrail 3, Compass High, AltiTech -SOG Seal Pup -CRKT 6603N Mt. Whitney -Other cool Hiking gear E-mail: FindingTheCache@hotmail.com http://www.candlepowerforums.com [This message was edited by Flashaholic on June 01, 2003 at 04:11 PM.]
  2. Sold, thanks. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  3. Going once Going twice....... Still available, I'll put it on ebay in a couple more days. Final Price: $60 shipped. This CD set covers the entire CONUS, Alaska and Hawaii. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  4. E-mail sent http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  5. Comes with Box, 3 CD Set, Instructions. Can't tell this from a new set. $65 Shipped USPS Priority Mail References available. E-Mail: FindingTheCache@hotmail.com [This message was edited by Flashaholic on May 22, 2003 at 09:10 PM.]
  6. Yup. I have topo loaded on my Legend and use City Select with the GPS V. Great combo. The GPS V will get you near the cache via streets, then grab the Legend with Topo for the final hike to find it. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  7. I use a disconnect made for hydration systems. I got mine from Sport Chalet. Basically it's about 1.5 inches and it disconnects with a push of a button. an o-ring keeps the seal intact while connected. I don't have to take the tube out of the camelbak now, just click the bladder off and out. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  8. Etrex series is great. Perfect for handheld use. My only complaint is the Patch antenna instead of the Quad-helix antenna. My Rino and GPS V get better reception from high angle sats over my Etrex. The difference is noticible but unless your under heavy foliage and such it shouldn't matter since you only need 3 sats to navigate. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  9. HA, too funny. I was making a point...but funny. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  10. Garmin or Magellan. Sheesh, it's like asking if you like Glock or Sig, Ford or Chevy, Coke or Pepsi...... Can't we all just....get along? http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  11. quote:Originally posted by wretsub:I have three rino's and I have not.. repeat not been happy with them at all. The radio is very poor in my opinion, I got the GMRS lic. but the radios have less that a mile range. My rino's lock up after about an hour on the road. I lose signal very fast, and the accuracy is always about 30 feet. If i had to do it over, I would get separate units for the radios, and a better upgrade GPS. Wretsub Georienteerer! Wretsub Angel Pockets Embroidey "Our Stitches are Heavenly!!" wretsub@hotmail.com Sorry to hear that your having trouble with your Rinos. Maybe you can call Garmin and see if they can help you get them working right. If your getting less than a mile range, there is something wrong with your radios. I've done extensive testing with many radios and I get over a mile with 1/2 watt radios regularly. Only in heavily dense urban areas or dense mountainous areas did range significantly affected. Remember that FRS frequencies are 1/2 watt and GMRS frequencies are 1 watt on the Rinos. I'm actually creating a website with my testing information compiled. 30 ft seems excessive too, I get less than 15 ft typically all the time. The Rinos are suprisingly rugged and well built. Considering that the closest competition is the AUdiovox: Overall I'm very satisfied with the Rino 120, the changes I would suggest would be to up the power to 2-5 watts and offer a recharging port so the Bash Guard does not need to be taken off to change the batteries. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  12. quote:Originally posted by nincehelser: quote:Originally posted by Flashaholic:One complaint I have is the Patch antenna. Should have been a Quad Helix, esp. in the Legend and Vista. Why? Then it would be big, which would defeat the whole idea. Besides, the difference between the two antenna types isn't that great in the field. George It makes a big difference in the car. Although the VOrtech Re-Radiator fixes all that. With Re-Radiator turned OFF inside vehicle: With Re-Radiator turned ON inside vehicle: Pictures were taken a few seconds apart after turning on the antenna. Open sky, no obstructions except the vehicle. The vehicle blocks so much signal (as you can see) that an external antenna is a valuable investment if a GPS is used while driving. RE: Quad Helix vs Patch I think it makes a huge difference when using under cover such as a vehicle or trees. Quad helix has greater reception angles for better reception in those cases, out in the open I suppose it would not make that much of a difference. The difference is very noticible if you have an Etrex and a Quad-Helix GPS. Don't get me wrong, the Etrex is great! I use the GPS V or StreetPilot in my vehicle and switch to the Rino 120 or Etrex Vista out of the vehicle. Re: WAAS WAAS really depends on if you can grab the 2 sats. IF your under some cover and you can't get the 2 sats (located near the horizon usually) it's best to turn it off and free up the 2 slots to capture 2 more sat signals. I really haven't noticed any huge difference in accuracy. http://www.candlepowerforums.com [This message was edited by Flashaholic on May 12, 2003 at 11:41 PM.]
  13. The Etrex Legend and Vista are the best when it comes to size. IT's sooooo small I put it in my front pocket sometimes. If size is a consideration, then I'd go for the Etrex. If value is important the Geko is good. I would suggest going to a dealer and handling both of them. The Etrex is sooo small...oh did I say that already? One complaint I have is the Patch antenna. Should have been a Quad Helix, esp. in the Legend and Vista. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  14. The Rino 110/120 is great. My only complaint it the power rating. this should be 2 watts for the Rino 120. Testing in residential areas resulted in about a 1-1.7 mile range with the radios. The neck lanyard kit and bash guard is a necessity by the way. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  15. Powerex is made by MAHA Energy, one of the best battery makers. Here is a good source for battery information, run a search on what your looking for: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB6&Number=229960&page=1&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 Re: Rayovac 1hour These chargers will literally destroy a rachargeable battery. They run very hot and run an extremely high current through the battery to acheive it's 1hour claim. This destroys the battery. It will no be fully charged and severely reduce it's service life, stay away from it. You can have the highest rated battery, but if you have a cheapy $20 charger from Walmart, your not getting a complete charge. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  16. quote:Originally posted by SurefireM6:That's just a few out of hundreds of thousands of radio pirates. The odds of getting one of those letters is one in a million. And most are warnings. "Issuance by the FCC of a Warning Notice indicates that the FCC has what it believes to be reliable evidence of possible rules infractions and not necessarily that the recipient has violated FCC rules." What it beleives to be reliable evidence....hmm maybe a tip? hardly evidence or investigating there. The FCC should confiscate equipment and assess a small fine on the first offense. That page shows my point. The FCC is a joke. Again, sorry for the bitterness but after years of seeing GMRS break down like CB did I'm saddened. http://www.candlepowerforums.com http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  17. That's just a few out of hundreds of thousands of radio pirates. The odds of getting one of those letters is one in a million. And most are warnings. The FCC should confiscate equipment and assess a small fine on the first offense. That page shows my point. The FCC is a joke. Again, sorry for the bitterness but after years of seeing GMRS break down like CB did I'm saddened. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  18. The FCC is a joke. Thier inability and unwillingness to enforce FCC Regulations makes it most unfair to Law Abiding Radio users. My take on FCC regulations is that if they want us to take it seriously, then they need to step up to the plate and enforce the laws. My reasoning: By not enforcing the laws, it makes such a burden on the people who do that it's not worth it. I get a license for $85, for what? I still get a punk kid without a license cussing at me and there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. Because the FCC allows manufactures to produce cheap bubble pack radios and allows the sale of them without obtaining a license first. Where does my money go? $85 every 5 years and I get no enforcement in return. Kind of like paying Homeowner's Association dues and getting no enforcement at all. Your neighbor parks his RV and has overgrown grass. Like most, I don't condone breaking the law but don't make it harder on us law abiding people. At least require a license before purchasing GMRS, BRS etc radios. Easy thing to do. Tack on $85 and have us fill out a form so the dealer/business selling the radio can fax it in. Sorry for the rambling. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  19. quote:Originally posted by Alphawolf: quote:I kept the old software because of the 10 second position reporting. The new 3.10 update now only allows position reporting every 30 seconds. Huh? I am curious what real difference this makes. If my buddie is walking South at 3 mph and I am walking North at 3 mph, the distance we spread apart in 20 seconds is only 88 ft(If I did the math right). That is the difference between a 10 sec. update and a 30 sec. update. Why does this matter over the other improvements the software upgrade offer? I am not trying to nit-pick here, I really am curious. "Never take a sunset for granted. Stop what you are doing and enjoy it. You never know when it may be your last" It's a real pain transfering Waypoints on the road at 30 seconds each. And when your cycling, your traveling more like 20+ mph. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  20. I kept the old software because of the 10 second position reporting. The new 3.10 update now only allows position reporting every 30 seconds. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  21. I've had the Audiovox and the Rino 120. -The Audiovox is heavy as a brick. The rino is very light, esp if you use Lithium Batts. folds down, making a great breaking point for the unit -The Antenna on the audiovox . One drop and it might break off if it lands on the antenna joint. It becomes flimsy over time. -Rino 120 software is far superior. -Rino 120 has voice scramble. This may not seem like much but I'm into radio listening and I routinely listen to radio broadcasts with my scanner. I hear some weird and personal stuff all the time. -Street level Mapping available for Rino. If you've ever had Street Level mapping, you know you'll never go back to basic GPS without it -Did I say the AUdiovvox is heavy? I mean someone picked one up, they would wonder how it could be so heavy. -There are only 2 advantages that I can think of to get the Audiovox: Rino 1 watt, Audiovox 1.9 watt. Both radios had about the same range however, this could be due to the higher quality antenna of the Rino and better tuned electronics. -The other advantage is cost. $200 vs $50-100. So the only real advantage the Audiovox has is cost. You can get 2 for the price of 1 Rino. Just my opinion from having both. http://www.candlepowerforums.com [This message was edited by SurefireM6 on March 19, 2003 at 09:37 AM.]
  22. I have 2 Rino 120's for sale with a copy of Mapsource USA street level mapping and bash guards. Mint condition with box and original accessories. Up for sale for $225 Buy It Now at: Ebay Auction! Don't miss out on this one!
  23. There is a great BB on batteries HERE 4th topic down titled: "Electronics Forum. Batteries Included" Lots of discussion about Lithium AAs and Rechargeable Li-Ion and such. There is a topic about 2800 maH rechargeable AAs, best chargers to use and such. Having the right charger will make a BIG difference like the MAHA Charger. A cheapy charger usually will not charge to full capacity and possibly ruin a set. For example, the Rayovac 1 hour charger will literally destroy a set of batteries, never charging to full capacity and heating them up to dangerous temps. Having the right batteries will also make a huge difference. http://www.candlepowerforums.com [This message was edited by SurefireM6 on March 09, 2003 at 11:37 PM.] [This message was edited by SurefireM6 on March 09, 2003 at 11:38 PM.] [This message was edited by SurefireM6 on March 09, 2003 at 11:40 PM.]
  24. I did this upgrade too and it took about 30 minutes to get everything back to normal. about 10-15 minutes for satellites to come back, and another 10 minutes or so to get my settings the way I like them. Overall a good upgrade. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
  25. Good point peter, thanks. http://www.candlepowerforums.com
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