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Posts posted by kovbojkáči

  1. Probably the same here. I run GSAK database with my finds for 6 years and today I've found the total finds count doesn't equal to the webpage total finds count. I"m also missing one find on GC page. I thought some find it log of mine was deleted and wanted to ask here how can I find my deleted FI logs. And I see someone esle is also experiencing the same problem, so maybe something's wrong on GC webpage?


    EDIT: I've just checked my total finds count on Project-GC and there is correct information, the same as in my GSAK database. There's definitely something wrong on GC web.

    Another find out: Despite this error has to be current, all of my last finds are calculated correctly in the Memory lane game.

  2. Thanks.


    Anyway, I'd be quite happy with possibility to set higher distances.


    The more serious problem is the link bellow the list of three closest events of the day (this "View 1 more"" link in your screenshot), whch doesn't show what it should (at least in my case). You can't see all the events of the day without it working properly.

  3. Thanks for the response, but they are not. On weekend days, there are approximately 7 events a day, it would be too many for megas or gigas, especially in eastern Slovakia. They are normal events. Don't you have the same problem? Look at the picture :)



  4. Hello,


    maybe a week or two ago the Nearby Events widget started to show also the events which are hundreds of kms away from my home coordinates.


    I felt happy at first, becasue I looked forward to be able to set higher distance for showing the not-so-close events too. So I went to the widget settings to check what distances are available to set. I was surprised to see there is still available only 100km value max, no way to set 200km for example. I suppose this is just the mistake and the distance setting is not considered anymore, which is still quite fine with me.


    The bigger problem is that there are now usually more than three events a day and I can see only the first three (probably the most nearby three) in the list, with the link to show the rest (for example: view 4 more link). But when I click the link, it will show the geocaching search page with no result :(... There is no way to see the rest events at all.


    Best Regards



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