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Posts posted by RCH65
Yeah, now it's even *more* broken...
Tried a *geocache_visits.txt* file that worked before (took it out of the trash bin) and here we are:
Is this possibly the next step in their evil plan to move us from the GPSr to the app? 😮🤪🤡🤷
22 hours ago, Rustynails said:
I just returned from a mini vacation and can't upload any visits! What's going on?
Probably more than 1000 records in geocache_visits.txt ?
19 minutes ago, Dasindog said:
That's a bummer. I've done a couple of these caches. This is a fun way to define coordinates. Sad to see the continued monetization of information on the internet - shame on them. The toolbox folk should remove the dead link. Hope the Royal Observatory Greenwich doesn't get wind of this. Just imagine if they decided to charge people every time the Prime Meridian was used to locate a place on earth.
Well, that was foreseeable (sooner or later). At some point they have to earn money. They are hardly paid by taxes.
You never gonna fix this.
Correct?I'll pay the double annual fee if you
... do some *minimal* work on GPX enhancements, so *I* can do whatever you can't do / won't do (without sending everything to project-gc)
... stop placing this redicolous ads on the web page for paid members
... fix THIS!
No time? No money? You should probably stop putting all the available money into the LAB channel, which makes the whole game more and more trivial.
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On 8/19/2024 at 2:32 AM, kunarion said:
Yes. If the Trackable search fails, you're presented with the failure message where no Tracking Code will ever succeed. When this happens, I always need to remember to start over on the Trackable search page.
Yes... one of the nasty traps on this site - has existed since the Spanish Inquisition in 1478 (back then, the site was entirely made of mahogany wood)
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Sunset in Reykjavik (28/06): 23:57Sunrise in Reykjavik (29/06): 03:03
Oh, that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh
I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh
That's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh
I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh
🤩🖖- 1
On 6/22/2024 at 5:35 PM, MNTA said:
1 - Drive the Dempster Highway to Innuvik and carry on to Tuktoyaktuk and swim in the arctic ocean,
2 - Visit a small outpost of France in North America St. Pierre. And explore the Canadian Maritimes.
3 - Visit Greenland
Some day, maybe I should start trying to make it happen.
16 hours ago, Smitherington said:I also have my eyes on French islands off Newfoundland, Saint Pierre & Miquelon
I don't want to make you too jealous... but if you want to combine all of this: We are going on a (12 day) cruise next week (by Norwegian Cruise Line) starting in Iceland -> Greenland -> Newfoundland (Canada) -> St. Pierre et Miquelon (France) -> Novia Scotia (Canada) -> New York City
The cruise is also available in the opposite direction. -
On 1/27/2024 at 11:34 PM, Keystone said:
I'm repeating one of the two updates from Geocaching HQ in response to the false claim that there are no updates.
...and no updates since April!
It's obvious you can't speak frankly - otherwise you would have sent us updates, no doubt.
We all see that a lot of other things are *much* more important... like "Sending postcards from adventures" or the "GeoGuessr Challenge"... and whatever else the marketing department comes up with.
I *really love* geocaching since 2007... but currently this company behaves like an arrogant monopolist.- 5
Here it is:
Did you probably disable the Earthcache type on the left side?
Why can't you just post a quick response here to show that you've understood the problem? As soon as someone writes that the issue is being "ignored," everyone freaks out again. I have no idea why you're so hesitant to involve us...
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1 hour ago, hcy said:
Oder vom allgemeinen Zeitgeist, der erwartet das jeder immer und überall perfekt und der Größte ist, alles weiß und alles kann.
Weshalb sollte man alles wissen/können?
Du lässt Dir ja auch keinen T5-Cache von einem Taucher an die Oberfläche holen und laberst dann im Log etwas von "....war ganz schön anstrengend...".
Gerade *weil* ALLE ALLES unbedingt loggen wollen, entsteht der Eindruck, dass ALLE ALLES wüssten...- 1
40 minutes ago, hcy said:
Andererseits würde ich aber auch nie behaupten, ich hätte ein Rätsel gelöst wenn ich die Koordinaten (oder die Lösung) irgendwo her habe. Warum auch.
Aber geht's nicht genau darum? Diese verlogenen "schon vor langer Zeit gelöst" Logs bei denen Du sofort merkst, dass da keine einzige Minute aufgewendet wurde.
Ich mag es einfach nicht, angelogen zu werden. Spiel hin oder her.- 1
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6 minutes ago, hcy said:
Das wirst du wohl kaum erzwingen können, warum auch? Das ganze ist ein Spiel und soll dem Finder Spaß machen, wenn ich gerne Caches suche aber nicht gerne Rätsel löse (oder zumindest nicht so, wie der Owner sich das wünscht) warum sollte ich das nicht tun dürfen?
Trotzdem empfinde ich es jeweils als "Bescheissen" wenn Leute in den Logs so tun, als hätten sie das Rätsel gelöst... sie die Koordinaten aber anderweitig "organisiert" haben.
Die Tatsache, dass sie in den Logs dann ja eben *nicht* die Wahrheit schreiben, zeigt ja eigentlich auch, dass sie es ebenfalls nicht korrekt finden.
Aber Du hast natürlich Recht: Während sich der physische Eintrag vor Ort durch die Regeln "erzwingen" lässt, gilt das nicht für das Lösen des Rätsels. Wir haben gestern einen Mystery-Multi Cache geloggt, bei dem man zuerst eines der unsäglichen Puzzles hätte lösen müssen. Null Bock! Wir haben dann aber (selbst!) erkannt, wo wir uns "real" in den Multi einklinken können und haben ihn regulär zu Ende gespielt. Habe das im Log ehrlich geschrieben (natürlich ohne Hinweis über das "wie") und hätte auch *NIE* jemanden angebaggert, um an die Koordinaten zu kommen.- 1
The ?dl=1 option forces the browser to download the element (and save it as a local file) instead of rendering:
Use this instead:
However, it's still not 100% because Dropbox doesn't deliver the correct MIME type to the browser (saying: "This is a PNG image").
But I suspect that it's always been that way with Dropbox...- 2
On 4/5/2024 at 2:07 PM, Visyl said:
Of course I have no pending draft either in the App or the website.
Does anyone else have this problem and know what to do about it ?
Check this thread:
- You upload your drafts from the GPSr (geocaching_visits.txt)
- You create the found logs based on your drafts -> the caches DO have smileys
- ...a few days later...
- You upload your drafts from the GPSr (geocaching_visits.txt)
- You realize that there are lots of duplicate entries you have already logged... and you DELETE those drafts
- All the caches of your deleted (duplicate) drafts will turn into an exclamation mark
They are (finally) working on this...
13 hours ago, Rustynails said:
Before uploading, there once was a date displayed of the last uploaded date explaining and only new logs would be added.
Oh, yes!That's what it once looked like (taken from a bug report in 2019):
-> These date/time values were automatically set after uploading a geocaching_visis.txt file - based on the most recent (last) timestamp in the file.- 2
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On 4/8/2024 at 8:13 PM, worrellsquirrel said:
We apologize for any frustration related to this drafts bug. As our engineering team continues to troubleshoot, we would greatly appreciate:
- Screenshot(s) of the issue
- Detailed steps to reproduce the issue
Okay... here we go!
PS: Logging on STAGING was throwing an error. This is why is I reproduced the issue on LIVE with an archived cache of an inactive owner
STEP 1 - There are no drafts
STEP 2 - Upload drafts
Let's assume that I have a brand new (Garmin) GPSr and I have found one single cache. The geocache_visits.txt file looks like this:
GC3GKH8,2024-04-03T11:43Z,Found it,"Draft 1"
STEP 3 - Log the cache
-> Result: Cache has a smiley on all maps/lists and the draft entry is gone -> No problems so far 👍
STEP 4 - One day later - we found another cache
Now, the geocache_visits.txt file looks like this:
GC3GKH8,2024-04-03T11:43Z,Found it,"Draft 1" GC3GFWJ,2024-04-04T10:24Z,Found it,"Draft 2"
-> Yes, the (Garmin) TXT file contains *all* found caches (up to 1000)
PROBLEM 1: After uploading the TXT file, the Drafts section unfortunately contains both (all) caches. This is a real pain because the list is getting longer and longer every day. Until June 2023, the upload process ignored already uploaded drafts.STEP 5 - Deleting the duplicates
All I can do now is to delete the duplicate entries one by one and then log the remaining (new) ones.
This leads to PROBLEM 2: After deleting the duplicate draft, the smiley is replaced by an exclamation mark (forever):
Hope this helps...
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38 minutes ago, Aft3r_Th3_G0ldrush said:
ich möchte eigene Trckbls (siehe mein Profilbild) erstellen. Wie kommt mensch an einen Code?
Kauf Dir in einem beliebigen Geocaching Shop einen neuen "Travel Bug Dog Tag" und verwende dessen Code.
Den originalen TB kannst Du dann in der Schublade "archivieren"... -
Good to know I'm not the only one.
15 hours ago, Keystone said:
The sole distinguishing feature of a Letterbox Hybrid cache is the presence of a letterboxing stamp. Otherwise, the cache takes on the character of, and is subject to all the listing guidelines applicable to, the underlying cache type.
In other words: "Letterbox" should be an attribute and not a cache type. But that probably can't be changed anymore...
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18 hours ago, Keystone said:
I'm repeating one of the two updates from Geocaching HQ in response to the false claim that there are no updates.
But there *are* no updates (for this problem)
It's just... silence...
Of couse, "posts in the bug reporting forum need to be constructive and helpful to the developers".
So what do you need to know? Is there anything *I* can do? Is there a workaround? Is there a timeline?
Talk to us!- 3
10 hours ago, Gill & Tony said:
Many challenge caches ask for a list of qualifying caches. Is there a way to format this list into columns?
Multiple spaces get compressed into one. I can't see how to insert tabs, and I'm not sure that would work anyway. There doesn't seem to be a markup language tag for this.
Just enter *four blanks* at the beginning of each line to force a monospaced font:
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Recent change on how Drafts are handled?
in Website
Yes, it's working again... AND... it didn't even upload drafts I've already logged as found! 😮
Did you really fix the original issue of this thread? 🤩