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Posts posted by prospectb2b

  1. Ok, I get that now and I do know the hint which pretty much makes me think that I have the area right based on the cache name. The CO says the actual coords are N 39 DO.OZR W 076 DX.ECX I have tried several of the code finders and none of them are coming out right.

  2. <...>What I'm trying to figure out is the decryption code where the alphabet letters are over top of each other. What does that mean and how does it work?<...>


    Well, that's different. The over/under decryption thing is NOT part of any puzzle - that's for encrypting an extra 'hint' that a Cache Owner can put on every cache page. Easy enough to solve in the field if the seeker doesn't want a hint until they get into trouble.


    Could be something like:

    "Look under the rock"


    which would appear as:

    "Ybbx haqre gur ebpx"


    You swap each letter for the one that appears above or below it. It's called the "Rotation-13" or "Rot-13" encryption. Numerals and punctuation don't get replaced. Any letters appearing in brackets ([]) don't get replaced, either.


    As I said, that's on every cache. Any puzzle you have to solve to get coordinates is a separate, additional 'gift' from the CO.

  3. Thanks for the info but I am just not getting it. I have the paid for app and I am a premium member so I have all the bells and whistles that I know of. I have read all the puzzle solving stuff but none of the "decoder" information is giving me the right coords so I must not be doing it right. I still can't find anything that explains the alphabet, half over half under, with the message that over equals under and vice versa, what that means. The name of the cash gives me a good clue but since it's a micro, I need the right coords. UGH!! getting frustrated.

  4. The "Apps" don't solve the puzzles for you. Their purpose is to show you cache listings and let you log them.


    Anything that exists within a cache page's 'descriptive text' is all you, baby!


    To get started, search for NiraD's posted entries in these forums - he's written lots about how to get started with puzzles, how to approach them and how to learn to love the @$^%$$#*&^% things!


    Good luck and welcome to a GREAT part of the GC game.


    Thanks! I know the apps don't solve the puzzle. What I'm trying to figure out is the decryption code where the alphabet letters are over top of each other. What does that mean and how does it work? I'm trying to figure out the right coordinates based on the hints, logs and description in the cache. In particular, I'm working on Blackberries and Walnuts in the Hanover, PA area. Based on the name, I have an idea what area it's in but need the cords to close in.

  5. Ok, I've been doing this for a couple of months now and am ready to try and do some of the harder caches. I use the iPhone app. I have no idea how to do the puzzle caches...UGH! If the description says "cache is not at the above coordinates" and then gives some clues on how to figure the coordinates which usually is just a group of numbers, how do I then get to those coordinates using my app?? I have several caches near me that have great reviews and I can't seem to figure any of them out. If it helps, I'm in Hanover, PA USA

  6. I have been hooked on GC since day one. My friends and family won't even get out and try because they think it's some kind of kid's game and that I'm just nuts! I'm 52 by the way and love outdoors and adventure. I've come a long way in just a week but there are still some things that baffle the crap out of me! Especially when the comments are - this was easy, saw this before. I have a couple of these that I just can't get. My biggest baffles are in the Hanover, PA area: Road Closed (I've been given hints but nothing has developed), Hidden Park and Rock n Roll. Can anyone give me some hints? If I find these, I'm sure I will start getting a better "view" of what is going on.BTW, I tend to over analyze so I can find the hard ones faster than the easy ones. Happy Caching!!

  7. Ugh! Couldn't find anything today. There must be some other "typical" finds that I don't know about. My problem is that I don't know any experienced GCs to go with. Maybe a couple of good advisors could help. Here are a couple of things I need to know. How accurate are the coords? I've been going to GZ and expanding about 20 feet or more. Also, twice the coords took me to fire hydrants that stood alone and there was nothing else around. The comments were always "easy c&d" so there must be something I'm missing. I've looked for funny bubble gum, bolts, under lamp posts, odd rocks, etc... what am I missing?? Yesterday I found ones that were listed as harder so I must be over analyzing something. HELP!!

  8. I almost forgot this one. I can't seem to find what seems to be an easy cache at a Wendy's. What I did find was a sticker that said "you found me" with a QR to scan. I cracked my screen so I can't scan, but is this a cache?

  9. It was my first full day out and I HAD A BLAST!! I noticed when I read hints, descriptions and other comments that there is a lot of Geo Lingo. I finally figured out what muggle and stealth meant but there are other things, especially abbreviations, that I haven't figures out yet. One of which is GZ?? just as an example. Can anyone help me?

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