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The Targett Family

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Everything posted by The Targett Family

  1. But the caches are visited very quite regulary (in the UK enyhow) We are new to this game to but had no problems finding caches and looking forward to finding Sliding down Butser theis weekend. I agree with backon and eggs don't set up a caches untill you get a feel for them, we are now on our 4th cach and are waiting till we have done 10 before we set up a cache. But we are sorcing a site now and working out a theme for our cache. Happy hunting The Targett Family
  2. Congrats Nia one your first 100, and thanx for visiting the chat the other night
  3. I am look to start topic chats on certain days and times. But if you want to arraing for you to meet you friends in the chat room then go ahead, thats whats its there 4. So please use the room how you see fit. Thnx for the reply and hopefull the room will be full most of the time as it gets known.
  4. quote:Originally posted by Freak Enterprises:_"The treasure hut that's Fun, Exciting, Exhilarating, great for Individuals and Families alike."_ That wouldn't be Pizza Hut would it? Tell your wife she's not alone, it took almost a year to convince my wife but after one cache she was totally hooked. Martin LOL Freak Ill tell her that
  5. I started this Chatroom only 24 hours ago and there are already people there I'ts Gr8. Check out the Site @ http://www.kenandliz@worldonline.co.uk
  6. I prefer the term new cacher. We discussed it a bit http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=134526&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=3e57fa4311615484-app1&display=&preview=1&row=0 I am guessing that you live somewhere near my neck of the woods asking about QE country park? Hey that URL send me to a pet site YUCK
  7. Do you have the URL so I can see what they do!! The caht is online all the time so use it @ your will. It's there. It's Free. It's Gr8
  8. I feel very comfortable here too all ready. I dont like the word newbee either but it's what I am 4 now
  9. I woundered about that. Have changed the logo now hope that wont affend Groundspeak I will be in the chat room untill 1am then I'm going to bed. [This message was edited by The Targett Family on February 22, 2003 at 04:19 PM.]
  10. Whilst not using this company for cells yet, I have brought plenty of printer cartridges and photographic paper from them. If they have the Item in stock it comes through quickly. But if they do not then it can take a while as they wait for sufficiant orders for them to order the stock. But the service has been outstanding. Going there to buy some NimH cells now as my Digi cam uses alot of power and could do with the 2000 instead of the 1700 NimH
  11. http://www.kenandliz.worldonline.co.uk
  12. See what you think! Any Suggestions? Still being writen, but home, caches and chat work, im loged in there too. Nice map teasel works well! >)
  13. You guys and gals must get a little anoied buy us newbies. But thankfully it's a passing stage )~
  14. Does anyone know if there a Cache there. and how would I find it? Newbee help!!!
  15. Well I did my first cache today. Thoroughly enjoyed it. My wife wasnt too sure when we set off but by the time she got to the cache I could not hold her back. Now the kids have gone to bed and she's been on the PC looking @ this site. The eldest boy loved it too hes 2 1/2. Can't wait to do the next cache. Kenn
  16. I gr8 to see people taking an interest in newbees like me
  17. Just want to say Hi to everyone.
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