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The Targett Family

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Everything posted by The Targett Family

  1. As long as it is legal software hey Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  2. Yep Simon quote: I look like an idiot I would have to agree Only joking. Hey has anyone noticed no more flitting back a forth, when quoting people in the forum now. Copy and past could not be simpler. By the way Simon I love the spider game any chance I could put it onto my site too. MarcB I would have to agree, please put the jump menu back it was easier Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  3. I think the New Forums R gping to take a while to get use to. They do more and R a little more server friendly for GeoC.com I'm still holding judgement on the forums but I think I could grow to like them. they seem to be a little quicker & no jumping from page to page Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  4. I support T&J 100% but also repsect their feelings and wishes Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  5. As you well know we are new to this game, but we have appreciated all that you have been doing for the sport and Us cachers. You have our full backing to the R&J thing as to the other issues I'm too new and have not read the threads. But many a respected cacher has replied with their backing, so count us in too. It's a real shame that things have come to a head like this. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  6. quote:Originally posted by Bill D (wwh):For the benefit of newcomers, perhaps it's worth pointing out that this is an extremely ancient thread which has become active again. You can get a full list of UK cachers from the Cache Stats page at this site: http://www.geocacheuk.com/ There are quite a few of us now! Bill Add us too please, but why not go to GeocacheUK.com Here youll find all the stats you need Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  7. One thing I like about GeoC is it’s friendly feeling. Whist I understand this can get heated we still need to be civil to each other. Swearing is derogatory to and does not make people feel good about themselves, so lets keep it clean after all GeoC does run a Cache in Trash out policy. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  8. As you all know I said yes to appearing on telly. The reason for this is. If it hadn’t been televised on the inside out program I would never had heard of GeoC and I'm so glad I did. Lets make the most out of going onto this show as the program is going ahead any way weather we like it or not (which is often the way in telly) I also we should have a experienced geocacher/s or even a family to chat about the sport as this will give a broad overview of our sport. The Richard & Judy show is seen by people with families this I think is gr8, as it will help get families into the country side and away from the telly. Lets get those weekend telly rating down. To the moderators I think your doing a gr8 job thnx. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  9. I would live to get involved This hobbie should be shaired with others. Contact me through my web site. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  10. If any one lives near Sisbury Ring Florida come to Findon could do with a new Water Tight container as it now leaks. If I lived closer I would change it my self. In stead I ziplocked all the contence to help keep them dry. Any takers??? Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  11. Funny Radical Orentearing Game Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  12. as long as we can give schooby snacks and dewafs a roof over their heds then thats allright. No real I see what you R saying capture someone emagination and you wuill get a realy trendy TB Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  13. i've notice the new frog, and i THINK IT WAS PLACE JUST TO SEE IF ANYONE NOTICED Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  14. Whilst T&J bears are important to GoeC and we would loveto own one two or event three, it still seems to me that trqade items are note up to scratch. |t is rg8 to hear of people takeing more than one item to a cache site (even if it is because the missis says so. We find taking more than one item not only give our boy a choice of what he is going to replace what he has taken but also the chance to upgrage sites, or even leave something 4 everone. 4 instance food in caches is frowned appon yet we found some in a cache latly. We took it out left a swap in it's plce and left a swap too. if you only take 1 item you don't get the choice to do this. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  15. We try to trade equal or more for a cache and when we find a cache that is a little poor in contents then we take one thing and leave several. We have found that you can by good items for around the £1 - £2 mark, and it makes all the differents to thew cache contents. Wood smokes a good example to Geocaching has Items are exelent. I know we are fairly new to caching but I hope that our Items well always be of as good quality and set an example. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  16. I've noticed from the few caches I;'ve done that the older caches don't seen to have as good contence in as the newer ones. Has any one else noticed this? If this is so how can we combet this so that cache contence stays good. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  17. Hey Tim and June, I just want to say thanx for all you have and are doing, for Geocaching. Your hard work and persistance is most appreciated by all. So a big THANKYOU Time and June Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  18. quote: I have 4 sons, and I've sent 4 travel bugs out on a race to the 4 corners of the US I'm glad It's the TB's U R racing and not your Sons. OR is IT Thanx all some good Ideas here to help my TB on it's way. By the way here he is, when he is out there be kind to him please. His name is Niffy. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city. [This message was edited by The Targett Family on March 18, 2003 at 03:36 PM.]
  19. It's good to here the founder of GeoC is still enthusiastic. He explaind the sport well, and some of the reasons people do GoeC came accross well too. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  20. From my interpretation of the rules a caches can actually placed anywere you want . Privat land needs approval for the owners & forestry commision land in out if bounds, as it now has a blanket block on GoeC's being placed on it's land even after all of Tim & Junes hard work. I hope this answers your question. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  21. quote:So I guess my point is that interesting/specific goals are nice, but may cut down the number of people who can/will move it. Thanx for that tip I've not thaught if that. I will look @ all thoes bugs tomorrow as I'm off to bed now Thnx for replying Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  22. I will just set up a new cahce in that area. Thanx again Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  23. I'm thinking about setting my own travel bug on it's way. But thaught Ide ask this question first. What kind of things get you interested in helping a TB on it's way. And for people to stay interested? Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  24. Just wondering, can some un-archive someone elses cache? I have tried to contact the person to no availe. The cache is not in a nice location, but only needs to move a mile or so. for it to be in a super location. We want to place a cache in this new location, but we thaught if we can revive one, it would save space on GeoC's server. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
  25. Our GeoC mail is coming in fast and strong. Even over the past few days Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.
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