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Everything posted by Wazat

  1. Last time it was in the dark...... LOL When is there an update on the scores?
  2. Wazat


    GeoPoppit well done on the 100....
  3. Wazat


    Well done on the 1000 Fish Eagle. Pity we didn't get to share it down in Durban.
  4. Wazat


    Wow go away for a weekend and everyone is hitting milestones.... To the following cachers, well done and may there be plenty more: Tricky Vicky and Mickey on the 1500 Noddy and GlobalRat on the 1000 (Glad to share it with you both and also to join you on your first post 1000 FTF at 1 am in the morning) Kwenda Tafuta on the 300 Carbon Hunter on his 200 Trakx on 200 Strider_SA on his 50 Also Noddy on the 50 Hides....
  5. Wazat

    The Sandpit

    When you have two cachers with 1000 finds each, you gotta join the rush. Was good fun. I initially found the container for the first waypoint but chucked it aside it was so well cammoed. Had the others in chuckles as I was still trying to find it, while they were working out the final spot. On finding the final cache there was no pen. Can you believe it, 2113 finds between the three of us and no pen with. So off we went with the cache in hand lookikg for a pen to sign the log. The things we do.....!
  6. Wazat

    The Sandpit

    Or the few who place a cache or two but have never had a single find. To top it up they place the cache in a province or even country that is not their own. Eish! I know of a few that are like that.... And the problem is that they might just be in the most inconvenient place to keep regular maintenance, even for the locals. More often than not requiring a 4x4 and hopefully reception for the old cellphone. Noddy you are aware of at least one I am talking about. Look I too don't mind a cache or two dropped by a outsider but at least find someone to maybe look after it for you.
  7. Wazat


    Thanks Bats and Squirrel. It was a while back that I had my very first cache find. (a year ago almost). The third cache I found was one of Bat's caches. I got a mail from Bats congratulating me on my find after I was running all over the top of the hill looking for it. I admit that it was not easy I only found it on the second go. But it was found in the end and I was all excited, I found another.... The first two were pretty hard for me but this one had me stumped the first time. I went back a few days later and found it. Can you beleive I was searching in a radius of about 50 meters for it. What did I know at that stage. There was no-one to show me and I Didn't know what I was really looking for. Then this one just had to be a camo too. But soon after logging it I get mail from a Bat dude in Durban saying congrats and welcome to Geocaching. I was told to join the forums as it is informative and generally fun. So I did. We swapped chatter and mail and hey I was getting into this whole Geocaching thing. Then came the rest, a few tough little caches out in the far reaches of Northern KZN. I was getting hooked on this. I found interesting places and some were right there on our doorstep. I found out that the first, second and fourth caches I found were by people that I know, although they are not active nowadays. Then a few months down the line I get a mail from Bats, he is coming up to Newcastle to visit his parents, we must meet up and have a coffee and a chat. I have never met the guy in my life but only his little plastic cache containers. What do I expect.... what are they like..... I walked into the coffee shop and you can see a cacher a mile away. We chatted as if we were old friends. Common interests flow throughout the conversation. Discover some coins and TB's he says... What? Discover? Huh? He hauls out a bag full of coins and TB's. People in the place look at us funny. I cower under my hat. What is this grown man doing pulling out all these toys and things right here in a public place. I get the kids closer to make it look like their stuff. I discover some assortment of coins and weird TB's.... We drink coffee and converse some more but alas this mad guy and his wife must be one their way. We part our separate ways and I say to my wife that these people are great. Weird but great. A few months later I am climbing mountains with my weird friend and another cacher. It always feels weird meeting another cacher. But they are like best friends when you do meet them. So now 100+ under the belt and ready for more. It has been a long journey to get to them but the best is the friendships we build. Although the milestones are reached and celebrated. The best milestone is meeting the man or woman behind them little boxes we search for. Thank you Tim, Sam, Stuart, Helen, Johan, Neville, Andy, Anton, Johan, Pine, Andy, Alf, Stan, Rodney, Brett, Vic, André..... and all the rest of the cachers out there.... You guys are the real milestones. Oooops that was a bit of a long reply and I went all sentimental there. Milestones are great but the greatest are the friends you make through the common interest. Now would someone come up here and place a few more caches for me to find...... Aaaaargh. I am going to go mad here...... LOL
  8. Furtherest was just under 400km. Went right pass the cache on the way out as I had work to do in another town but grabbed the cache on the way back. It helps if the cache is a remote one. Done a few others at about 350 km round trip too.
  9. Wazat


    Carbon Hunter I wouldn't really welcome him if you take a look at his posts.... I gather he is a spammer of sorts. He managed to visit a few threads in a matter of a few minutes, and replied on 25 with comments that made no sense. I see he is listed as a teacher from his profile. I don't see any educated reply in his posts though.
  10. What is the progress on the ranking site..... Has QFC got anything going there yet?
  11. Grrr, this LETmeSAYmmmm chap is a spammer, check it out 25 posts with nothing worth saying in every single one.....
  12. As I am keen on the progress of the racebugs and forever find myself heading to the first page of the travel bug thread, so I thought that I will start a new thread just with links to the TB's. Please do not reply to this thread as I just want it to have the TB's and Coins that are taking part in the race to be listed only. Maybe a forum Admin would not mind locking the thread and maybe pin it for us. Here are all the entrants: Dewald's Racing Hummer - Cincol Dewald's Racing Audi TT - Cincol Hamlet - eragonSaphira Bolivian Bob - discombob DiePienaars TFTC Geocoin - DiePienaars CYBER VOORTREKKER - Tugelaklip Pooks Chameleon - the pooks Pooks Shell-Struck - the Pooks Ho-Humm - Anlafu Little Nokia - iNokia Load Shedder - Wazat Remy the Rat from the Cape - Caperat Doobie the Camel - CapeCCR Feng Shui Compass Geocoin - Caperat and CapeCCR There's a Hole in my Bug-ket - Carbon Hunter Stars & Stripes TB - Carbon Hunter
  13. Wazat


    Well done Brick on the 600 and Rhino and Hedgehog on the 300.... Great going.
  14. haa haa. just checking. I love to throw the spanner in the works at times. New bugs still been entered. I wonder if I can find on more to throw into the works.... I sort of had one but lost the item before the bug was attached.
  15. Hee hee, lets shake the hornets nest a bit..... Eish! Just like to throw a spanner in the great points working machine.... Er the game is been played and I am moving..... at least.... Hey I believe I moved more than 100 mile too. 1 point for me.... LOL. Do these two puzzle caches (GC14B2W) - (GC14B2W) to find Load Shedder TB.... Oh my!!!
  16. What that, Bees? I was a kid once (well still am in my heart, the body got old) and I was teasing my dog. Would run round the house with the mutt hot on my trail and usually would round the cottage in our garden, grab the fence post, and clamber over the fence before the mutt could get me. The one day I came charging round the corner and raced up to the fence to grab the pole and I ground to a halt about a meter from the pole horrified at what I saw. There must have been hundreds, if not thousands of bees all over the pole. The majority were right where I usually grabbed on. It was a ball of these guys I would say roughly the size of a standard rugby ball just crawling all over each other. The entire post of about 2.5 meter was covered with them. I was lucky that I didn't aggravate them or I was surely a dead kid that day. Nature, unfortunately, is something that we need to be very aware and cautious of. I think that you would have at least killed most of them in the picture had you stepped on them. But it takes a few stings to do the damage if you are allergic to them. It is unfortunate that we have to deal with these guys out in the nature and it is a pity that we somehow overlook these things. I guess that we need to look at these things a bit more seriously from now on. I tend to forget that these guys are out there. I have already come across a Puff adder up in the berg and some small snake in Durban while out caching, spiders at most caches and the odd scorpion or two. Bees just yesterday and thankfully no wasps as yet.
  17. Oh groan.... New twist to the game, what happens now? Load shedder has ended up in an interesting Puzzle cache, many thanks to DiePienaars....The points are gonna be handy. But now this is the catch. It is a Twin puzzle cache that requires the cacher to collaborate with another cacher in Pretoria to find the final clue. Now I know blah blah and blah..... But in theory although the TB is in one cache, the visit of two caches is required to find this one. So in total there are three caches to be found before the TB can be retrieved.... Stick that in your points machine..... What type of bonus can that result in?
  18. Wazat


    Hey well done Nish4 on the 400. Excellent.
  19. I like the way this one is going a GPS that will get you home after the office party, or not Mobile phone with GPS from Garmin... Bit late but looks great. Although I have a non working due to water damage MioGPS, I wish mine was this one.... At least when people ask what you are doing while searching for caches you will have a great excuse. Browse around the site there are loads of other interesting goodies....
  20. Now that leaves just over 500 units free. I just wonder who will get those units.... Hope that we don't see too many of these headlines... Bank robbers get away while cops rush to a FTF. Or good ones like: Cops find stolen cash while searching for hidden cache. Or a log entry: Was having Donuts at the local hangout when my PDA (Yep them guys at 5FM thought they would try rival the lovely lads at 702) notified me of a new cache nearby. So we hopped in the old blue and white, switched on the sirens and lights and raced down William Nicol to find the cache. Our new Garmin Nuvi showing us the quickest route and that sexy voice telling us where to turn right down to the meter. It even warned us about a speed trap that we charged over. We both grinned as the flash went off on the camera, knowing that we were at least flashing our own lights. Oh the joys of been a copper. LOL. Then as traffic cleared we were informed once again by that sexy voice that were were approaching the destination on the right. It was a park in the suburbs with the usual people walking round. We noticed a guy nearby the cache site with a GPSr in his hand. So we jumped out the van and pulled out the tape and began cordoning off the area. We told the guy he must please leave as this was a crime scene. Man it was a close call. But after clearing the place we managed to find the cache and got a FTF to boot. Our 57th FTF for the week too.... Back to the donuts we go... TFTC - The Flying Squaddies I think it is a great thing that they have finally woken up. Can the nuvi do tracklogs? But on the topic of government vehicles, maybe all government vehicles should have a tracking system in so we can also clamp down on speeding government employees. I cannot reason behind why department of education have to travel past me way in exess of the speed limit. Fuel is not cheap and we are paying for their recklessness. Think about it and report the offenders.
  21. How about using the incorrect words like: The reason why I placed the cache at this sight was because of the lovely site from way up here. Yes we understand but, obviously he doesn't ... Eish!
  22. ellWay imagineway eway allway okespay igpay atinLay. Eishway atthay ouldway onfusecay ethay apcray outway ofway eoplepay owhay eakspay ormalnay Englishway. ñ0 r34ll¥ wH4t ! 4m tr¥!ñg t0 $4¥ !$ tH4t ! tH!ñK !t !$ fuññ¥ tH4t tH3r3 !$ 4 wH0l3 g3ñ3r4t!0ñ 0f p30pl3 wH0 ju$t wr!t3 $m$. ! H4v3 3v3ñ $33ñ !t !ñ tH3 b4ñK$ wH3r3 ! w0rK. tH3¥ wr!t3 ñ0t3$ t0 tH3 m4ñ4g3r l!K3 tH4t. @ll $0rt$ 0f 4bbr3v!4t!0ñ$ 4ñd l3tt3r r3pl4©3m3ñt$. !t !$ $©4r¥. ! tH!ñK 0ñ3 d4¥ ¥0u m!gHt H4v3 $m$ 4$ 4 $ubj3©t 4t $©H00l. !f ¥0u tH!ñK 0f !t, !t !$ ju$t 4ñ0tH3r f0rm 0f $H0rtH4ñd.
  23. Ah but one can post a photo in the TB's Pick up log. Sorry but here is a take. I pick up a TB in regular cache A, travel north 100km to Earth Cache B then say another 100km west to regular cache C, will I score points for distance from A to C or A to B to C. Just wondering. Seeing that Earth caches are now null and void on points but still a place that the bug can visit?
  24. Imagie that users can move their TB's. I say no TB should be moved by the original owner. I can see it now. Right at the end there is a rush to get your own TB and drop it in the highest value cache. I prefer the element of suspense where you never know where the next move is gonna come from. I vote that owners may not move the TB at all. Maybe 3 times is ok but not for points. They can maybe rescue a dormant TB after a month of no activity, again for no points gain. I would rather think of me not been able to move my own TB on the simple grounds of it been out the country.
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