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Posts posted by Two-Braids

  1. Are the C.A.C.H.E. meetings open to anyone who can find them or do you have to join first? My wife and I would be intersted in going to the meeting. Maybe we can discuss some of the issues regarding geocaching in Boulder (see my discussion thread with the same topic).



  2. CdirtO and Cameltrekor,


    Do either of you, or anyone else, think that it would be of any benefit to form some type of official panel or association and appeal to OSMP as an organized group? My wife and I are also regular users of these trail systems and would be interested in working towards a resolutions for this.


    I have been out of town for the last week or so, but I will go check on the cache in the next day or so and see if it is still there.



  3. I just wanted to open a discussion on this topic since I recently placed a cache on Boulder Mountain Park land and seem to have started a debate about this.


    After reading the following posting




    I understood it to say that the city would "prefer" that we didn't place caches on OSMP land, not that we couldn't.


    I think that as long as everyone obeys the local area closures and sticks to the main trail system, we can cache these areas without any more impact than the hundreds of hikers that use these trails on any sunny day.


    There is very little land in or around Boulder that DOESN'T fall into OSMP management. That doesn't give us much to work with if we are banned from these areas.


    I would like to know what other think about this.



  4. Of course I bought my two Rino 120's a couple weeks ago, before reading any reviews. I glad other users are as pleased as I am. The battery thing is definatley an issue. I switched from standard AA alkaline to AA lithium batteries and its well worth the few extra dollars. With the alkalines my battery meter went down after my first outing. With the lithiums I have used the device a couple of times and the battery meter hasn't gone down at all yet.

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