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Members-only Caches

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Just another thing. Interesting to see how paying $30 makes people belive that they are the master race. Hitler did it, Ian Smith did it, Mugabe does it.  :D

Well gee, I was going to argue your point, but you've swayed me with your convincing argument. :D


It's the cache hider's option. I choose to make all of my caches available to everyone unless there's a convincing practical reason not to. Others choose not to. Get over it. Seriously.

Edited by Team Perks
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Just another thing. Interesting to see how paying $30 makes people belive that they are the master race. Hitler did it, Ian Smith did it, Mugabe does it. :D

Oh my Lord. So are you actually equating the contributing members to Geocaching.com to some brand of Neo-Hitlerites??

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Ok, whatever, this is a free country, you aren't FORCED to be a P-member....it is a choice, I and I choose to become one for 2 reasons: 1. Pocket Quiries and 2. Because I wanted to support GeoCaching. NOt for ANY extra caches, and I know I have NEVER put out a cache for Paying members only.


I paid the price enough for myself to be able to choose what I wanted to spend my meager earnings on and I don't need anyone to challange why I do that.

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Exactly. Both of my reasons as well.


1.Pocket Queries

2.Supporting Geocaching.com


as for MOCs. There are a couple around my vicinity. I never cared about them, nor do I now. Someday I may get to them if they sound enticing. If not, I don't care. I'm still new at this therefore i've got hundreds of caches to find without worring about MOCs.

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Just another thing. Interesting to see how paying $30 makes people belive that they are the master race. Hitler did it, Ian Smith did it, Mugabe does it. :D

$30 membership doesn't put me in a superior class, but your comments put you in a lower one.

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Just another thing. Interesting to see how paying $30 makes people belive that they are the master race. Hitler did it, Ian Smith did it, Mugabe does it. :D

I cleaned up your post for you. Check it out vs. the original.


"blah blah blah, 30 bucks, blah blah I'm not worthy, blah blah blah, more blah blah and a finishing yada yada yada."


Try again next time. Your post was self defeating right out of the gate.

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