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Vacancy - Geocaching Magazine Editor!

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The online magazine Geocaching Today will be one year old next month and the time has come for me to step down as editor.

I enjoyed getting the mag up and running (with a little help from my friends :unsure:) and when I look back through the archives at all the great stories and reports people have sent in over the last year I see a great collection of geocaching memories that deserve to be preserved and added to in the future.

However I think I've taken the magazine as far as I can and feel it needs some new enthusiasm and new ideas to take it into its second year.

Since I always intended the magazine to be a community effort and a shared resource I'll happily transfer the domain name freely to anyone who feels that they would like to take the helm and who can provide/pay for the necessary webhosting for the next twelve months. That person will then have sole control and ownership of the mag for however long they want it.

Sadly, if no-one wants to take this on I'll have no alternative but to close it down.

So if you want the job, please email me to discuss the hand over before 31st May.


Thanks once again to all who have contributed or supported the magazine during its first year - the list is long and distinguished!


best wishes and happy caching





I've offered to assist Gary in a full-on makeover of the magazine. I'm prepared to host it and redevelop the site, focussing more the "cache reports" and editorial articles. I liked the cache reports of the magazine, it's great to read tales of some of the more epic caches (I'm looking forward to Quest for the Ring at next months Carry on Camping Event)


Is anyone interested in writing for such a site? Telling tales of your caching exploits, or perhaps writing opinion pieces?

Posted (edited)

I'm very glad that someone will be able to carry on with geocachingtoday, as it would be a shame to let it fold, and for Gary's hard work to be wasted.


I'm sure that the Scottish geocaching community will be keen to continue to provide write ups of the various events that are held North of the border.

Edited by Firth of Forth

We should not let this great window close, We the UK cachers should support the site through its forthcoming changes. I pledge to encourage and support whosoever takes on the role of Editor. As our East Anglian Cache meets continue to grow, there should be some interesting reports expected. So may I take the oppotunity to thank Ed for his good work over the past year.


well done gary on the work you have done.hope someone takes on your mantle and does as good a job as you have

whoever takes the job on they will have my support


Actually I should be clear that I'm offering to host the site and create a way of making it easy for anyone to manage the publishing of new articles. Whilst I could perform some sort of editorial role, I doubt I'll have the time to make a really good job of it.


It's nice to see some encouraging words from readers here, but what I'd really like to see is whether anyone would be prepared to write for it? There's a number of things that could be done:

* caching reports for the more epic expeditions

* equipment reviews

* opinion pieces, e.g. landowner permissions

* how-to articles


Anyone fancy writing? Even just one article? It's likely I'll forge ahead with this and try to solicit more definite responses for particular articles, but if anyone is thinking "yeah, I wouldn't mind writing", then speak up!


Oh don't worry all the good stuff will be retained, I'll be working closely with Gary (Inukshuk) on this and I think he'll most likely remain involved in the new look mag...


Well done Paul for stepping up to the plate to take this on.


I would also like to add my thanks to Gary for his hard work over the past year. We had some fun at the beginning didn't we? :)


I have been so very busy with other projects that I haven't been able to lend all the time I should have to East Midlands Representative so it must be time for me to hand that over too. Any takers?




Progress has been, erm, slow due to pressure of real work!


I've built a prototype based around some nice existing software (Drupal) and I'm going to work with Gary on getting it live over the next few weeks.

Posted (edited)

Can I just check what's happening to the past event reports? A lot of effort was put into writing those, and it would be a great shame if they were lost.


If they are not going to be included in the new version of the mag, is there any way that the scottish reports can be sent to me so that I can put them somewhere on the net?

Edited by Firth of Forth
is there any way that the scottish reports can be sent to me so that I can put them somewhere on the net?

You can look at most of them (though not all the pictures) on the net for yourself at this location.


I discovered it recently when trying to find the text of an article I wrote last year about ticks. Some new information has since emerged which suggests that the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in Scotland may be as much as an order of magnitude greater than the medical profession had previously believed. I've re-written the article in light of the new information and will be submitting the revised article to the new editor(s) for consideration when the mag is up and running again.


Cheers, The Forester

Some new information has since emerged which suggests that the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in Scotland may be as much as an order of magnitude greater than the medical profession had previously believed.


:D Eeek. Does this info apply to England too? There is a deer park locally to me with two caches, and its got a tick problem.

Some new information has since emerged which suggests that the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in Scotland may be as much as an order of magnitude greater than the medical profession had previously believed.


:blink: Eeek. Does this info apply to England too? There is a deer park locally to me with two caches, and its got a tick problem.

So that this thread doesn't get taken off topic, you can find out more information about ticks here


I hope it answers your question.


Thanks for the link. Back on topic, I am willing to write any articles on beginner's experiences, and family experiences. I have written articles for magazines before if that helps.


Having a love of writing, I was a correspondent for a local newspaper for three years, I would love to write an article or two. I would offer more, but like many, time is the enemy as life really is very busy nowadays for me. I will look out for the magazine when it comes back online, look at the format, and submit something from time to time. D:


Oh I could write some technical stuff on PDAs and computers if needed


Milton (aka moote)


P.S. Not forgotten anyone's request for my PDA manual just had a busy 2 weeks at work. But knocking it up slowly :cry:

Posted (edited)
Some new information has since emerged which suggests that the prevalence of tick-borne diseases in Scotland may be as much as an order of magnitude greater than the medical profession had previously believed.


<_< Eeek. Does this info apply to England too? There is a deer park locally to me with two caches, and its got a tick problem.

The study which HH quoted was a Scottish one, but perhaps the tick problem does not recognise national borders.


Tick infestations tend to be very 'lumpy' in their distribution. You can have one place which is thick with the blighters just a couple of hundred metres from an apparently similar natural environment which has none. I think it may perhaps be something to do with the way ticks transport themselves around the countryside and the huge numbers of 'new' ticks that a pregnant female can deposit in one place.


My article in the mag about ticks was written from a Scottish perspective, despite the resistance and obstructionism of the local "co-ordinator", but the lessons to be learned apply equally throughout the many areas which are infested with ticks. Ticks are not prejudiced: they will bite anybody.

Edited by The Forester
Posted (edited)
despite the resistance and obstructionism of the local "co-ordinator",

That would be me then. :ph34r:


Once again, The Forester makes allegations that have no substance to them.

Edited by Firth of Forth
despite the resistance and obstructionism of the local "co-ordinator",

That would be me then. :ph34r:


Once again, The Forester makes allegations that have no substance to them.

Perhaps The Forester should take over as the local co-ordinator, nobody would need to send any reports to him, as he writes enough to keep the whole of Scotland busy (if they haven't fell asleep first). :lol::ph34r:



HH - The one who doesn't like innuendoes and says it as it is :ph34r:

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