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Ekitt10 Is No More!!!


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Ekitt10 is no more!!! :huh:


We went on a group hike today in Sourlands Mountain Reservation. Group members were myself Mark of avroair, Dave of Team DEMP and Scott of the BeeGees and Marty of Marty621. After a couple of caches Marty had to leave and Nik of Ekitt10 replaced him, and that is when all the fun started at this cache....

Bootlegger's Lair


It seems a resident vulture had made it's nest closeby (say 10 feet) from the cache. As we got to the GZ an argument ensued as to which way the cache was. Lots of great hiding places: In the end we opted for Ekitt10's "I know Natureboy and it is just like him to put a cache somewhere like that" pointing to a large collection of rocks with a massive hole down. We made our way over hopping from rock to rock until we reach the penultimate rock where the hole lay.


Within 7 feet of the cache a huge swoosh and a beast of burgen - a nightmare from the netherworld appearred breathing fires and shrieking chants and curses.


Nik was closest to the simmering hole of death. "Holy Cow - MOVE!!!" Nik fled, "Runaway! Runaway!" As four grown men rolled and beat it down the mountain with GPS units flying, backpacks sacrificed and Ekitt10 then rolled up in a ball sucking his thumb (so Nik had to mention it! ;) ) - The gargantuan avian raptor flapped to a nearby perch and stared a cold and menacing look as we regrouped for our assault on the cache. We were four hobbits huddled together from a Lord of the Rings movie. Nik was writhing in pain on the ground, but we didn't dare venture from behind the tree to help him out... Better him than me I thought! We urged him to stop moving and play dead, and finally mustered up the strength to retrieve him to safety.


We circled and circled the rock looking for a way in NOT by the nest, while one kept lookout at the nearby perched abyssmal creature. Serveral times it hopped from one perch to anther - each time sending us diving and retreating for cover behind the rocks.


Finally, after a gallant effort we decided to leave this forsaken place and move on to a cache with less threatening guardians warding our paths... I now understand that a boot-legger is a creature that grabs you by the legs and holds you upsidedown by the boots! Next time I come here I shall bring a veritable army... til then I bid you adieu. This cache should be an intirely new icon: one of someone crapping their pants.


Nik will take about a month to recover and shall now be known as Buzzard Boy. Do not attempt this cache while the beast still has young in its lair.


Sir Avroair

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Though it was a DNF, I will NEVER forget this cache and what took place. I kid you not that when it rose from the earth, the vulture looked the size of a terradactyl and the noise the wings made as it flew up vertically from it's lair is a sound I'll never forget.


Unlike the Marine's (or whatever armed services) phrase of "No man left behind", we left Nick lying in pain on the ground as we blew past him when the bird came out.


Once the horrid creature (the vulture, not Nick) was far enough away that I felt comfortable I could out run Mark if it came back from the tree, we helped Nick up and then, probably for 30 mins, sat there, laughed, cried, checked out the furry white baby we could sneak a peek of between the crevices and searched for a way to get the cache without disturbing the baby (any more then we did by walking up to the location).

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Someone has to post some pictures.

Pictures of what? If Nick had a camera, it would show a picture of the ground he was lying on. If I had a picture, it would be a useless blur as I ran as fast as I could. If Mark had a picture, it would be a blur of me blowing by him.


No pictures, though I'm sure Nick would snap one of his undies to prove how scared we all were.

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Someone has to post some pictures.

Don't worry, my wife has given me the business about this. She wants to know why I can't do something like this when she's around so she can take pictures.

I think Avroaire described it best, it was like a black dragon rising out of it's lair. We fully expected it to start breathing fire as it rose.


The ironic part of this adventure, is that when the day started, I meet two bird watcher along the pipe line. They where nice enough to show me a couple Baltimore orioles and indigo buntings. I would have never guessed that my day would end with a up-close and personal with the largest bird I had ever run into.


After reading up a little on the black vulture, I'm glad I was able to keep rocking on the ground, appearntly, the vultures only eat you after you're dead ... of course, in a alternate reality, it is believed that I am currently a baby buzzard's meal ... at least I would've done something worthwild with my life. ;)


Regardless, I had a great time out hiking with the gang, and by the time we were ready to live, I half wanted to go back up the mountain to see the beast again.


As for the old knee, I have a feeling a MRI is in my immediate future. :huh:

Edited by ekitt10
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Allright, I actually saw this vulture a few weeks ago and it sounds like it has grown considerably in size since I was there :o I think I have some (blurry) pictures somewhere if you want to see what everyone was so afraid of :huh: I actually thought it was a juvenile based on the way it looked, but I guess I was wrong, unless there were multiple ages of birds in there ;) I did shriek like a maniac when it flew out of there though ;)

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You guys got off pretty easy. Vultures are known to vomit on their antagonizers when disturbed. While I've never had the pleasure of smelling vulture vomit, I've heard its one of the most foul (pardon the pun) smelling stuff imaginable. Consider how bad human vomit smells and we start off eating things that smell good.

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The baby vulture and I assume it was one and not multiple, was a larger version of what was shown at http://www.awrc.org/blackvulturescase.htm . The stage it was at is most like:




The adult looked like the following, though you can't tell size from this picture:



Some snippets from http://wildwnc.org/af/blackvulture.html that seem relevant...

  • Black vultures nest in early spring, laying their eggs in tree cavities, on rocky ledges, or in caves [or lairs!].
  • The black vulture is a large black bird with a wingspan of 4 1/2 to 5 feet.
  • The beak is long and hooked, an adaptation for tearing flesh.
  • They will eat almost any animal carcass, even those that have begun to rot, but black vultures seem to prefer the larger dead animals [and geocachers!].

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I couldn't figure out how to post a picture, but here is a link to the vulture I saw:


vulture (not a spoiler)


No real scale here, but the ferns on top of the rock are probably about 6-8" tall.

Maybe I saw a different bird - this one was only about a foot or foot and a half high. It seemed kind of dopey like a younger bird and sat there staring at me and picking bugs off its feathers. I didn't stick around too long because I didn't want to disturb it too much - thus the pictures are from a distance and are fairly blurry.


Hopefully the mama doesn't desert the baby with all the activity in the area :P The trail seems to be heavily used. The first time I went on the blue dot trail you could barely see where the trail was. I was really surprised at how different it looked since the last time I was here :D

Edited by trowel32
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Could be the same bird, but it looks smaller in the picture. When it was way up in the tree it looked that size. The "cave" in front of it is where it came out of and when it came up vertically from the hole, the birds wings were end to end with the opening.


The blue trail does come very close but the bird didn't scare the **** out of us until we were about 10 ft from the opening. I think the trail is probably 25 ft from the opening though it zig/zags so much I'm sure folks walk by the nesting area all the time.

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This is what I saw!

That was exactly what we saw. Except the beast on the Sourlands was spittin' fire and had just finished drinkin' beers with the Jersey Devil. :P


Could be the same bird, but it looks smaller in the picture. When it was way up in the tree it looked that size. The "cave" in front of it is where it came out of and when it came up vertically from the hole, the birds wings were end to end with the opening.


Initially, I didn't think the bird was that big, once I looked at the hole she/he came out of, I realized that the wing span was at least 36".


The whole time there, I was waiting for daddy to come home. I haven't followed all of the links, but do the mother and father take shifts watching the young, or does the male simply split.

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What is funny that I'm searching Google on: mother vulture father

and it keeps returning nasty mother-in-law links :P

Top link:

What's the difference between a mother-in-law and a vulture?

The vulture waits 'til you are dead before it eats your heart out.


Since Geocities/Yahoo has had flood control going on those picture Trowel posted, I've swipped 'em and posted 'em here.




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Alright, as if we haven't had enough of this topic.


I'm having my doubt on wether this beats is a Black Vulture or a Tukey vulture. See:

New World Vultures. The build and the coloring of the black vulture matches closely to the bird we saw yesterday, but the range of the animal doesn't expend in to New Jersey.

If indeed this is a Black Vulture, it is indeed a very positive sign for these birds. The juvinal's look just like the picture on the above site. Although I didn't see two babies ... not that I was going to get that close. :P

But to answer my question about the mother and father; The eggs are incubated by both parents for 38 - 45 days.

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This is another shot from a different angle. You can clearly see how intimidating the monster bird is.




I think there was even a Nature channel special about it. This was the add I saw.




This chant may help you if you need to go back:


The Mothra Song: (English)

Mothra oh Mothra

Hear our call for you to save us

over time, over sea

like a wave you come

our guardian angel

Mothra oh Mothra

the people have forgotten kindness

their spirit falls to ruin

we shall pray for the people as we sing

this song of love


Credit Where Credit is Due

Edited by BMSquared
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We ran into a Wild Turkey going for 300 yesterday. It wasnt quite as exciting as your story but he sure tasted better I bet! :blink:;)


Seriously anyone going for HArry Dolphin & Andy Bear's ET 00.000 cache beware there is a nest nearby. You may want to wear one of these ekitt10 :)


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I wish I was there to see the action, but frankly, you guys disappoint me. I am surprised you let a stinking little bird keep you from getting the cache. Now a snake would deter me. That was just a blackbird with a little too much steroids.

That snake we found was a worm! This sucker was huge and totally startled us! I am just glad it wasn't a bear with a 7 foot wingspan! :blink: The irony lies in the fact that the cache wasn't located where the Vulture lair \ hell's gate was located, but we were so fixated on it. ;)

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Hey guys, you want to hear something funny!!! I don't think you looking in the right place. Maybe close by, but not the right hole based on your description and Niks pic!!! I think you should go back and poke around a little more. WHo knows what will pop up next. Too funny. Hey Avro, you certainly have adventures looking for my caches: Police, dragons...

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Hey guys, you want to hear something funny!!! I don't think you looking in the right place. Maybe close by, but not the right hole based on your description and Niks pic!!! I think you should go back and poke around a little more. WHo knows what will pop up next. Too funny. Hey Avro, you certainly have adventures looking for my caches: Police, dragons...

The best part is while we were recovering on the trail, Avro keep saying that his GPS was indicating 5-10ft. The pit of doom was 25-30 ft away.

Unfortunatley, I'm not going anywahere for another couple weeks. My ACL is blown. :laughing:

Not bad enough that I need immediate surgery, but at some point in the near future I'll need to get it repaired. So let's start getting those virtuals approved guys and gals. :drama:

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Hey guys, you want to hear something funny!!!  I don't think you looking in the right place.  Maybe close by, but not the right hole based on your description and Niks pic!!!  I think you should go back and poke around a little more.  WHo knows what will pop up next.  Too funny.  Hey Avro, you certainly have adventures looking for my caches:  Police, dragons...

The best part is while we were recovering on the trail, Avro keep saying that his GPS was indicating 5-10ft. The pit of doom was 25-30 ft away.

Unfortunatley, I'm not going anywahere for another couple weeks. My ACL is blown. :laughing:

Not bad enough that I need immediate surgery, but at some point in the near future I'll need to get it repaired. So let's start getting those virtuals approved guys and gals. :drama:

I pulled the hammy myself it's day-to-day not too serious to be put on the 15 day DL list! :o I think Dave also broke his fingernail so he may be out 4-6 weeks recovering.

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For those of you keep score at home, D day is this Thursday.

After a summer of collecting rubber bands from the Sunday papers, the doctor is gonna stick them in my knee and get me back in business.

I re-read this thread and cracked up laughing. Thanks gang!

In a finally attempt to reconcile my life, Jan and the Man & Trowel32 escorted me to Bootleggers last week. My name is finally in the log. ;)

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Mark, your description had me in tears. Too bad I'm at work (but they already know I spend all my workday figuring out where to cache next).


NJ has both Black and Turkey Vultures. Probably >85% of the vultures you see in NJ are TVs. Black Vultures are somewhat more common near the Del Water Gap area, but I have seen about 30 roosting in a tree down by Jake's Landing way down south in that other area they also seem to want to call NJ. Both are FREAKING HUGE up close. I think you need to be rotting for a day or two before they will come in to eat you.

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