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Night Cache In North Bend On Friday?


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Hey, does anyone want to do CruiserGuy's new night cache in North Bend with me Friday night (5/20)? If interested, we could also do his older Under The Clock Tower night cache as well. I've done that one, but would be happy to go along. Anyone?

oh oh oh me me, i wanna go



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Allanon- What is get up? this is Little Blue Late Friday = Saturday morning! :P

THAT'S what I'm afraid of!!! :D


Doesn't matter...if Pepper is going to be there, I'm there...since I missed her event last weekend and may not get another chance to say goodbye... :D

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Saturday night is fine with me as well, but let's ask Pepper- she has something going on Saturday during the day I think.


I'll bow to the will of the people- either way- as long as I have company I'm good!


Night caches are scary with only one or two people, right Allanon? :P


And as for other caches- I need to do Over the Top (the regular one) and Lover's Leap. You may not like one of those, Cruiser Guy, I've heard it's kind of evil! :D

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Saturday night is fine with me as well, but let's ask Pepper- she has something going on Saturday during the day I think.


Pepper is good either way, if we do it Saturday night I might need to pushed around in wheel barrow: ie...Iron Horse Saturday morning with the Bay Area folks APE icon driven and then cachen' with L&R...and then...night caching?



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I'd love to come (bringing dogs and enslaved child or two or three). I'm enslaved myself this weekend, cleaning up the house for in-law visits the following weekend. A night caching session, however, will probably fit in just fine. :o


edit -- either night works

Edited by willcall
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OK, I'm in including the afternoon/evening caching on the way...but I'm going to have to head home and get at least SOME sleep tonight so I'm not quite such a zombie at work tomorrow... :)


Hey, LB...if making the night cache the last one is OK with you, want me to pick you up?...I think it's my turn to drive. :)

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Fine...just leave me out in the cold...all by my lonesome...

Touché... :)


But hey, I'm not forcing you to go to Leavenworth today... :)

Have fun tonight.

Hopefully I will be getting some nice caches too. I'll try to avoid any flat tires up in the hills, especially without a pit crew.

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Is anyone meeting up earlier to get some extra caching in?

If you want to meet me in Monroe, we can cache our way down that direction...unless you are leaving from Bellevue...

I'm home in Everett. Where does anyone want to meet up?

I can leave anytime..

I can meet you in Monroe. PM me a location and time.

Edited by Recdiver
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Yay! That was a lot of fun. I was shocked when we pulled around the bend and saw all those cars! 20 odd cachers (and I mean that in the numerical sense only...I think) braved a night of wind and thunderstorms to hunt for Cruiser Guy's new night cache. Sorry we were a bit late pulling up- we were off DNFing another cache. B) I enjoyed meeting familar names/new faces and thanks to Cruiser Guy (and kids!) for joining us. Thanks to Pepper for joining us as well for one more night of caching fun before she heads down to the Lone Star state. Her car was determined not to let her and her daughter leave! B)


Ok- patiently awaiting the next night cache! B)

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Tried to tell my son that water builds character. He tried to tell me what a twisted, old geek I was. How could it possibly be fun - getting drenched to the bone in the dark, on a chilly night? Hey - how could it be fun without those things? Enjoyed meeting some of you. Will try to be more socially active and meet the rest in the daylight next time (if that's a good idea) B) Thanks LB for scheduling. Thanks CG for laying it out. Thanks D, for letting me drag you away from the XBox for Friday night fun.

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this was fun! I'm glad I decided to come out at the last minute. AFter the night cache, I decided to go solo for the nearby Easter cache in the dark. I have to say it's a blast walking in the pitch dark woods thinkng of the Blair Witch Project movie. LOL. Anyway, then I DNFed the new micro in N Bend. Oh well, that town gives me trouble like some pitchers give some hitters trouble. See you all next time!

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