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You are already on one of the best websites. There are a few others, but the best resource is right here in the forums. Bring your questions. Try to fit them into the right areas, and you will soon have more data than you need.


As for software... I use ExpertGPS. I have tried every other software package that allowed free trial, and ExpertGPS is the one I use 90% of the time. The other 10% I use VisualGPS. There is a third program I keep only on my laptop, but I use it so little that I cannot even remember the name.


HOWEVER, without a cable, software will not do much for you. ExpertGPS really does it when you can connect your GPSr to it. Upload/Dpwnload waypoints, print maps with your track on it, and a bunch more.




Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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I use National Geographic Topo on my desktop for planning trips so that I can visualize routes.


On my PDA use MS Streets and Trips and GPXview so that I don't need printouts of the cache pages.


For uploading and downloading waypoints into the GPS I use EasyGPS.


Of all of these it's EasyGPS and my computer cable that I'd give up last.


Expert GPS has arial photographs that are pretty handy but since I use a modem and don't like how it displays waypoints I've not jumped on that wagon. For the moment when I need an arial I use lostoutdoors.com to make one.


As you get other opinions you will quicly find out there is a lot of stuff that does the same thing and that it's how you use the software that will have you buy the items that you buy.



Wherever you go there you are.

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OK first off have a look at this review which describes a modification you may want to make to your unit. As for plugs you mentioned in one of your posts that you don't like on-line shopping. That will limit your choices in purchasing accessories. If you change your mind EBay is a good source of cables or if you're handy with tools you can build one with connectors from Pfranc.com


I'd recommend trying out some of the free software first to get a feel for what you might like. EasyGPS is available from links on the Geocaching web site and will allow you to transfer cache coordinates into your Geko. Others that you might want to have a look at areGPSTrackmaker, G7toWin, orGPSUtility.


A great site for information is the gpsinformation.net


Have fun icon_biggrin.gif


PDOP's GPS Pages

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There isn't a lot more you can do for the GPS without the PC cable.


EasyGPS is essential and National Geograpic Topo! is nice to have, but since you don't have a cable they are of little use. The Garmin Mapsource Topo and/or Roads and Recreation software are also great to have, but a mapping GPS is needed to make the best use of either.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"

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Look for some sort of case (maybe just a soft case) with a belt clip to carry your GPS in. You won't want to carry it by hand all the way to the cache, and you'll only need to check your location and direction from time to time until you get close to the target.

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