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Geocaching In Parks.


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Curious Please keep comments on topic and please do not try those change the subject tactics.



Thankyou Dog Breath. You are a breath of fresh air in this topic.

REad back to the begininng and you will see that I have been trying to tell these people the exact fact but they insist on skirting arounbd the issue and talking about everything else.

Glad to see another sensible person here. I know there are others out there as well.


It is so true that people will not and do not place caches on existing trails and that they go off the trails and make new trails and cause damage to parks. It is a proven fact.


Just as expected - but fine I will keep it on topic. I'll post some information about a cache that is (was) located in a Provincial Park until some time this afternoon. How is that for staying on topic. I did not know that this site was approving moving caches any more....I must have been wrong.

I do however think that the few caches out there that require people to trample around off paths should be taken out.



Some regulations on how to place caches in the Parks would be welcome. It would serve to enforce some environmental education on the community, a community that is largely uneducated about the environment or the effect off-trail stomping can have (as evidenced by many of the posts in this thread.)


Ok here is the Facts on that one Cache which is located near a provincal park boundary.


I have plotted it an electronic topographical map and it is in postion X

You have plotted it on a different topographical map and it is located at position X


Your postion X and my position X show up in different area bit it appears there is only a difference of possibly 200 metres.


this could be due to using different datum, or different programs top plot the location or different map scales.


not all maps are created equally.


I will say though that because it was placed 2 years ago in the approximate location of a park boundary that it could indeed cause some confusion as to where exactly the cache is.\


The cache is physically located on a rocky islet in an area where this isnt ans appears to have never had vegetation.


It was placed years before any talk of banning geocaching in parks.

If by some odd revelation and a mis-calculation on my part it does in fact lay even 1 inch inside the park boundary I will in fact relocate the cache the required distance.


Gps by its own addmission is not 100% accurate.


Sorry Dagg butr I must ask you to keep on subject.

it is amuzing that you think that your Mr ED sock is me but I assure you I am not interested in your testicle protector. Please refrain from such language here .

CHildren and Christians (which I am) also do not need to see that.

I would consider that borderline vulgar and vulgar language is not permitted here.

Thankyou for your understanding.


Not my point - the co-ordinates on the cache page were changed this afternoon. I won't argue it now....soon enough a screen capture will be posted to verify my statements. Going to head out for a bit, maybe I'll go for a drive to the beach, hmmm.

Mapquest clearly shows that the cache is not at that location and is in the park.

You're relying on Mapquest as your source of information on park boundaries? That's a little rich. Shouldn't you know better than that?

Posted (edited)
Gps by its own addmission is not 100% accurate.


Ignoring the grammatical atrocity, I'm wondering where you are getting your facts!

Edited by TrimblesTrek
....it is amuzing that you think that your Mr ED sock is me but I assure you I am not interested in your testicle protector....

You admitted on another site that this is one of your many sock puppets - would you like us to post a link to that admission. How so you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously?

Sorry Dagg butr I must ask you to keep on subject.

it is amuzing that you think that your Mr ED sock is me but I assure you I am not interested in your testicle protector. Please refrain from such language here .

CHildren and Christians (which I am) also do not need to see that.

I would consider that borderline vulgar and vulgar language is not permitted here.

Thankyou for your understanding.

:D You are an amusing idiot. But an idiot none the less.

Mapquest clearly shows that the cache is not at that location and is in the park.

You're relying on Mapquest as your source of information on park boundaries? That's a little rich. Shouldn't you know better than that?

Yeah - that's why I verified it on a digital topo, on a Mapsource map and on a Mapsend map as well.


Triangulation is not flawless.

There is a built in factor.

When using a GPS there are many many factors that can affect a true reading.

Atmosphere, batteries, Solar Flares, excess ions and the list goes on. If one is getting a reaing on only 2 or 3 sattelites the reading and lat/long is further degrades.

So when placing a cache within feet of a PARK boundary there could be an error factor that puts the cache just inside or just out side of the Park.

Posted (edited)
Just as expected - but fine I will keep it on topic. I'll post some information about a cache that is (was) located in a Provincial Park until some time this afternoon. How is that for staying on topic. I did not know that this site was approving moving caches any more....I must have been wrong.

There's a limit on changing the coords of an existing cache, a limit on how far the new coordinates can be from the ol coordinates. Does anyone know that limit (I'm assuming it is only a couple hundred metres maximum)? If he did change the coords, I can't imagine they were changed by any great amount.

Edited by dogbreathcanada
Posted (edited)

If you do go fro a beach walk tonight please be careful. The cache is on an islet on the open Pacific Ocean. The walk can only be done at a low tide and even then walking can be hazardous. Use Caution. Also it may not be a great Idea at night as you know there is know ambient light there and you are miles away from any help idf required.You will not even have moon light .New moon was just 2 days ago. I would suggest you attempt at daytime hours.


That is strike 2 Mr Dagg.

You are not abiding by forum rules.


I checked your site where there is discussion about your Tes______les

and it states right on the site that pretty much anything goes there.

This however is a family site.

Please keep your insults to your self.

Edited by Kermode
Triangulation is not flawless.


Triangulation is mathematics. Your analysis is flawed.


When using a GPS there are many many factors that can affect a true reading.

Atmosphere, batteries, Solar Flares, excess ions and the list goes on. If one is getting a reaing on only 2 or 3 sattelites the reading and lat/long is further degrades.

So when placing a cache within feet of a PARK boundary there could be an error factor that puts the cache just inside or just out side of the Park.


Ah... so you are talking about a GPS RECEIVER then. GPS is the Global Positioning System...the constellation of satellites placed by the US military. If you wanted to refer to the accuracy of a GPS receiver you should have stated this. Please try to use the correct terminology here.

If you do go fro a beach walk tonight please be careful. The cache is on an islet on the open Pacific Ocean. The walk can only be done at a low tide and even then walking can be hazardous. Use Caution. Also it may not be a great Idea at night as you know there is know ambient light there and you are miles away from any help idf required.You will not even have moon light .New moon was just 2 days ago. I would suggest you attempt at daytime hours.


That is strike 2 Mr Dagg.

You are not abiding by forum rules.


I checked your site where there is discussion about your Tes______les

and it states right on the site that pretty much anything goes there.

This however is a family site.

Please keep your insults to your self.

Bite me

Posted (edited)

GPS uses triangulation the antenna picks up a crazy little signal from the sattelites and uses the strongest signals to triangulate a position. It is not 100% accurate though.

If you want that please use a sextant. Sextatnt is more accuarte as far as I am concerned.

Edited by Kermode
Posted (edited)

No caching should not be banned in the park.


I just have two comments.


First - it is a misconception that caches cannot be hid and found without creating a social trail. This is simply untrue. I myself have found a cleverly hid cache within a national park. Hidden right under my nose, but difficult to find. No social trail being created.


Second - cachers are no less friendly to the parks than many other groups of users. The only other option is to simply ban people period. Cachers are no harder on the land than are, sightseers, climbers, photographers, canoeists, kayakers, hikers, backpackers, skiers, snowshoers, etc.


The only thing that I see as a valid point is that hiders could take extra precautions when hiding to ensure that hunters do not have to create a trail to find it in areas that are obviously more sensitive.

Edited by Dino Hunters
Posted (edited)
GPS uses triangulation the antenna picks up a crazy little signal from the sattelites and uses the strongest signals to triangulate a position. It is not 100% accurate though.

If you want that please use a sextant. Sextatnt is more accuarte as far as I am concerned.

Keep it on topic!

What does this have to do with the fact that you are an idiot?


and a liar

and a sockpuppet

and a waste of time



Edited by Dagg
Posted (edited)

Thankyou for your input Dino Hunters.


I must add that you used some examples that are really not applicable.


Kayaking...of course it doesnt affect the land unless of course one is kayaking in the forest.


Snowshoeing if done on top of the snow has now ill effect to the land unless you are snowshoing in a Tuffa mound when there is no snow.


Skiers again cause no damage do the land if they are in fact skiing on snow and not through and apline meadow when there is no snow on the ground.


I agree that cachers are no harder on the land than the above but must disagree with hikers,climbers etc.


Again thankyou for your comments.


All points of view are accepted here.


Dagg please try to control yourself . Kids do not need to see that.


thankyou and Bye

Edited by Kermode

Hey Kermode,


Even I think you're an idiot.


A blanket ban on geocaching is a stupid policy.


IMO each land manager ought to decide if and where a cache can be placed. Your position is simple nonsense.


I hope any park manager you try to convince recognizes you for the raving lunatic you seem to be by your posts.



Posted (edited)

I did not say a blanket ban. I suggested that they keep them out of National and Provincal parks and leave all the other parks (city,municipal,County etc) up to the individual jurisdictionsand the reisdent of those areas.


I would also like to note that the above poster is a sock puppet account . No cache logs. And this was theri first posting in the forums. An obvious flamer.Account was just made the other day.

Edited by Kermode
Thankyou for your input Dino Hunters.


I must add that you used some examples that are really not applicable.


Kayaking...of course it doesnt affect the land unless of course one is kayaking in the forest.


Snowshoeing if done on top of the snow has now ill effect to the land unless you are snowshoing in a Tuffa mound when there is no snow.


Skiers again cause no damage do the land if they are in fact skiing on snow and not through and apline meadow when there is no snow on the ground.


I agree that cachers are no harder on the land than the above but must disagree with hikers,climbers etc.


Again thankyou for your comments.


All points of view are accepted here.


Dagg please try to control yourself . Kids do not need to see that.


thankyou and Bye

"Kayaking...of course it doesnt affect the land unless of course one is kayaking in the forest...."


Only true if the kayakers can teleport themselves to and from the river or lake, and sleep onboard.


"Snowshoeing if done on top of the snow has now ill effect to the land..."


Some claim that the packing of the snow causes it to loose it's insulative qualities, and winter kill can occure to the plants under the packed snow. I'm not saying I agree, but if you take things so far where do you stop ? Skis and snowshoes may cause damage to small shrubs sticking up through the snow etc. etc. They could also trigger an avalanche causing even more environmental damage. You see where taking things too far can lead ?


"I agree that cachers are no harder on the land than the above but must disagree with hikers,climbers etc."


Obviuosly you've never followed the social trails left by climbers to the most interesting routes. Or seen the hardware left pounded into rock etc. You said yourself that each footprint causes damage, and I doubt the plant can tell if it's a climber's, hiker's, photographer's, or cacher's foot.



I would also like to note that the above poster is a sock puppet account . No cache logs. And this was theri first posting in the forums. An obvious flamer.Account was just made the other day.


A sock puppet of a sock puppet of a sock puppet of a sock puppet of a sock puppet




This thread is now open again.

Dont you come in here waving your skirt telling us what is and what isnt out of hand.

Ban the bulls*** in the parks.


No caching period.

Seems that cache tech has a personal stake in this.

Wearing mulitple hats.

A member of BCGA.com who wants to stand up to Parks Canada and be "our" rep to defend geocaching in the parks.

On the other hand he is a forum gestapo( although he will probably be a denier of that)

who is supposed to be non biased in the this forum. A forum where we are discussing something the cache tech is already known to not support (the closing of caches in parks)


Moderate that dick wad.

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