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Destroyed Chiseled Square


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Posted (edited)

JE0768 certainly in bad shape! It's a scaled mark which means that the only important aspect of it is its vertical position. Measurements from the horizontal center won't help.


Send Deb a picture of this one and let us know what the answer is - Poor or Destroyed. :mad:


(The power squadron probably didn't send a picture.)

Edited by Black Dog Trackers
Posted (edited)

Anywhere from a day to two weeks, generally, depending upon how much research Deb has to do on the mark, and how much backlog she has. I imagine it takes longer during the summers, when she might get more email due to the warmer month activities.

Edited by BuckBrooke



On A station which is used for vertical control. The "where exactly" a surveyor is to place the instrument so measure a specific height is extremely important. It is a physical contact sort of measurement. We are not allowed to guess. The Criteria is to follow the directions exactly.


This Bench Mark was above ground and chiseled into a vertical surface requiring us to hold our instrument to the mark. Now that the mark is gone. The station is destroyed. I am sorry but from a survey standpoint it is not usable by the standards and criteria we have to follow.


A photo documented email to Deb Brown at NGS showing the loss of this chiseled square will likely result in the destruction and removal of the PID from the NGS Database.


Nice work!




I got a similar response from Deb today regarding a benchmark in a concrete monument that has been pushed over until it is leaning at about a 30 degree angle.


I'll probably get the POOR result when I log 2 marks that are 30 degrees (or so) tilted over, and 2 marks as DESTROYED that their monuments are physically out of the ground and laying to the side.


Sometimes I'm not quite sure on the POOR results; it's good to hear others' feedback from Deb so I know both what to ask/report and what to expect.


Hey All,


It is as I have mentioned in the Past.


NGS really does not like destroying Brass disc monuments. They strongly avoid doing this in most cases. The Criteria is a bit different for Horizontal Survey as opposed to vertical survey but they are still very strict. If you are dealing with one, you gotta have proof it is torn out pretty much Concrete and all. You can show the concrete Column uprooted with a Disc in the end, you have a destroyed.


They really prefer to call things poor or not found and that is ok too. These monuments are about the Data ascribed to them more than they are about the monument themselves if that helps. Does that make sense?


Landmarks are easy. Prove it is gone with a simple photo proving the landmark is not located at the position that is on the datasheet, and you have a deal.



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