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maps ???

Guest pat-in-az

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Guest pat-in-az

which type of maps are the most accurate, easiest to use, and easiest to obtain?


most of the land around me is BLM. do they

have their own maps? and are they the best to use?


many thx, pat-in-az


[This message has been edited by pat-in-az (edited 04-15-2001).]

Guest pat-in-az

Originally posted by pat-in-az:

which type of maps are the most accurate, easiest to use, and easiest to obtain?


most of the land around me is BLM. do they have their own maps? and are they the best to use?


many thx, pat-in-az

Guest sar6cm

Hello geocacheroo,


Over the years we have found the 7.5 minute quadrangle maps (topo) to be most useful. You can find these at the forest service or often at bookstores or outdoor retailers. Using a 1:24000 ratio gives you a nice close view of terrain. These maps include backcountry roads. Most quad maps were last edited in 1997 so they include roads that may be missing on newer transportation maps (this is forest dependant). I might also suggest a very powerful tool for any cache planning and general map work. It is a computer based mapping program called Terrain Navigator. CDs with the 7.5' quad maps. You can do routing, markers, tracking, 3D rendering, etc. Check out the website at www.maptech.com

I hope this helps you.


ps. I am not affiliated with maptech..... just an avid geocachemaniac and member of local search and rescue.



c&a desert rockhounds

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