markandlynn Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 DO PEOPLE REALISE HOW HARD IT IS TO READ A POST WHEN THEY ARE shouting all the way through it in GREAT BIG CAPITAL LETTERS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY HARD TO READ so please don't shout in your logs or in the forum. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO OPERATION
Deego Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 or dont type in really small yellow text ps yjtb is on the way soon :o
+Daisy&me Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 DO PEOPLE REALISE HOW HARD IT IS TO READ A POST WHEN THEY ARE shouting all the way through it in GREAT BIG CAPITAL LETTERS THAT ARE INCREDIBLY HARD TO READ so please don't shout in your logs or in the forum. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO OPERATION OK
NickPick Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) pls also dnt use too many shrt wrds like ur ritin a txt msg Deego, that small yellow test really hurts my eyes! edit__text even__________| Edited May 6, 2005 by NickPick
+Boneychest & Catsuey Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 or dont type in really small yellow text :o ps yjtb is on the way soon :o Had to do this just to read it! ok. Got it now
+Simply Paul Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My pet peeves: They're, There and Their are all different words, with different meanings, as are Two, To and Too. They're (their/there) not interchangeable. i is not a word (as in Me, Myself and I) it's a roman numeral. Peoples' (note excellent apostrophe use) and places' names deserve capital letters. Th nglsh lngg s n mzng thng. vn wth ll th vwls rmvd y cn srt f rd t - but this no excuse to abuse it when it comes to some of the very basic rules that even a child should know. But, starting a sentence with 'but' is ok these days, I think. And starting one with 'and' can save time with no loss of clarity too, I believe. Call me Alan (or an anagram thereof) but English is one of the few things we can be justly proud of in this country (Jet engines are cool too, but we could all live without the hovercraft) and I do hate to see it treated in a most avant-garde mana. SP
+McDeHack Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Forget the shouting, small yellow print, and spelling. If you can read the text below, then you have no worries. I cdnuot blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas touhght slpeling was ipmorantt.
+Simply Paul Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) Brain has caught up with fingers SP Edited May 6, 2005 by Simply Paul
+wildlifewriter Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My pet peeves: Mine too. Without wishing to start a witch-hunt (for example): sentences in English begin with an capital letter - and end with one of these. No-one has yet been buried in a "cemetary"... ... and satellites still have two t's and two l's. -Wlw.
NickPick Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My pet peeves Mine too, but we did sort of agree recently, that some people aren't as good with their grammar and spelling as others are, and that so long as it was understandable, people shouldn't feel ashamed to post in these forums. As has been said before, I'd consider myself in the top 99.9% of people when it comes to spelling and punctuation, so we should make allowances for the others. People guilty of bad netiquette on the other hand, especially SHOUTING, should be flamed to within an inch of their bandwidth, and publicly ridiculed until they realise the error of their ways. ------------------ Please read the above with a tongue in cheek sarcasm. I wouldn't want to unwittingly offend anyone, and I'm not advocating mailbombing anyone. ( I hope I haven't made any speeling mistaks in the above, or I'm really in for some stick aren't I?)
Deego Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Can somebody please go through my post's, just to check that I have not made any error's in the past. Bet you can find them in most of my post, if not all 1842
markandlynn Posted May 6, 2005 Author Posted May 6, 2005 Can somebody please go through my post's, just to check that I have not made any error's in the past. Bet you can find them in most of my post, if not all 1842 Can somebody please go through my previous post's. This is to confirm that I have not made any error's in the past. I would be willing to lay a wager that you can find multiple errors in the majority of my posts, most probably there are mistakes in all 1842 One down 1841 to go
+Roberts-tribe Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Following on from Paul's erudite post, 'loose' is NOT 'lose'. Another two different words. I've seen 'loose' used instead of 'lose' so many times now, that sometimes I have to stop and think about my own usage of the word. I hate that!
+t.a.folk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 If you can read the text below, then you have no worries. I hvae no worires .
+Nellies Knackers Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 You do have to accept that not all posters and loggers are english, and they probably do better english than we do their language.
+Chris n Maria Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My Pet Peeve, is people who think its easy to spell or understand the difference between their,there and they're - for some of us it is virtuall impossible to tell the difference. Also if they sound the same, why the blinkey flip have people decided to spell them differently? Its- just so they can smugly sit there and say "you've spelt that wrong". Chris
+Kitty Hawk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 I feel that on the forum, excepting this thread, we should be tolerant of poor typing/spelling skills, however I get frustrated with cache pages - there is ample time to check the spelling and punctuation is reasonably acceptable during the submission process. Adrian Pet Peeve fulsome - according to Collins. excessive or insincere, esp. in an offensive or distasteful way. So many people offer fulsome praise.
Beer Monster Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 I just read some of the posts up they're, and I'm sure their not right! Some people have spelling errors in there's!
+CuplaKiwis Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My Pet Peeve, is people who think its easy to spell or understand the difference between their,there and they're - for some of us it is virtuall impossible to tell the difference. Also if they sound the same, why the blinkey flip have people decided to spell them differently? Its- just so they can smugly sit there and say "you've spelt that wrong". Chris There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!!
+Pharisee Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My Pet Peeve, is people who think its easy to spell or understand the difference between their,there and they're - for some of us it is virtuall impossible to tell the difference. Also if they sound the same, why the blinkey flip have people decided to spell them differently? Its- just so they can smugly sit there and say "you've spelt that wrong". Chris There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! That's one of my hates too. The other... when people use the possessive "your" as an abbreviation for "you are" (you're). Can't help it... me mum taught English
+Riddlers Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) The best way to read yellow tiny text is to highlight it. (hi lite tex) Edited May 6, 2005 by Riddlers
+t.a.folk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 A favourite tease with cub leaders is when a cub asks "Akela can I go to the toilet?" Akela replies "I don't know ,can you?"
+Cave Troll and Eeyore Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) The odd spelling mistake proves that some of us are human ( or in my case a troll ) When I used to ask my mum if I could lick the bowl, she would say " No , pull the chain like everyone else So long as the message is understood I don't see a problem on the forums. Edited May 6, 2005 by Cave Troll & Joan
+mongoose39uk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 The odd spelling mistake proves that some of us are human ( or in my case a troll ) So long as the message is understood I don't see a problem on the forums. Exactly I cannot spell, type too fast and I am not well educated. I get along as best I can. Have a go at my spelling or grammer as much as you wish. I try but do not often get it right. I know that others struggle far more than I, though in general we do manage to make ourselves understood. This is a forum for discussion not a spelling and grammer contest. Or have I got that wrong?
+Pengy&Tigger Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 A favourite tease with cub leaders is when a cub asks "Akela can I go to the toilet?" Akela replies "I don't know ,can you?" I had a biology teacher who would say 'You can, but you may not' The other one was 'Can I lend pen', to which the reply would be 'I already have plenty' T
+Tupperware Hunters Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 well i supose i should stop posting then if you are against people with disabilitys such as dyslexia bye
+Stuey Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Call me Alan (or an anagram thereof) but English is one of the few things we can be justly proud of in this country (Jet engines are cool too, but we could all live without the hovercraft) and I do hate to see it treated in a most avant-garde mana. Why the capital j in Jet? Maybe I missing something?
+Stuey Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 I had a biology teacher who would say 'You can, but you may not' Did you have Mr. Jones for biology as well?
+rutson Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Why the capital j in Jet? Maybe I missing something? An apostrophe and an 'm'
+GAZ,NES and LAYLA Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 How many more times are people going to be "moaned" at for the way they ......log a find,type in the forums,place a cache,find a cache,spell,sneeze, fart or even breath????? Come on guys .....this is supposed to be a "FUN GAME". YES spelling mistakes,capital letters (on or off),bad english,bad punctuation etc etc etc can all be annoying BUT.....................Does it REALLY matter? Loads of things irritate me but then I am far from perfect myself and until the day I become a perfect being then I will not judge others simply on the way they decide to play or chat or log or speak about this game. Sits back and waits for the onslaught NES xxxxx
+Simply Paul Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) I'd certainly not poke fun at anyone who has a reading or writing disability. I can't spell for toffee but, importantly, take the time to reread what I've typed before hitting ADD REPLY, POST or SEND. Well, usually. If there's a word in there I'm not totally confident about, I'll cut and paste the text into an email to check the spelling. These are simple, quick things anyone could do. Bad -and I mean really bad- grammar and lazy use of language, on the other hand (oh, I hate clichés to death), tend not to be the result of any disorder or condition, but rather... carelessness. Anyway, I have lots of other pet peeves, including, but not limited to: i) People who don't indicate or indicate the reverse of what they actually do while driving. ii) White labels on the bottoms of women's shoes when they're being warn. iii) Folks who litter, or smoke near me when I'm eating. iv) Unhelpful cache clues SP Edited for- Oh, guess P.S. You're right of course NES. I'll shut up and write yet another complaint about the terrible use of language in Eastenders to the BBC instead... Edited May 6, 2005 by Simply Paul
+Us 4 and Jess Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 i must agree with mongoose and gaz do a few spelling mistakes and puctuation make that much difference? if we are going to critise people for the way they type their bit in the forums and on logs are we not going to scare them off?? we are supposed to be inviting more to join im sure i read somewhere some years ago that it is ok to type all in small letter in emails i send many emails a day in my line of work and i type them all like i have typed my reply on here, and i have had no complaints as long as we can generally understand what the person is saying.........what the hell
+Chris n Maria Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 My Pet Peeve, is people who think its easy to spell or understand the difference between their,there and they're - for some of us it is virtuall impossible to tell the difference. Also if they sound the same, why the blinkey flip have people decided to spell them differently? Its- just so they can smugly sit there and say "you've spelt that wrong". Chris There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris
+rutson Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 I'm in two minds about this one; half of me is a bit of a Lynn Truss groupie, the other half is off the 'as long as I understand who gives a toss' camp. However, the lack of captial letters and punctuation does tend to annoy me. One newish cacher not too distant from where I think I still live has a habit of using multiple commas in sucession which REALLY gets my goat,,,,,,, I mean,,,,,, WHY?
+Alibags Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Come on guys .....this is supposed to be a "FUN GAME".YES spelling mistakes,capital letters (on or off),bad english,bad punctuation etc etc etc can all be annoying BUT.....................Does it REALLY matter? I completely agree. Yet another 'everybody must fit in with my ideals' thread (yawn). Mind you, I am not allowing for the fact that, for many people, being a parsimonious old 'so and so' on the forums provides them with inordinate amounts of 'fun'. To each their own.
+rutson Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'.
+Chris n Maria Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'. Nope not extracting the urine - if someone could explain to me the logic of having 3 words that sound the same spelt differently then I might change my opinion. Otherwise I can see no reason for it. And don't say "its right" - its only right because someone made it up, it can be unmade just as easily. And don't say "its what the dictionary says" as the dictionary is just another book, if you follow that logic Mein Kampf, The Bible and The Lord of the Rings are all guides to how to live your life Chris
+mongoose39uk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 So exactly what has this got to do with Geocaching? Perhaps the Off Topic area would be a better place for this!
+Firth of Forth Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'. Nope not extracting the urine - if someone could explain to me the logic of having 3 words that sound the same spelt differently then I might change my opinion. Otherwise I can see no reason for it. And don't say "its right" - its only right because someone made it up, it can be unmade just as easily. And don't say "its what the dictionary says" as the dictionary is just another book, if you follow that logic Mein Kampf, The Bible and The Lord of the Rings are all guides to how to live your life Chris The logic is simple - the three words mean completely different things. Whether people care about this fact in everyday written English on forums and in logs is another matter; and I guess that that is the loose connection to geocaching.
+CuplaKiwis Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) There, place, as in "over there" Their, posession, as in "their car" They're, contraction, short for "They Are" Simple!! but Why ???? If things sound the same they should be writ the same...anything else is just pretensious and elitest nonsense. Chris I DO hope you're taking the piss? Please tell me that writing English correctly is not 'nonsense'. Nope not extracting the urine - if someone could explain to me the logic of having 3 words that sound the same spelt differently then I might change my opinion. Otherwise I can see no reason for it. And don't say "its right" - its only right because someone made it up, it can be unmade just as easily. And don't say "its what the dictionary says" as the dictionary is just another book, if you follow that logic Mein Kampf, The Bible and The Lord of the Rings are all guides to how to live your life Chris The logic is that they mean completely different things. 'Their' and 'There' are as dissimilar as 'chalk' and 'small windowless building' in meaning. It's just an inconvenience that they sound the same in English. As was demonstrated in an earlier post, the human mind is extremely good at picking up what was meant in written language, however this is not an excuse to use any old word so long as it bounds light, oops, sounds right. I accept that some people do not know which word to use when, and that some simply do not care. My argument it that most of the time (not all, granted) it's a simple distinction to make, and a moment's thought to figure which it should be. (edit) please add "with a little knowledge" after the word "make" in the above sentence Edited May 6, 2005 by CuplaKiwis
+leecee Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 So exactly what has this got to do with Geocaching? Good point.. this topic's been beaten to death so many times.
+Firth of Forth Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) Snap Cuplakiwis Edited May 6, 2005 by Firth of Forth
+mongoose39uk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Back to the point of this thread. I asked around at work a few weeks ago and found that many of my staff did not realise using capitals in forums/emails etc., was shouting. So perhaps we should ban the poorly educated user or person with a disabilty in this area from joining in?
+CuplaKiwis Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) (editied for bad timing of post ) Edited May 6, 2005 by CuplaKiwis
+Cave Troll and Eeyore Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 The OP was about shouting in the forums not smelling pistakes. Time to let the thread die or for the OP to close it !
+mongoose39uk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 I wish i could drop my personal restaraint for a moment and put my feelings in my true working class fashion.
+Firth of Forth Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (edited) The OP was about shouting in the forums not smelling pistakes.Time to let the thread die or for the OP to close it ! Now, you see I don't know what OP means, but I'm willing to learn. Does it really matter if there is a loose thread drift? (gnoring Pharisee's wise advice to steer clear of posting after consumption of alcohol) Edited May 6, 2005 by Firth of Forth
+Cave Troll and Eeyore Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Now, you see I don't know what OP means, but I'm willing to learn. OP = original post/poster I think
+mongoose39uk Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 (gnoring Pharisee's wise advice to steer clear of posting after consumption of alcohol) Alcohol, love it's effect. I almost droped my reserve dure to it.
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