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Geocaching Books


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I just searched for book reviews in all the forums and didn't turn up any threads (perhaps my search criteria was off). As an individual just getting into the activity, a book is always helpful (and a heck of a lot easier than performing search after search on the boards).


At any rate, I think it would be highly beneficial to hear the opinions of the seasoned geocachers on the books available on the subject. Amazon reviews are very one-sided and, generally, lousy for content.


Books I have found on the subject:


Complete Idiot's Guide to GeoCaching - (It would be nice to NOT recieve blanket endorsements of this book simply because it is featured on geocaching.com.)


Geocaching for Dummies


Geocaching - Eric Sherman - (I am especially interested in this volume.)


The Geocaching Handbook - (Falcon Guide)


The Essential Guide to Geocaching

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First, a few search tips: the default search timeframe looks for threads/posts in the last 30 days. To go back further than that, adjust that setting in the search window. You can even choose "Any Date."


The second tip is to use appropriate search terms. Pick something unique, like "Complete Idiot" since you knew the book's title, and you'll get lots of threads discussing geocaching books, such as this thread. Interestingly, that search also returns all of Mopar's posts so you'd need to filter a bit.


As for the substance of your question, I did not buy any of these books but I would've appreciated having one of them when I first got started. If I had to choose one to start with, it would be Eric Sherman's book. That's because the author is also a geocacher, and he did a lot of hands-on research instead of being just a hired pen. Moreover, the technical advisor for that book was Markwell, probably the most helpful geocacher in the history of the forums. He remembers everything that's ever been said about anything having to do with geocaching. So, I would have a high confidence level in the accuracy and relevancy of the content of that book, just based upon who was involved in the project.

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I have a copy of each and I have to say the best is the Idiots guide. If you're looking for good gear recommendations, Eric's book is the best. They all have their pros and cons. For example the Geocaching Handbook is really only good to learn about the other types of Geocaching games out there. The Dummies has the best GPS introduction section. I didn't care for the essentials of Geocaching. Hope some of this helps. I reviewed the books for a class I teach.

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amazon.com has lots of reviews on products it sells. enter in any book title, and as you scroll down the page you'll find complete manufacturer descriptions and customer reviews. i found these reviews very helpful not only to buy my copy of "idiot's guide," but also when looking around for product reviews of various gps units. even when amazon doesn't have the best price on something i'm researching, i always check out their product pages anyway.


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