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GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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Posted (edited)

GSAK version 5.5 is now ready for download


For a full list of updates please see http://gsak.net/help/hs1060.htm


Some items worth a quick mention:


Added ability to download files from a POP3 mail account and automatically update GSAK

Macro language gets a huge boost in functionality (includes IF/ENDIF WHILE/ENDWHILE, variables,functions, macro editor) making it very versatile.

Ability to filter dates by comparing one date column to another

Added "Regular Expressions" to the options available when searching alpha columns

Speed improvements when filtering and traversing filtered sub sets in large databases

New "Cache Status" options on waypoint right click menu

Doubled supported macro buttons from 10 to 20

Automatic update of CacheMate logs and finds by loading the GPX file generated by CM2GPX

Customize the Status Bar


Download here: http://gsak.net

Edited by ClydeE
Posted (edited)

Thanks, Clyde!!!


I installed 5.5 over my previous version (i.e., without uninstalling the previous version first). Hope this is the correct procedure... or is it best to uninstall previous version first? (I haven't noticed any issues doing it this way, but was just curious which way is considered the 'correct' way.)


Also, after completing the installation and launching the new version, it did not recognize itself as a registered copy and I had to input my registration code again. Is this the normal/expected behavior upon upgrading?


Thanks again. Great work!!!

Edited by 60CS_Cacher

I am a new user of GSAK and have a status updating issue. At least one cache in my local area has been recently archived, PC in VHP. However, when I got my newest GPX file, I assumed the status in GSAK would be changed to archived (red). But it is not. All of my other finds have updated appropriately.


Also, my DNFs are not being tagged as DNFs in GSAK.


Ideas on either of these two issues?


Thanks for the update Clyde, great additions.


One of particular interest is "Automatic update of CacheMate logs and finds by loading the GPX file generated by CM2GPX."


Can someone who's done this give me a hand running CM2GPX. I know CM2GPX is a command line program, and I am running it from command, but I can't get it to read a PDB file. As close as I can get is to get a message that says "Error Reading PDB file."


Also where to I find the proper PDB file to run this on? I'm guessing that I need to hotsync the Palm, then somewhere there should be an updated file for me to operate on, but I don't see it.

I am a new user of GSAK and have a status updating issue. At least one cache in my local area has been recently archived, PC in VHP. However, when I got my newest GPX file, I assumed the status in GSAK would be changed to archived (red). But it is not. All of my other finds have updated appropriately.

This is not a GSAK issue but one of the GPX. When you download GPX files, gc.com does not included archived caches.


The easiest way to find the archived ones in your Database, assuming you UL it on a regular basis, is to filter on a date prior to you last complete GPX update, then right click on the caches in the filter and either DL the GPX or erase based on the online status, which will should show archived.

Posted (edited)
I assumed the status in GSAK would be changed to archived (red). But it is not. All of my other finds have updated appropriately.

PQs do not return archived caches, so GSAK has no way of knowing a cache is archived unless you go to the cache page, download its gpx file, and drag it into the GSAK database.


I have a question of my own:

I'm going traveling and want to know if I can install GSAK on a CDRW and run it from there on other computers.


edit: Nevermind that. I just tried installing to a CD drive and it seems to work. But I can't seem to get my filters transfered. I tried copying all the files with "filters" as the filename but so far all I see the the default installed filters.

Any ideas?

Edited by blindleader

Another small issue....


On the new version, I'm presented with the nag screen three times and the "Method for matching...." screen twice when I launch GSAK by double-clicking a saved GPX file. When I double-click a GPX file, I see this sequence of events.


1) Nag

2) Splash Screen

3) Application Open with Empty Data

4) Nag

5) "Method for matching..."

6) Load GPX file

7) Application Open with Data

8) Nag

9) "Method for matching..."

10) Load GPX file

11) Application Open with Data


While I know the easiest way to bypass the "Nag" screens is to register the application, I did not encounter this problem with the 5.1.?? version prior to this latest upgrade. (I DO plan to register GSAK if I'm able to get it to work as I hope it will). My previous sequence of events was.


1) Nag

2) Splash Screen

3) Application Open with Empty Data

4) "Method for matching..."

5) Load GPX file

6) Application Open with Data


So it seems there is some sort of extra looping in this new version that causes the load process and the nag screen to display extra times.


Also, anybody have ideas about how to get my DNFs to display as DNFs when imported to GSAK?

I am a new user of GSAK and have a status updating issue. At least one cache in my local area has been recently archived, PC in VHP. However, when I got my newest GPX file, I assumed the status in GSAK would be changed to archived (red). But it is not. All of my other finds have updated appropriately.

This is not a GSAK issue but one of the GPX. When you download GPX files, gc.com does not included archived caches.


The easiest way to find the archived ones in your Database, assuming you UL it on a regular basis, is to filter on a date prior to you last complete GPX update, then right click on the caches in the filter and either DL the GPX or erase based on the online status, which will should show archived.

I have a PQ specifically asking for disabled/archived caches, so it *is* possible to get GPX files with that information in them. Here's the preview.


However, if you update your GSAK database with new PQs once a week, it's probably simpler to set your filters to exclude any caches which haven't had a GPX file update in the last 10 days.


Hi, Clyde

With the newest version of GSAK, when I export the waypoints to Microsoft Streets and Trips or Map Source, the waypoint names are truncated to 8 characters. I don't think I have changed any other settings. Ideas?

I am a new user of GSAK and have a status updating issue. At least one cache in my local area has been recently archived, PC in VHP. However, when I got my newest GPX file, I assumed the status in GSAK would be changed to archived (red). But it is not. All of my other finds have updated appropriately.

This is not a GSAK issue but one of the GPX. When you download GPX files, gc.com does not included archived caches.


The easiest way to find the archived ones in your Database, assuming you UL it on a regular basis, is to filter on a date prior to you last complete GPX update, then right click on the caches in the filter and either DL the GPX or erase based on the online status, which will should show archived.

I have a PQ specifically asking for disabled/archived caches, so it *is* possible to get GPX files with that information in them. Here's the preview.


However, if you update your GSAK database with new PQs once a week, it's probably simpler to set your filters to exclude any caches which haven't had a GPX file update in the last 10 days.

Your PQ for "not active" caches will only return ones that are TEMPORARILY DISABLED, not the ones that are ARCHIVED.

Also, my DNFs are not being tagged as DNFs in GSAK.


Ideas on either of these two issues?

"DNF" updating will only work if:


1. Your GSAK database is being updated with GPX files from gc.com (not loc files)

2. You tell GSAK correctly how to match your logs.


To get item 2 correct make sure you have the "method for matching hidden and found" caches filled out correctly. For more information see the help file or view this section online here http://www.gsak.net/help/hs7690.htm

Hi, Clyde

With the newest version of GSAK, when I export the waypoints to Microsoft Streets and Trips or Map Source, the waypoint names are truncated to 8 characters. I don't think I have changed any other settings. Ideas?

go to tools / options/ general and change the smart name length -



Another small issue....


On the new version, I'm presented with the nag screen three times and the "Method for matching...." screen twice when I launch GSAK by double-clicking a saved GPX file. When I double-click a GPX file, I see this sequence of events.


1) Nag

2) Splash Screen

3) Application Open with Empty Data

4) Nag

5) "Method for matching..."

6) Load GPX file

7) Application Open with Data

8) Nag

9) "Method for matching..."

10) Load GPX file

11) Application Open with Data


While I know the easiest way to bypass the "Nag" screens is to register the application, I did not encounter this problem with the 5.1.?? version prior to this latest upgrade. (I DO plan to register GSAK if I'm able to get it to work as I hope it will). My previous sequence of events was.


1) Nag

2) Splash Screen

3) Application Open with Empty Data

4) "Method for matching..."

5) Load GPX file

6) Application Open with Data


So it seems there is some sort of extra looping in this new version that causes the load process and the nag screen to display extra times.


Also, anybody have ideas about how to get my DNFs to display as DNFs when imported to GSAK?

Please see my previous post about DNFs (This should also get rid of the "method for matching screen that keeps coming up)


As for the extra nag screen, that is not a bug.


You get free unrestricted use of GSAK for 21 days. After 21 days you get the initial nag screen at start up. However, after using GSAK more than 50 times you get the extra nag screen when you load a GPX file. All this means is that you have been using GSAK for more than 21 days and have used it more than 50 times.

I installed 5.5 over my previous version (i.e., without uninstalling the previous version first). Hope this is the correct procedure... or is it best to uninstall previous version first? (I haven't noticed any issues doing it this way, but was just curious which way is considered the 'correct' way.)


Also, after completing the installation and launching the new version, it did not recognize itself as a registered copy and I had to input my registration code again. Is this the normal/expected behavior upon upgrading?


Installing over the top is fine, there is no need to uninstall the old version.


You should not loose your registration status when you do this, so I can't understand what happened there. This problem was not reported by any of the beta testers.


Anyone else loose their registration status?

Posted (edited)
Are there any plans to make a toolbar button for the "get e-mail" feature?  I know I can assign it to a macro in the mean time.

Yes, or you could say I just plain forgot to add it in :lol::lol: ( I will probably get the same question about the new CacheMate option :lol: )


However, as you have correctly implied you can add a macro button to the tool bar to get around this.

Edited by ClydeE
You should not loose your registration status when you do this, so I can't understand what happened there. This problem was not reported by any of the beta testers.


Anyone else loose their registration status?

My apologies, Clyde -- I sent you down a rabbit trail mistakenly.


I have GSAK installed on two computers -- one at work and one at home. I upgraded the machine at work first and apparently I had never actually entered my registration code in v5.1 on that machine (shows you how infrequently I use the work computer for geocaching stuff). Anyway, when I got home and upgraded my machine at home (which I know had the registration code entered in v5.1), the installation of v5.5 worked just fine and I did not have to re-enter my registration code.


Sorry for the confusion...

Please see my previous post about DNFs (This should also get rid of the "method for matching screen that keeps coming up)


As for the extra nag screen, that is not a bug.


Ah ha! You are most correct and the DNFs and the "Method for Matching..." have now gone away. But when I double-click a GPX file to open GSAK, I am still presented with two back-to-back load file screens and their accompanying nag screens.


You are correct on the number of times I've used it. I'm one of those open and close, over and over, again people when testing things. I've wiped out and started the database new several times. I'll be registering soon if I can just figure out this one last thing.


Thanks for your help!


Posted (edited)
Please see my previous post about DNFs (This should also get rid of the "method for matching screen that keeps coming up)


As for the extra nag screen, that is not a bug.


Ah ha! You are most correct and the DNFs and the "Method for Matching..." have now gone away. But when I double-click a GPX file to open GSAK, I am still presented with two back-to-back load file screens and their accompanying nag screens.


You are correct on the number of times I've used it. I'm one of those open and close, over and over, again people when testing things. I've wiped out and started the database new several times. I'll be registering soon if I can just figure out this one last thing.


Thanks for your help!


Hmm, I can't reproduce the back to back load screens. Anything else in this process that you can think of that might be unusual that would cause this?


Do you have GSAK running when you double mouse click on the GPX file?


Try dragging the zip file to the GSAK icon.

Edited by ClydeE
The email thing is the best thing EVER.


This program's frickin' sweet. SEND CLYDE YER MONEY. :lol:

I'll second that.Today I went out caching for the first time since i moved and had access to a new computer.As the computer is not mine I couldn't install theBat which allowed me to macroise the importing of a gpx into gsak so I was not looking forward to having to do that...then as I loaded up gsak it came up with the new version, checked the whatsnew and - an answer - within 2 minutes of me discovering a problem the solution was there and it works great.

Thanks a lot Clyde. Now all I have to do is find where I put my backup of filters, locations and other stuff on my cd collection :lol:


Clyde -


something I have noticed since I started with the macros -


Before I would select the column and reverse it (last Log - newest on top) then Ctrl+Home to get back to the top.


then whenever I'd load a PQ it would come back in the same sort mode.


But now that I use a maco for the sort mode,



....sort by="lastlog" sequence=D

....goto position=top


(indicentally the column is no longer highlighted when macro sorted)


when I do a PQ I end up in some odd (default?) sort mode and have to re-sort to display the database the way I want.


Me thinks this may have something to do with the (non) highlighted column but you are the man - is this a bug, just the way it works, or "oh well, deal with it <smile>"?


thanks for the great program and the neat new features too -




Good stuff Clyde. I had been tweeking a perl "pop3 fetch" script for several months now to pull from gmail just like you describe. No need for that any more....


Is it possible to use a enviroment variable like %TMP% within GSAK macro?


Okay, can't get the email thing to work. It connects to the pop server (gmail), scans headers, some of them go red, there is a status bar that runs up to 100% a couple of times, but there are no GPX/ZIP files in my designated folders, and no new info in the database.


The emails do have zip attachments of 500K plus.


Anyone else??


Nice feature, btw!

Posted (edited)
Good stuff Clyde.  I had been tweeking a perl "pop3 fetch" script for several months now to pull from gmail just like you describe. No need for that any more....


Is it possible to use a enviroment variable like %TMP% within GSAK macro?

No, not natively.


However, you can get around this with the combination of the RUNPGM command and the GetFile functions


Create a .bat file (for this example we will call it c:\tmp.bat) with the following command:


echo %tmp% > c:\tmp.txt


Now in your macro you can do this:


RUNPGM Pgm="c:\tmp.bat" Wait=yes
SET $TmpDir = GetFile("c:\tmp.txt")
IF Left($TmpDir,7) = "*Error*"
 Pause Msg="$TmpDir"

Now $TmpDir contains your windows temp folder path :ph34r:


Note: You you might even use the PutFile function to create the .bat file in the first place:


SET $Result = PutFile("c:\tmp.bat","echo %tmp% > c:\tmp.txt")
IF Left($Result,7) = "*Error*"
 Pause Msg="$Result"

Edited by ClydeE
Okay, can't get the email thing to work. It connects to the pop server (gmail), scans headers, some of them go red, there is a status bar that runs up to 100% a couple of times, but there are no GPX/ZIP files in my designated folders, and no new info in the database.

Hmm, if you see the % bar and the status of the message goes red, then everything sounds like it is working.


To track down the problem, try doing the GetMail and Load GPX into GSAK as two separate steps.


So try un checking the "load" option, then check to see if the attachments are in your designated folder (perhaps your default "GPX" load settings have the "delete file" option.


For the cm2gpx to work, you have to give it the path to the .pdb file. You have to hotsync your Palm to get the .pdb file on the PC, and it should be in C:\program files\palmone\username\backup directory, where username is the abbreviation for your hotsync name. You should be backing this directory up regularly, if you use the Palm for anything other than caching. The filename in that directory will depend on what your database is named in Cachemate. This also depends on whether you're storing the databases on the SD card, and if you are I think you have to copy the database to your PC, via a cardreader, or at least have the card in the cardreader for access to it. I haven't tried this yet, so I don't have full details. I'll see how it goes when I get the new version of GSAK downloaded and running. It's not my first priority right now, though.

something I have noticed since I started with the macros -


Before I would select the column and reverse it (last Log - newest on top) then Ctrl+Home to get back to the top.


then whenever I'd load a PQ it would come back in the same sort mode.


But now that I use a maco for the sort mode,



....sort by="lastlog" sequence=D

....goto position=top


(indicentally the column is no longer highlighted when macro sorted)


when I do a PQ I end up in some odd (default?) sort mode and have to re-sort to display the database the way I want.


Me thinks this may have something to do with the (non) highlighted column but you are the man - is this a bug, just the way it works, or "oh well, deal with it <smile>"?


I will check out why you get some "default" sequence after the PQ load (of course the work around for this would be to just add the SORT command to the end of your macro)


However, some more information on the SORT command.


The macro SORT command allows for more than one column to be sorted(separated by ; ), so when you use this command it will not highlight any particular column.

Posted (edited)

Error when exporting Ozi:

I installed GSAK5.5.0 and everything went fine until I tried to export an Ozi file, got following message:

Error # 3(Path not found)

Error writing c:\OziExplorer\name search\Ozi.names[CopyFile(E\GPS\GSAK\ozinames.dbf,c:OziExplorer\name search\Ozi.names)]

Then Gsak terminated. Tried again with same results.

GSAK is installed in E:\GPS\GSAK\ -folder, database on a USB stick.

Should I create this path: "c:\OziExplorer\name search\" or can I somehow define an alternative path in GSAK ?

The previous version worked fine, I do not have Ozi explorer but this used to be a conivinient way to transfer waypoints to Trackmaker which I use to visualise cache locations.



Never mind, the problem was solved when I cleared the tab from "Also generate Ozi names file" -box.


Great program, users may not always be as great :ph34r:

Edited by Erwast
Error when exporting Ozi:

I installed GSAK5.5.0 and everything went fine until I tried to export an Ozi file, got following message:

Error # 3(Path not found)

Error writing c:\OziExplorer\name search\Ozi.names[CopyFile(E\GPS\GSAK\ozinames.dbf,c:OziExplorer\name search\Ozi.names)]

Then Gsak terminated. Tried again with same results.

GSAK is installed in E:\GPS\GSAK\ -folder, database on a USB stick.

Should I create this path: "c:\OziExplorer\name search\" or can I somehow define an alternative path in GSAK ?

The previous version worked fine, I do not have Ozi explorer but this used to be a conivinient way to transfer waypoints to Trackmaker which I use to visualise cache locations.

If you don't have OziExplorer, then just uncheck the "Also generate Ozi names file" box.


This will stop GSAK from generating this file and should suppress that error.

Posted (edited)


the Email function is superb! THanks.


I do have another feature to suggest. I'm using GSAK on 2 Computers (Desktop and Laptop for Travelling). Is it possible to synchronize the Data (Databases, Settings, Fliters , Locations etc) between these via network connection? One could configure one as a server and the other as a client or vv. depending on which Database was changed last.



Edited by De Idstaaner
Posted (edited)
I do have another feature to suggest. I'm using GSAK on 2 Computers (Desktop and Laptop for Travelling). Is it possible to synchronize the Data (Databases, Settings, Fliters , Locations etc) between these via network connection? One could configure one as a server and the other as a client or vv. depending on which Database was changed last.


This is getting outside the scope of features I have planned for GSAK.


However, if you really wanted to do this you can configure your data store to a network drive. This would probably only be viable on a lan or a very fast broadband connection.


One other solution is to use remote control software. VNC is popular here as it allows you to control another computer across the Intenet using a browser. You can download the freeware version here http://www.realvnc.com/

Edited by ClydeE
Posted (edited)

In the date option in queries I would like to see the option of 'today’s date'.


Then I could create a query that find all records >n days old without having to edit the saved query day to day. This would be especially powerful now with the new 'compare to' mode.

Edited by jthorson
Posted (edited)

Just a quick newbie question, I'm fairly new to GSAK (just registered). Although there are a great number of online maps, are you able to export the waypoint to a program on your computer, ie Delorme StreetAtlas? I realize that I can do a cut and paste, just wondering if there's an easier way.


edit: sorry, guess I should've looked a little bit more. Found the new export feature. Thanks for a great product.

Edited by bigdog999

Hmm, if you see the % bar and the status of the message goes red, then everything sounds like it is working.


To track down the problem, try doing the GetMail and Load GPX into GSAK as two separate steps.


So try un checking the "load" option, then check to see if the attachments are in your designated folder (perhaps your default "GPX" load settings have the "delete file" option.

Nope, still no files, considering the size of the attachments (600k+), the scroll bar seems to go very quickly, even on my connection. I tried changing file location - no change either.


The emails have the files in zip format - I don't suppose that makes any difference?


Thanks, AJK

Posted (edited)
I do have another feature to suggest. I'm using GSAK on 2 Computers (Desktop and Laptop for Travelling). Is it possible to synchronize the Data (Databases, Settings, Fliters , Locations etc) between these via network connection?

You could always try to setup "Off-line" files and have your notebook synch during either a schedule, logon and logoff. That's the reason that I asked about "My Documents" in the other thread, since I have my "My Documents" redirected to a server share, these are automatically snychronized. My configuration is a little more robust than most peoples since my Home network is really my computer lab.



Is there some reason that the "My Documents" object is not exposed when selecting the Database location? (Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse).

Edited by MrResolution
Posted (edited)
In the date option in queries I would like to see the option of 'today’s date'.


Then I could create a query that find all records >n days old without having to edit the saved query day to day. This would be especially powerful now with the new 'compare to' mode.

You can use the during option for this, and other relative date comparisons (rather than absolute) .

Edited by ClydeE
Posted (edited)
In the date option in queries I would like to see the option of 'today’s date'.


Then I could create a query that find all records >n days old without having to edit the saved query day to day. This would be especially powerful now with the new 'compare to' mode.

I'm assuming you're talking about setting up your PQ on geocaching.com with a PLACED DURING date range. If you want it to give you results from, say, January 1st, 2005 thru today...you do not need to constantly edit the current date into your query. Just select a date far enough into the future.

For example, you could have a date range of 1/1/05 - 12/31/05. You wouldn't have to edit the December date for another 8 months.


Is this what you were looking to do?

Edited by Stunod
Posted (edited)

Is there some reason that the "My Documents" object is not exposed when selecting the Database location? (Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse).

I will check out why the control is not exposing this folder at the top of the tree, but you should still be able to get to it from the root "\Documents and settings"

Edited by ClydeE

Hmm, if you see the % bar and the status of the message goes red, then everything sounds like it is working.


To track down the problem, try doing the GetMail and Load GPX into GSAK as two separate steps.


So try un checking the "load" option, then check to see if the attachments are in your designated folder (perhaps your default "GPX" load settings have the "delete file" option.

Nope, still no files, considering the size of the attachments (600k+), the scroll bar seems to go very quickly, even on my connection. I tried changing file location - no change either.


The emails have the files in zip format - I don't suppose that makes any difference?


Thanks, AJK

Very strange. I have no other reports of problems in this area so I am at a loss to understand what the issue is.


Could it be an authority problem?


Zip files should not be a problem, but perhaps a firewall or virus scanner is playing some part here.


Try sending some non zipped attachments to yourself and see if they come down.

Posted (edited)

You can use the during option for this, and other relative date comparisons (rather than absolute) .




That's just what I need.


I searched the update history and see that 'during' has been a feature for a long time.


I forgot the first rule of using software: if you need it, somebody else probably did too and in an established program, like GSAK, you should look hard before 'suggesting'.


Thanks for the time and patience.

Edited by jthorson

Hi Clyde et al.

I have an adopted cache in my list that shows up as found rather than owned (i found it before adopting it) how do i get it to change to the owned colour?



You may want to check out my paperless caching guide from the webpage link in my signature line.

Posted (edited)
I have an adopted cache in my list that shows up as found rather than owned (i found it before adopting it) how do i get it to change to the owned colour?


It is quite legitamate to have placed and found a cache (event cache for example) so in this case which colour should GSAK show?


Well, that is what the priority is for. The shipped version of GSAK has placed caches at a higher priority than found caches so in this situation you get the placed colour. However, if you would prefer found caches "out rank" placed caches and in this situation show the found colour you can change it. This is purely a personal preference.


Go into Tools=>Options=>General and change the priority of placed caches to be higher than your found caches.

Edited by ClydeE
I have an adopted cache in my list that shows up as found rather than owned (i found it before adopting it) how do i get it to change to the owned colour?


It is quite legitamate to have placed and found a cache (event cache for example) so in this case which colour should GSAK show?


Well, that is what the priority is for. The shipped version of GSAK has placed chaches at a higher priority than found caches so in this situation you get the placed colour. However, if you would prefer found caches "out rank" placed caches and in this situation show the found colour you can change it. This is purely a personal preference.


Go into Tools=>Options=>General and change the priority of placed caches to be higher than your found caches.

Quick and helpfull as ever,


Cheers Clyde


Very strange. I have no other reports of problems in this area so I am at a loss to understand what the issue is.


Could it be an authority problem?


Zip files should not be a problem, but perhaps a firewall or virus scanner is playing some part here.


Try sending some non zipped attachments to yourself and see if they come down.

Should not be an authority issue (windowsXP and administrator). I'm ashamed to to say the laptop is so old that it cannot cope with a virus checker/firewall as well as XP...


I will try some new pocket queries..


Is there some reason that the "My Documents" object is not exposed when selecting the Database location? (Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse).

I will check out why the control is not exposing this folder at the top of the tree, but you should still be able to get to it from the root "\Documents and settings"

Yes, that is true, but in my lab/network, I have a Group Policy that actually re-directs this folder to a server (so, you really can't get at it from "Documents and settings". If the object is exposed, your application should be able to leverage all of the benefits of folder-redirection and synchronization without having to do a lick of code.


Thanks for taking a look at this.

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