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I was cleaning out one of my drives at work and I came across a chart I started a long time ago. It shows the number of caches I've found each month since I started caching.




As you can see, I do a fair amount of caching in the spring, but most of my caching from July through September (summertime in the Rockies). The most I’ve found in one month is 92 (this was on a trip across the Great Plains last month). My average is 13.21 caches per month since I started caching exactly 3 years ago today!


One anomaly is August 2003. My truck broke down heading to an event in July and was out of commission for most of August.

Another anomaly was April/May 2004. I was so busy planning my first campout event that I didn't really have much time to go caching.


How active have you been?


So far I've been averaging more than 30 per month.


I found my first one January 17 and on April 17, I found number 103! :rolleyes:


Another cacher in this area started after I did. He has been averaging 100 per month. :(


Do you mean active finding caches, posting in the forums, or just your general daily activity angst level? :rolleyes:


Oh never mind, I just reread the OP. I'd like to see a similar chart of the blue dude's forum posting habits though. :(

Do you mean active finding caches, posting in the forums, or just your general daily activity angst level? :rolleyes:


Oh never mind, I just reread the OP. I'd like to see a similar chart of the blue dude's forum posting habits though. :(

Don't make me stop this thread ;)


So averaging just over a cache every two days for three years isn't good enough for you? :D


it would take too long to figure out my post stats, especially if you count the 10,000 or so posts I've made in the Off-Topic Forum that aren't included in my official "post count" ;)

How active have you been?

More than some less than others :rolleyes:


actually If I worked it out correctly I've found 5.7per month, and hidden 1.3per month. Outside of scrolling a bunch of logs or making a chart, I don't see an easy way to find most per month or the other high/lows, so I'll just leave it at the numbers.


Ps- happy cacher birthday (??)


I was very active last spring while I participated in a cache league. I then took the summer off to entertain my two year old daughter while mom worked on her doctorate. I started up again in September and have ups and downs as work allows. If I did it correctly, my average is 27.118 per month. That sounds like I cache more than I recall right now. I guess I should not use this data to persuade my family to cache more with me. :rolleyes:

I was cleaning out one of my drives at work and I came across a chart I started a long time ago. It shows the number of caches I've found each month since I started caching.




As you can see, I do a fair amount of caching in the spring, but most of my caching from July through September (summertime in the Rockies). The most I’ve found in one month is 92 (this was on a trip across the Great Plains last month). My average is 13.21 caches per month since I started caching exactly 3 years ago today!


One anomaly is August 2003. My truck broke down heading to an event in July and was out of commission for most of August.

Another anomaly was April/May 2004. I was so busy planning my first campout event that I didn't really have much time to go caching.


How active have you been?

Wow! according to this chart :( , I sould have bought in May 02' and sold in March 05' ;) . Then I could have retired by know and been able to get a better average :rolleyes: .


1.34 per day/10.06 week/40.25 month


I'm outa here. Got caches to find!

Here is a chart showing the average number of caches I have found today:





That's not very funny :(

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Started caching two months ago. 125 finds and 16 hides between the wife and I.

62.5 finds /month. 8 hides /month. And still going..... :rolleyes:

We are not worthy! :(


I can't create a chart. And I am just now mostly recovered from a major surgery. But, check back with me soon. As soon as I'm hooked up with a new GPS, I'll be racking up my numbers again. And I have a new cache stocked and ready to go. Just need to find a good hiding spot.


I have 120 finds in six months. Averages to 20 per month. My first 21 were without a GPS since I didn't own one yet.


I'm addicted to this sport like the rest of you and can't imagine not geocaching. :lol: But then, I don't have to, do I. I love EVERYTHING about geocaching ('cept the poison oak!).


WooHoo! I found cache number 104 today on my 94th day of caching . . . and it was my first, First-to-Find. :lol:



You know, maybe if I had figured out how to get the newest caches delivered to my InBox a little sooner than a week ago, I could have done this sooner . . . :lol:


204 finds in 63 days, so about 3.25 per day. As was previously said, I'm slowing way down as the local area gets cleaned out and I have to travel further. No more lunch hour caching. :lol:

You are not welcome in this thread. Please respect the wishes of the topic starter.

An official "you are not welcome here" to an innocent, completely perfect, and very nice forum member.


So typical of gc.com volunteer Moderators/Approvers/Tyrants. :lol:


Oops! Methinks this post is perhaps angst-ish.


Back on topic.


In six months of caching, I've been active at times and not so active at others. :P


One drop in caching activity directly coorelates to my wife giving birth to our son. A spike in activity directly coorelates to about when he came home, and there were diapers to change. :P


Oh, yeah, and my activity tends to increase a bit on a day when my two year old daughter begins saying "geocaching?" as soon as she wakes up and through the day until someone takes her geocaching. This generally occurs on Saturdays.


When I figure out how to chart out all these variables, I'll be sure to post it. :lol:


Geocaching Since November of 2001 . We seem to have randomly set a goal for ourselves in that , with the end of one year we try to outdo ourselves the next year .


Currently we have 808 finds , numerous DNF's , 20 hidden , and various TB's we have helped along the way.


Not exactally sure how it would look on a chart though except that I know it would increase every year .



Posted (edited)
Wow, Saxy.  You started caching 6 days before I did!


*weird music*


Nee, ner nee, ner, Nee, ner nee, ner... :D


Team GPSaxophone

Earth Day? Peace, Smurf

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Joined: 21-April 02


The earth is my apple.

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Joined: 3-June 02

No, looks like 6 weeks ;)

Edited by Team GPSaxophone
Wow, Saxy.  You started caching 6 days before I did!


*weird music*


Nee, ner nee, ner, Nee, ner nee, ner... :D


Team GPSaxophone

Earth Day? Peace, Smurf

Posts: 10,773

Joined: 21-April 02


The earth is my apple.

Posts: 1,625

Joined: 3-June 02

No, looks like 6 weeks ;)

No, looks like 6 DAYS . . . . look at her stats, her first find was on 27 April 2002.


Non-chart reply:


As I basically say in my profile:


200 caches in my first year.


50 more in my second year.


250 more in my third year.


Comes out to over 500 now.


Looking into each month and stuff is a little too involved for me right now. :lol:


And see? I can do math! ;):D


Approximately 1-2 finds each week :D


I don't think that counts as an addiction yet, but we're glad we can find time to find caches :lol: How fun! ...I think at this rate it will save a lot of wear and tear on the GPSr too ;)


I'm going to take some of this data and see if I can correlate it to market fluctuations in stocks and commodities. If I can get a positive correlation, I'll see about making money in the market, then write a book about my investing system and make even more money on that and retire at an early age, caching almost every day!

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